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Posts posted by Xemini

  1. Adding on to this thread, as I too find my GS to be somewhat lacking. I have a lvl 28 GS and die a bit too often for my liking. Should I be using Corso or Bowdaar? What should my spec look like? Full GS or take the first tier talents in the other two trees for crit and cunning? And what should my rotation/priority be? Thanks in advance for any help, its appreciated.
  2. I share your pain about Gut. I leveled with it, but once I switched to energy blast I could never go back. It's not that it does a lot of damage, but the ammo benefits are awesome. I have had people in pugs ask me how I manage to keep aggro and manage my ammo so well, it's that big a difference.


    Do you mind throwing down your rotation using Energy Blast?

  3. Hey there ^_^


    Seems you're going in the right direction (stacking shield stats rather than defense chances) with your mitigation, you could have slightly more accuracy, but you're doing just fine on it. As far as your health goes, when you say "unbuffed" do you mean stims, etc? You should always have your 5% up, so I'm curious if you mean you have 14.5k with the 5% or you mean just naked (literally no buffs).


    Also, as for your spec, there is no reason to take gut what-so-ever. If anything, that 1 point (I'd prefer two, it's what I do) should be in either the Stockstrike damage buff in the first tier of the assault tree, or in Energy Blast.


    As far as my experience anyway, you seem to be on the right track besides gut, and are doing plenty well with stat allocation.


    What kind of gear are you in, set wise? How much of the set? All this information is useful :p


    Also, intoxicated from the night before, and no sleep. Sorry for poor grammar.



    By "unbuffed" I mean without the 5% buff and no stims. I normally run with the 5% buff and the lvl 48 fortitude stim.


    Also, was wondering if "Defensive Measures" has any viability in PvE at all, or if its more useful for PvP.. i remember I picked it up for some PvP action early on. Was thinking of also removing that and moving those points into either Steely Resolve and Intimidation along with what u had suggested above removing Gut. Its funny I have been using Gut for so long, it seems weird to get rid of it lol.


    Gear-wise, the majority of my gear is moddable gear at lvl 124 and above, except my bracers which are at 118. I have no set gear as of yet, since I have mostly been playing just the main storyline and not many of the new Flashpoints (have played up to Red Reaper). I am also currently doing dailies on Ilum and Belsavis for commendation points and doing the heroics to pick up nice Enhancements and what not.

  4. Hey guys, I'm looking for some tips to help maximize my tanking for my guild runs. We are starting to hit some of the lvl 49-50 Flashpoints and the Hard Modes. My questions are as follows:


    #1. Im currently running this build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801RMRrdRrogZMsr0o.1 and have done fine tanking all Flashpoints so far up to Red Reaper. Is this build viable and if not, can you suggest one that will be viable. I am planning to only do PvE at this time, and plan to make a PvP build once dual spec comes out.


    #2. My stats are as follow, wanting to know how close (or far) I am from ideal for where I am in the game.


    Accuracy - 94.57%

    Crit - 13.73%

    Crit Mult - 50%

    Health - 16,224 (buffed), 14530 (unbuffed)

    Armor - 7309

    Dmg Reduction - 49.36

    Defense - 18.58 (buffed), 17.69 (unbuffed)

    Shield - 48.11

    Shield Absorb - 35.60


    As far as gear goes, all of my moddable gear I am working on getting Purple Armor/Mods/Enhancements for, and my gear that isnt modded is lvl 126 epic gear.


    Thanks in advance for any help given, I appreciate your time and input.

  5. Hi, I searched the first 4-5 pages and saw no mention of a thread asking this question. If I missed it, I'm sorry. Is there a website or a forum post link that anyone has come across that has a listing of possible titles to obtain in the game? Thanks in advance for any help.
  6. Hi, I have a level 30 Vanguard Tank and was wondering if I should go straight up Shield tree to get Storm or go another way and wait a few lvls to get Storm. Up to last level I was using Dorne to heal and I was pretty much just mowing through mobs, but I keep hearing about how great Storm is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any helpful input.
  7. Regarding your spec posted, I am a level 24 vanguard and was wondering if i should spec right away just the shield spec talents or some of the other two trees as well? This is my first time having a tanking type char of any kind, so any tips that you could give me would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.
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