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Posts posted by Harlequintwo

  1. I thought they were hilarious! Even though I don't have a Kinect, when I heard the beat of Ghosts n' Stuff on the second to last one, I was tempted to get one! Great songs, nicely reworked lyrics (Hologram girl, Princess in a Battle, etc.) in a good looking kids game. It's only a fun mini-game, I don't get why people are so upset.
  2. Imperial Agent - More 007 style missions saving the Galaxy/helping the Empire. After the last mission, we're basically left with a clean slate (albeit different slates to start off on given our choices). Just off the top of my head:



    An evil Hutt mastermind is threatening the Galaxy with a doomsday weapon. You have to planet hop to take out his powerbase (filled with exotic individuals who you can romance) before confronting him. After which, you can choose to destroy the weapon or give it to the Empire (or maybe the S.I.S if you bend that way).


  3. Out of who I know:


    Ensign Temple

    Running with her is a breath of fresh air, a lightsided Imperial. Her character seems deep though during her companion story, and it was good fun to 'train' her to be a better Agent. I also can't help but think she's fit for a cartoon character.


    Khem Val

    Even before the end of Act 1 I liked him, but his twin personality is pretty funky now and actually gives pretty good advice for my power-hungry devious Sith.


    Qyzen Fess

    Trandoshan bad***** who I've got a bit of a bromance with.




    Andronikos Revel


    Dr. Lokin



    She wants to kill me, bit too Sith-like for my tastes.


    Tharan Cedrax

    Holiday is pretty funny, but the guy just comes off as a sleazy bum. He also seems to not approve of my bad***** moments, which just annoys me.



    It's not that she's a bad character, in fact, I liked her at the end of the story and when she said we're a death machine. But for an entire act, she was constantly disapproving for my lightsided patriotism. Until the end, I hated her guts.

  4. Okay, even if she doesn't become a knight, she can still fall to the dark side - and become Maul's apprentice! The more I've thought about it, the more it makes sense:



    • She has no personal vendetta against Maul
    • We've seen her skim the Dark Side before
    • We need a Ventress replacement for the bad guys



    The way it's looking, Maul will strike out on his own. Savage is going to inevitably die at some point, leaving a spot open by Maul's side. Having Ahsoka die by Skywalker's hands will also make for a great episode.

  5. An early knighthood followed by a fall to the dark side would be an intresting twist for sure. We've already seen her corrupted by the Son, perhaps with it being her true hidden personality. With Maul introduced, Savage could die to make room for Ahsoka as his apprentice. Now THAT would make it worth buying the series on blu-ray.


    If she does turn villian, then she would most probably die before Order 66 towards the end of the Clone Wars.


    Hey guys,


    So I've recently started my Consular. IC, I'm going with a ruthless Jedi that's just ripe for falling to the dark side. However, I've come across a problem with this plan.


    I've been to Taris and Nar Shaddaa, and on both planets I've been given the option to either save or kill the Masters. With the Shielding ability however, I see little reason to bring out the blade above saving a bit of power that it apparently drains you of. The second is a little more believable to appease the Hutts, but even a ruthless Jedi would still use the accessable option of saving the Masters. The Sith even commented "You know the shielding ability, why not use it?!".


    So I'm risking spoiling the story by asking; What happens if I save all/some/none of the Masters? Does the story change in any way at all?


    That said, I probably wouldn't change my kill spree. I rather enjoy troll-facing Syo!


  7. Name: Doctor Mimkos

    Full Chiss Name: Orphim'imko'saarothi


    The core name is actually after my cat, whilst the first part is after my neighbour's cat and the last part just sounded pretty cool! Everyone seems so surprised when I tell them that story.

  8. The problem I am having is that a lot of the Sith lords and apprentices you meet in the game are purely power mad psychopaths, which I find to be a bit boring, story telling wise.


    I don't think they're all power mad, let alone psychopaths. However, I do see your point in that there are a lot of them that are such, but it makes for a good backdrop for your Sith who goes against this trend, or goes power mad and it actually works out (for once).


    One of the main things here is that the Sith in the game are born into being Sith, so are robbed of any dramatic fall into the darkside. With the 'fall' out of the way, the most common path is up, reaching out for more power in the Empire.


    Minor Spoilers:


    Jadus, Zash and Baras are definately power hungry examples. However, there are a few (ie. Darth Decimus, Darth Lachris) who seem content serving the Empire in their own roles and do not seem particularly psychopathic. I'm not entirely convinced that Malgus is powerhungry either, to me it seemed like he was trying to right some of the Empire's wrongs.


  9. the point is NEVER show E1 first to a "newbie"


    I watched Episode 1 first and ended up enjoying the prequels a whole lot more than the originals, whilst still being a fan. On this note, which three you want first will probably have an affect on which you prefer but I reckon that you can watch them in any order.


    The next debate is if you should watch the Clone Wars series after Episode 2 and then watch Episode 3.

  10. I seem to find it quite useful. If I don't have time for the global coodowns on Kolto Probes, I use this instead, especially if my companion is taking damage as well. In flashpoints however, I only really use it when not much damage is going around, or when everyone's taking damage and I want to use up the last of my energy for adrenaline probes.


    Basically, it has its moments.

  11. Episodes IV, V, and VI were entertaining and still are. I watch their reruns all the time. Episodes I, II, and III were not entertaining. I've only seen each once and don't intend to see them ever again. Just because you have pealed through Lucas's layers of political symbolism doesn't make the movies any more entertaining for the rest of us. Seriously, you've just put jar jar binks, young child anakin/young anakin, Young ben kenobi, and amidala into the same realm as Vader, Luke, Leah, Han, Chewie and others. The entertainment value from the former simply pales in comparison to the latter.


    Speak for yourself. Personally, I found the prequel movies to be superior to the first three, but not for the political symbolism, merely because I found myself naturally enjoying them more. The Battle Droids, Darth Maul, Better Fight Scenes, General Grievous, Order 66... No, I would happily take the prequels over the others any day. And yes, I saw Jar Jar as a young child and I found him hilarious. At the same time, I can understand why people prefer the first three, it's what you grew up with.

    Do not assume that because you think it's the best thing since sliced bread, that everyone else does as well.

  12. In his current state, the God-Emperor could easily be taken down. He's basically an immobile zombie, and whilst still powerful, vulnerable. In his prime however, he could no doubt take on any single character in the Star Wars universe. A couple could put up a fight, but he would win.


    To put it into perspective, I reckon that an average space marine Librarian could challenge Vader on equal level. Simply put, the warp seems like a much more brutal power source than the warp.

  13. There are some that are inherently pretty "evil", even if it's not exactly killing civilians. On Hutta there's that heroic quest where you have to put down the Evocii who are rebelling against the Hutt control of land that is rightfully theirs. It's true that they're armed and "dangerous," but it's difficult to argue that they have no right--the Hutts are pretty notorious for being terrible. It's the mission where "the Heartless" title comes from.


    So THAT'S where that title came from. My character is anything but Heartless if you ever get the chance to roleplay with him the ah well.

    You have a point and whilst I didn't particularly think about it, I'm sure I could formulate some reason such as that it would increase the Empire's standings with the Hutts. Although saying that, it's not a particularly light-sided reason for doing the quest!

  14. My chiss agent refused the quest on Balmorra where the empire asked her to cover up the murder of a chiss ambassador by an imperial officer. While she's a ruthless and cold agent with almost no conscience, there are lines she won't cross. And one of them is betraying her people so some idiot imperial officer doesn't get in trouble.


    I thought longer on that one than I did on some of the class-story based decisions. In the end, my Chiss Agent decided that he wanted to keep the pact between his people and the Empire. It was after all, making both parties stronger.


    But no, I've never declined a quest. In a similar line to the Trooper above, all the quests benefit the Empire and at the very least are morally neutral as I've never once had to kill civilans as a quest requirement (or at least not to my memory). If I was about to do something immoral, I'd always have the Light Side/Dark Side option to choose from.


    And yes, I've ignored most of the Bonus Series.

  15. I did it on my second try, solo, as a level 32 Medicine specced Operative (I also had the beauty of reusable Biochem medpacks).


    I just kept dropping heals on Kaliyo who was tanking all the way through. I almost never looked at the enemy health bar I was so concentrated on hers (and mine). I ran out of energy a few times, which is where Stim Boost and Adrenaline Probe came in real handy. I shudder to think how long it would have taken had I rolled Sniper, or even not have been specced in healing. For the last part, I seem to remember being chased, no matter how much Kaliyo was taunting. That's when I used every Shiv ability I had to do some DPS and interrupt.


    But seriously, the hardest and most tense fight I've ever been through in the game and I'm not level 46. It was also wierdly bugged with a line of sight issue, but I just moved up to equal level so it worked out okay.

  16. As we have healing skills I think using a DPS character is more viable as they can't soak up as much damage, yet do a lot more. I started off on Kaliyo as we all do, and then switched to Vector for this reason. I ignored Lokin and then moved to Temple who's got the better DPS (and is ranged!). I tried SCORPIO out but I still prefer Temple.
  17. I play Operative and I frequently stay behind cover using Rifle Shot and Snipe (with the odd Explosive Probe if I have energy). Then again, I am also specced as a Healer so I try to conserve energy in case something goes wrong and I need to burst heal. I simply don't have the energy to do the Debilitate, Eviscerate, Backstab, Shiv (and so on) combo that would also take my concentration away from health bars.


    In soloing, I do whatever makes me happy. Sometimes I just like to slick roll into cover and sit there sniping and dropping a few heals on myself and my companion.


    But for this particular instance, if he wasn't healing, don't criticise him unless you start wiping. OP seemed friendly enough giving the advice, but still, it doesn't sound like the group did badly. Snipe, Explosive Probe, Corrosive Dart, Headshot, Frag Grenade, etc. Operatives, and I'm sure Scoundrels, have quite a wide range of powerful abilities that don't include getting out the knife. We get the benefits of decent ranged DPS with healing, and the ability to flashbang/debilitate and run if mobs get too close

  18. Well my legacy name (Skursir) is a Trandoshan character that I made up. I use legacy for "The Skursir Legacy" and all the characters that are a part of this have a connection to this Trandoshan of some form or another. My Jedi is his lover, my Imperial Agent is his best friend and my Sith Inquisitor trained under him.


    Otherwise, it would have been impossible to link a Chiss, a Zabrak and a Mirialan!

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