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10 Good
  1. I actually did buy it for the in game items and I am very dissapointed. You would love to think the CE store and VIP store contained awesome items, they do not it was very misleading. I hope they actually update these stores to include rare items. First thing I was looking for was a jedi or sith weapon you would think the CE or VIP would have one negative. Also the prices for things in the store are pretty insane. So all in all if anyone bought the CE for in game items I personally feel we got ripped off. But supposedly they will update the stores frequently, however seeing what was in there on launch I won't hold my breath.
  2. Anyone notice that Republic's lightsabers look awesome compared to the Empire? I am curious will this continue to be the standard for both factions.
  3. Developers would have to revamp there entire system considering the fact that a game mechanic is to raise the stats of the lowbies. It is very broken at the moment however, so hopefully they will change it eventually. This may not be WoW but I do recall a time in that game when pvp was kinda like this only no game mechanic that raised the lowbies stats. Eventually they have to fix this issue the lower and higher levels need there own brackets.
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