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Posts posted by Primarch_PWnD

  1. to be fair, anyone so inpompetent enough as to not get vaccines and to make sure they are not infected for a RANKED MATCH should not be doing ranked, I mean anyone who consciously keeps a plague that can stun on during a match and does nothing about it at least prior to the match probably needs to stay out of ranked, those guys should have been a little more prepared. Anyway, the plague was a great idea to bring back considering its previous popularity, however it may be a good idea to pause the effects during warzones or arenas, just so pvp can be completed uninhibited and so that player can continue with an infection quest if they desire afterwards.


    It's true, people should have them, but it's not really that simple. Since people are exploding all over the fleet and all over the worlds, you can't really control it other than sitting on your ship. Then, getting to the vendor isn't a quick walk to the corner-store. The Arena could pop at any second and they may not have gotten a chance.


    And we're using them like crazy too as they don't last through death, and you run out quickly.


    All these things, at this point, why not just disable it for WZs?

  2. Exaggeration.. for effect I guess.


    It's game-annoying perhaps... but hardly game breaking.


    Besides..... like it or not -------> Working as intended http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7139579#edit7139579 and in that same thread, according to at least one poster (AND other posters in this thread).... the vaccines did not persist in the original event either (personally, I don't recall one way or the other).


    You're disagreeing just to disagree.


    The facts are simple: This is a role-play mechanic intended for the event, and it has unintended negative consequences on Ranked Arenas.


    Add that there's no player involvement in being sick, the stun is purely negative gameplay-wise, and it can drastically alter outcomes of Arenas. These are 3 major red-flags in the development of any game, video or not.


    Like I said in my post, which you didn't seem to read, it's okay that they missed this; there's a lot for them to have to consider when implementing an event like this. But it's something that I think really needs to be fixed.

  3. Or what will happen? The universe will explode?


    It's a game. It'll be OK.


    OR.....it will continue to be game-breaking in Arenas....


    I don't know, I thought my post was pretty clear......I'll check it again for prophecies of universplosions or uncharacteristic threats to unsub, but I'm pretty sure I just talked about why I think it needs to be changed.

  4. This is absolutely game-breaking for the Ranked Arenas.


    An extra 20% chance to be stunned every 4 seconds? Regardless of your resolve?


    The Ranked environment on Pot5 is pretty unforgiving of gameplay mistakes as-is, if this even happens to your healer once, your team will lose. If it happens to your tank or your DPS, it's the difference between making a kill and the target having time to be healed. And then your entire team loses Ranking points. Because of what? A role-play mechanism for the event?


    Please, this HAS to be disabled for PvP queues.


    When I was queuing yesterday I bought a stack of the vaccines for myself, and ended up sharing more with my teams' than I needed for myself.


    This was clearly not thought-through by the devs. And that's okay, there's a lot for them to have to consider when doing stuff like this. But they really need to fix this.


    And there's really no reason anyone can give that outweighs the above to save a role-play mechanic with negative consequences in Warzones, and I find it amazing that people are actually trying. More accurately, I don't understand why they are trying.

  5. Well, maby they can hire you to revolutionise the MMO questing format.

    Maby they can make it into an interactive murder-mystery novel?


    In case you haven't noticed, most games are of the "go here, fetch this/kill this, go there" kind...


    This is starting to explain why you think this game is greatest thing since sliced bread.


    You see, Bioware made a game over a decade ago, an RPG, which did in fact revolutionize RPG-gaming, and in a way revolutionized online RPG gaming. It was Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II.


    NEITHER of those games have a single quest that says "Kill x of these guys", or "flick x switches". They figured out, even all the way back in '90s, how to dress up quests so as not to seem repetitive.


    I think I understand you better now, knowing that you haven't actually seen anything other than these half-baked number-counter-quests. It's like you've been drinking cheap beer your whole life, and love it (which there's nothing wrong with), but you've never had a Corona so don't know how good beer can actually be.


    Other games' quests are like fine wine compared to TOR's cheap beer. I highly recommend you try Baldur's Gate 2. They came out with an "Enhanced Edition" which runs perfectly on modern machines. And remember, it's a Bioware game, so you don't have to feel like you're "cheating" on TOR.

  6. BW already did something nice for those that pre-ordered that they did NOT have to do. Nowhere did they promise that the unique color crystal would be a BIS item. They did not have to add the higher level yellow-black color crystals, but they did add them. They did this as a courtesy, to do something nice for those that pre-ordered. That apparently is not good enough for some people.


    If you give a mouse a cookie....


    Give me a break, don't turn this into an "entitlement" issue. The dude made a simple suggestion to knock the pre-order crystal in-line with what they've done with the other crystals. There's nothing malicious or otherwise aberrant about that suggestion.


    It doesn't change anything. Literally. Nothing changes. The only difference is being able to use it like the other crystals they've introduced. And even then, it's all the same people who already have access to it. I don't understand your emotion over arguing for Bioware NOT to do this. It won't affect you in the smallest bit.....

  7. Oh please, the only reason those 2 think they shouldn't convert it is because they'd have to admit that there's something that could be improved about this game. And since they're incapable of that, they'll argue to death with you that your opinion is wrong.


    The dude made a simple suggestion, one that would be harmless to absolutely everyone, and those 2 have to come in here and argue against it.


    There's no reason NOT to make it a lvl 10 +41. It's not like anyone new is getting it, just the same people who have already had it for the past 2 years. I don't think doing something nice in this completely harmless form for the people who have been subbed for 2-years now would be a terrible thing.

  8. Is that the only way you view forum goers? With utter contempt? I'm certain people will be disappointed, and they have every right to say so if they are. That's the nature of building a game that appeals to 400k+ people...you won't please everyone. I suggest you not take their comments so personally...they aren't attacking you and you have no right to insult/label/mock/belittle players who do express a difference of opinion.


    I couldn't agree with you more.


    There's no controversy in someone expressing their opinion.


    The controversy, and thus the poor forum environment, comes when Andr.....people come in and make it personal, turning opinions into right and wrong, and using bully-tactics to condescend and mock everyone they don't agree with.


    Remember when the person you were talking to was telling people to unsub and leave the game because they complained about something? Bully-tactics.


    Should they really be called "white-knights"? That's not an appropriate moniker for what they do.

  9. I am begging and hitting the ground with my forehead... Begging for a sneak peak of one of those robes in the e-mail attachment you tend to send to subscribers that advertises upcoming cm items!


    You have tons of those already.


    There is a thread with all the advertisements they've made showing armors that aren't even obtainable. That list stretches back to launch.


    To necro that thread, you'd be rubbing salt in some old wounds.

  10. It better have Traditional Jedi Robes





    They said a few weeks ago that they're essentially refusing to do traditional jedi robes like the one in the picture you posted, and they said it in a thread with a gazillion requests with pictures identical to yours. So don't hold your breath. (what they actually said was that they won't make a robe that looks like your picture, and they're not budging from that stance).


    They said they'll do stuff "like it", but Bioware's track record shows that it'll end up with a backpack, glowing lights, and can-openers on your shins.....not to mention being skin tight with your robe tucked into your belt like a Steve Urkel in a galaxy far, far, away. Essentially the opposite of what people have been requesting.


    They'd rather take mid-section sized chunks out of random pieces of in-game armor instead, because that says "Star Wars" louder than any Obi-Wan picture.


    Besides, if they wanted to show more skin, why did they pick that piece of all pieces? It looks Bondage dressing like itself for Halloween. Some guy has a 50-page thread loaded with photoshopped pictures of male characters in modified skimpy outfits, almost all of them look better than their weirdo choice.


    Whomever is making the decisions on which concept art to put into the game really needs his head examined. Thana Vesh missing a mid-section versus Obi-Wan for a Star Wars game.......only BW would make this decision.

  11. I'll change the topic a little;

    I love this game I really do been here since launch but I must say that I believe that hte reason there was so few "hood down" pieces made was because of incompetence, not understanding the players which is very confusing since its Bioware.


    I agree that this was pretty much the issue. They really did believe that everyone would be 100% fine with looking identical to everyone else playing the game.


    They purposely launched this game with only 6 different armor variations for each class. Purposely. They expected literally MILLIONS of people to look exactly the same in an MMO and love every second of the shoulder-pad-fest.


    Add to the mix that each of the 6 variations for each class were just that- variations, and we wound up with Jedi Knights who couldn't show their face, and Sith unable to wear a hood. They created their own problem. If they only had a few more varied pieces we wouldn't have called the Warzones, "The Clone Wars" at launch.


    And they were legitimately surprised when this didn't go over well; which is probably the worst part of the whole thing.


    Whoever was in charge of art during development really did bad job on this aspect.

  12. http://swtorista.com/uploads/outfitimages/jolee_bindo_01_854x480913.jpg


    Yes, because the useless and ugly hump-sack, nowhere seen on the original, is just a "minor detail..."


    The problem with the sack on the back isn't so much the sack on the back, but how it makes Jedi look like they've got a weird hunch-back with the way they stand with their lightsabers out.


    I would still like to know why they refuse to simply "copy and paste" the outfits we're all asking for.


    I mean, that's the stuff we're asking for, why would they keep thinking we'll love their "Bioware it!" outfits more than what's been requested since launch.


    I think the community has been extremely clear on what we'd love to see, but they come into the forums with "We won't JUST copy and paste....". Well, why not JUST copy and paste? It's what the zillion-post thread is asking for......


    As a side note, I read the Community Manager's 2-year anniversary post of their memories and Eric describes his job as advocating for the community.


    If he was truly an advocate for the community he'd say, "Hey artists, the community really wants you to JUST cut and paste some iconic stuff from the SW universe, and they've been asking for the past 2-years. Can't you do that for them, our customers and supporters? Also, they really hate large blinking backpacks, can-opener-arms, and silly hats. You keep making that stuff and they keep complaining, so I thought I'd let you know that they hate it."


    List of things to "cut and paste":

    1. Obi-Wan's outfit (which is also Mace's outfit, Yoda's outfit, and most other Jedi in the movies)

    2. Every outfit from The Force Unleashed (unlike BW, they actually managed to capture the SW look, and still stylize it to make it different)

    3. Anything not skin-tight

    4. KotOR's stuff. Not the concept art that no one has ever seen, but the stuff we actually saw and played with in the game. Another example of someone else managing to capture the SW look.


    What other stuff would you guys like to see them "JUST cut and paste", absent of butt-flaps and backpacks?

  13. Honestly, I don't think any feedback actually makes it back to the artists.


    It's that, or they're doing it on purpose.


    Since we know they get the feedback it looks like they're doing it on purpose.


    Seriously, they're not going to "copy and paste" the outfit that's got a zillion-post request thread with half-a-zillion links to pictures of the same outfit? If that sounds like a good idea to anyone, they need to stop and reevaluate.


    Do they truly believe we'll love their shoulder-padded-butt-flapped-can-opener-arms version of a "traditional Jedi robe" more than what we're asking for? Just give us what we're asking for! I don't understand why that's an issue. At this point, can you view it any differently than they won't do it simply because it's what we want? The request for this is as old as the game itself, and they manage to put out 5 new armors a month into cartel packs, it's not like the opportunity isn't there. Aren't we the ones paying them anyway? Without us whiney people making these requests, they wouldn't be getting paid.


    The only company in 30 years to fail at capturing the look of Star Wars, and they refuse to "copy and paste" probably the most iconic look from the universe. Well, Darth Vader's is probably more iconic, but I suppose they refuse to give us Malgus' armor too (this setting's version of DV's).


    Why is that? Why refuse to give players the very reasons we fell in love with this universe in the first place? It makes no sense.


    On a semi-related note, we've also been asking for the Jedi Knight armor from the character select screen since launch, and they have also flat out refused to give us that one as well. If anyone can make any sense out of this, please enlighten me.

  14. I can understand that the devs don't want the players to change their characters' appearance every other minute, .


    I don't understand, why would they even care? Actually, just the opposite, shouldn't they be encouraging us to change outfits as much as possible to increase CM sales?


    It's these situations that show that BW's left hand has no idea what it's right is doing. There appears to be several teams working on this game that don't talk to each other. I doubt the CM team even talks to the dev team except to make sure the tiered gear is worse-looking than the CM stuff....


    It's like the Gree event, which was clearly designed to have Legacy as a major theme (all of the rewards are bound to legacy, reputation grinds, etc), but with the complete inability to share the currency inside of your own legacy....2-teams not coordinating: The first's goal to make sure Legacy is involved, the second's who just care about slowing down the grind; neither talk to each other and the event turns out with self-contradictory themes.


    It sums up how this game is patched together.

  15. Personally, I cannot take a suggestion seriously when:


    a) it's not in the Suggestion Box;

    b) it's filled with rudeness, shouting and exclamation marks.


    I wonder if BW are similarly put off?


    If Bioware refuses to implement a change because the suggestion came from someone they deem "rude", simply because they're deemed "rude", it's no wonder they're surprised when subs leave because nothing's changed......


    Honestly, does ignoring suggestions from your community based on grammar and punctuation sound like a good idea to you?


    Also, I haven't bought anything from the CM for months and months now because I don't have the will to grind the credits to swap the outfit and re-augment. A full outfit change with augments is easily over 2-mil. So, I haven't been logging in as frequently, and as more time passes I wonder why I keep paying my sub ($15 is cheap enough for now, but for how long?).


    When simply looking "cool" in a video game requires that much time and energy, it's a bad system.

  16. I'm just curious, but when did "it's a technical issue with the game engine" become a nonchalant thing that excuses BW from doing anything?


    To say that it's okay that speeders don't move faster than a brisk walk because of the engine doesn't make anything better.....it actually makes it a little worse, doesn't it?


    Everything about how they put this game together was mired in mediocrity. Nothing more needs to be said about what they did to the poor Hero Engine. The quest designs are stale and vanilla versions of "flick x switches" or "touch x boxes" or "kill x things" with the story cutscenes in between the clicking. The Armor designs, especially at launch following 6-years of time with which to capture the Star Wars look, were embarrassing. 3 Warzones at launch? That's pathetic. All of it is pathetic. Especially pathetic considering what the name Bioware meant before this game.


    And, since they couldn't retain subs after launch because of all that, they couldn't keep paying their employees to fix it up. But they needed to keep making content. So they just keep making new content and duct-taping it the already spit-and-glue Hero Engine, and here we are today: still in skin-tight outfits, unable to maintain more than 16-people on the screen at once, etc etc.


    "Technical limitations" shouldn't excuse any of the weaker points of this game. And it didn't after launch when subs fled the game like rats off a burning ship. BW got what they deserved. Nowadays these forums are loaded with defenders whose only argument is "it's a technical limitation, so bugger off with your suggestions", so that's become the prevailing attitude. The devs certainly appear comfortable with this, so here we are.

  17. It's not about getting the components "easy". It's about a reputation grind that encourages alts, and rewards are almost exclusively Bind on Legacy gear.


    So why can't we pass the currency between alts that are going to share the gear anyway, and share the reputation grind for that matter?


    It just blatantly a decision to slow down the grind for everyone, despite that the event has only occurred 3 times and was clearly meant to have "Legacy" as a major theme.


    I have 6 alts with 10-15 Gray Helix Components each. Not really enough to do anything with for each character, but all together I could buy one of the recolored mounts for one of them.....you can imagine how much time was spent in the event accruing those components, so you can understand how it's a little frustrating that I can't combine the alts' stores to buy something for one of them.


    And really, it's that simple: You're playing the event, you've spent the time to gain enough components, why shouldn't you be able to use them? It's not hurting anyone. The event has been out for a year already now, it's not like someone buying the re-color of the mount within this month's iteration is really bothering anyone, is it?


    Really, is it bothering anyone that someone who has saved their components since January bought the recolored mount on day 1 of this month's iteration? Because pooling your own alts' components really isn't any different in the grand scheme of "We're playing a video game".

  18. So, is he saying they won't "copy and paste" the Obi-Wan look that people were asking for and posting all sorts of pictures of? What makes you guys keep thinking we'll love your "Bioware it!" version better than the stuff that's got a zillion-post request thread?


    I'm just trying to imagine what Bioware's version of Obi-Wan's outfit is going to look like......obviously a backpack of some sort, with blinking lights........large shoulderpads......no, a single large shoulderpad, the other shoulder is bare....and it clips, badly......boots go well up the thigh, skin tight too, of course.....robe tucked into the belt.....definitely hood up since it's for a Jedi Knight......


    Yeah, we're going to love whatever it is you're doing to Obi-Wan's outfit.....because that's what everyone's asking for....

  19. I would agree except for the "on their way to the unsubscribe button" part. The vast majority of trolls hit the road (albeit kicking and screaming) when Bioware came to their forum community's rescue and cleaned house. Which means the only ones left dispense real world funds to be here. Those who would pay for the privilege of devoting an inordinate amount of time attempting to vex people they've never met would either be moles on a competitor's payroll, or folks whose issues reside well outside the scope of a video game or its supporters.


    Couldn't the same be said for the 10 people who posted here simply to be mean right back to the guy?

  20. Is it just me, or is the mouse super-duper sensitive?


    It's like the exact opposite of a joystick dead-zone. In this case, it's super-sensitive inside the circle, but hits the slow-turn outer circle.


    It makes it really difficult to play. I thought I was the only one, but every match shows the person with the highest kills at, like, 5, half the players with 0, and myself slightly dizzy.


    That aside, the scenery looks really nice......when it's not flying directly into my ship......

  21. Don't you people get it already?


    It's been 2-years since this game launched, and it's become totally obvious why this isn't in yet: They don't want it in. They don't care that the players have been asking for it. All that matters is that they don't want them. They want big shoulder-pads, they want spikes, they want bright blinking lights all over the place, they want backpacks, MORE BACKPACKS!!!!!!


    There is a video on youtube of some G4 reporter taking a tour of BW Austin and they showed her this entire wall covered with pictures of armors. Just think about how much work went into creating and entire wall of armors with huge shoulderpads, backpacks, spikes, and animal-helmets......And people wonder where 6-years of development went wrong.....


    The irony is that when half the programmers and staff lost their jobs after subs tanked, I bet the artist all kept theirs. Explains why there's been no change in direction since launch. Just more of the same ---- all the time.


    I mean, that's how people think. If I determine something to be part of my package and mine, then it's mine and I don't care what reality says.


    Well then you should have said that up-front instead of calling me uneducated.


    I suppose the "situation" you said I didn't understand was the "I don't care what reality says" situation.....

  23. You don't understand the situation at all. But, that's okay. People are free to offer up their opinions, educated or otherwise.


    Explain the situation then.


    The guy I responded to is saying the coins aren't technically "free".


    You are saying, "they're totally free".


    I'm saying, "they're not totally free if you have to pay to qualify for them".


    If you have to pay up front, and only then you get the coins, then they're not "free". They'd be "free" if everyone who signed up for the game got the same amount each month. They don't. We get more because we pay. Paying means not-free.


    Maybe you think I'm on some side of this argument; I'm not. I'm simply pointing out the concept that having to give up something to get something is the opposite of "free".

  24. \


    EDIT: actually, by your reasoning nothing could ever be free in a game you pay for...


    ummmmm, so paying for something makes it free now?


    You don't get cartel coins if you're not subbed, you only get them "free" each month if you're subbed. Thus, you're paying for those coins.


    Besides, "free" isn't even the word they use, they say "complimentary".


    I'm not on either side of this argument, but calling the coins "free" isn't correct. Just because your bill doesn't say $15 for CC, doesn't mean your $15/month isn't covering it.


    To summarize: if you pay, you get the coins, if you don't pay, you don't get coins. By definition that's not "free", it doesn't matter how many other ways there are to get coins, or what the sub price was before coins became an actual currency.


    Edit: also, Andryah, you're always telling people that they can't speak for the community, only themselves. So please don't "tell us how it is" by claiming "the prices are considered fair by the player base". You don't know that, and you can't speak for anyone but yourself, as you so often tell others.

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