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    Connla, Hibernia
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  1. Hi, my name is Slainte and I play on Cassus Fett. My man chars are a 34 shadow and a 15ish scoundrel. As you might have guessed english is not my main language, so please excuse my spelling and grammar I've been playing MMOs for quite some time now. My first MMO was Daoc (just bevor the SI expansion) and i was on for about 5 years. I've played CoH/CoV, Eq2, GuildWars, Warhammer, some asia grinders and of course WoW (for about 5 years on and off). first off, swtor is a great game. Gameplay is fine and the quests and the class storyline are Awesome. Aside from some minor gliches (biochem anyone?) the game seems fairly balanced. The world feels polished and well worked out. The graphics are not top notch, but the game looks great none the less. I like the Companion/Crafting system very much. For the first time crafting/gathering doesn't feel like a chore. It can be done while PLAYING the game Now, on to the rant Housing: Anyone played StarWars Galaxies? THEY had housing. Completly player customizable housing. DaoC had it to some extend. I really hope the will patch it into the game at some point in the future. Or at least let us customize the interior of our ships. Space Combat: Arcade-Style Fly-on-Rails with Single-Player(!) missions and a fixed ship per class? C'mon :/ Interface: A fixed UI which cannot be customized in any way (except chat-window and OPs/Group-frames) is hardly innovative. I want to arrange my buttonbars, my minimap, my companion, my and my targets healthbars the way I like best. I want the tooltip to stick to the mousepointer instead of being hardcoded into the lower right corner of the screen. And please, we really need "mouseover casting" - It would make healing MUCH more convenient. Social/Grouping: EA/BW has failed to address the most pressing Grouping-issues in MMOs: There is no convinient way to find groups/members (No, spamming in /1 is NOT convinient). A Simple interface for setting which groups/roles you are looking for would suffice (like WoW had before the Dungeon Finder) I want to group with my friends/guildmates regardless of level difference. Bolster/Dampen damage as needed to fit a lvl 10 and a lvl 49 Character in one dungeon/group And please, introduce some kind of Meetingstone/teleporters/Wormholes to get new groupmembers to the dungeon FAST. I'm really sick of waiting in front of the dungoen while the healer dies for the third time on his way to the group. Skillsystem/Skill: The same old "Three Trees"-System as introduced by WoW which will ultimately lead to the usual cookie-cutter builds *sigh* Take a look at the Skillsystem of Funcom's "The Secret World" - that's innovative! PVP: Why are there no persistent PvP-Zones? DaoC and (to some extend) WAR and WoW had them. The SW universe offers a million possibilities for persistent World-PvP. But EA/BW deciced to take the dark path and implement the usual Domination/Conquer/Capture the Flag-Style PvP; spawning new matches in 10 minute intervalls And why is there no real bracketing in PvP? It's no fun to fight a lvl 50 that has twice the Skills at his disposal compared to your lvl 15 Char. So please, implement Brackets 10-19, 20-29 and so on. Bolster/dampen damage and/or hitpoints if you must. All in all SW:ToR is missing some features I really would have expected from a game which is deemed the next "WoW-killer" and I really hope EA/BW will bring on those Patches fast That's all for now Slainte
  2. Wozu? Weil's mich nervt und der Chat teilw. (je nach Hintergrund) schwer zu lesen ist. Du bist jetzt schon der 2te der das behauptet das man das abschalten kann Wo genau kann ich die Transparenz abschalten/runterdrehen? Ich hab mir schon nen Wolf gesucht...
  3. Moin, nach gut 2 Wochen mehr oder weniger intensiven Spiels (mein Main ist jetzt Level 26) ist es an der Zeit 'mal ein erstes Fazit zu ziehen. Die Storyline und die Class-Quests sind sehr gut gemacht und flüssig spielbar. Die Voiceovers der Questgeber tragen sehr zur Immersion bei (wenn die Alien-Voiceovers auch etwas weniger sein könnten). Die Punkte die für mich an einem MMO wichtig sind wurden (fast) alle getroffen: Kein Gruppenzwang beim Leveln/Questen Kontinuierlicher Fortschritt (z.b. jedes Level ein neuer/verbesserter Skill vom Trainer) Grind-freies Leveln Tradeskills sind erträglich zu leveln Was für mich aber schon fast ein Show-stopper ist, ist das UI. Hier fehlen mir einige essentielle Features: Einstellbare/Abschaltbare Transparenz für das Chatfenster! Frei verschiebbare Fenster/Elemente Ein Tooltip an der Maus anstelle des statischen Infobereichs rechts unten Anzeige des Targets von Gruppenmitgliedern Was ich sonst moch vermisse: Ein Briefkasten in meinem Raumschiff Phasing und Gescriptete (Quest-)Events Ein "Suche nach Gruppe" / "Suche nach Gilde" Interface Macros! Ich brauche dringend ein /cast [target=mouseover] ... Was ich sicher nicht will sind: ein DamageMeter! und 1000 weitere Addons. UND GANZ DRINGEND: WIR BRAUCHEN SERVERFOREN, FFS!!1 Meinung / Kommentare erbeten lg + Guten Rutsch, Slainte
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