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  1. SI Sorc healing PVP 1. How do you think your Sorcerer spec is perceived by other classes? The best way to get 5k dmg medal pre patch, now with the changes to medals sys. the medals hunting is dead, thanks for it. The easy kill. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I play all healing classes in this game and did in another one; my sorcerer was/is? my first and main character but my team asked me to reroll for ranked for obvious reasons, being competitive. Easily interrupted, spell locked even if using fake casting due I guess to the number of interrupts in the game and their short cooldown and Our big heal is the longest cast time I think compared to others At the beginning it was too easy for sorc healers, infinite force, double use of bending combined with our big heal, then at once you fixed the bug on bending, removed the reduced cast time of our big heal, removed free life tap and changed expertise dmg-dmg reduction-healing numbers. Life tap to regain force, it's only ok for madness since they get pasive heal while doing their thing. If I want to survive I need to go hybrid deep in lightning, hybrid spec can survive and can heal but isnt a healer nor a DD and can't fill a healer spot. (talking about good pvp, if you want to balance things around new players then there is something wrong , Formula 1 reglementation isnt made around how grand fathers, or people with no car license, will perform). Changing a classe because a player, new or not as good as you, cant kill you easily is bad imo it's not balancing classes, it can be done for PVE with different Ops. difficulties etc, not for PvP.. The only healer with no good defense and using light armor, compared to other AC : -Merc: 10 stacks of heal on hit, a short cooldown bubble to reduce damage taken and immune to interrupt while it's up, heavy armor, knockback, an instant heal with short CD etc -Operative: vanish, hots (can't be interrupted), clean all negative effects 1min/cd, instant aoe CC, good damage, medium armor -sorcerer: sprint for a very short duration and most ennemies will make it wasted by stun or charge etc, knockback useless besides huttball since melee range is so high + all the mid range 10m abilities, slow with dots is usually bad.
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