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Posts posted by Harlequintwo

  1. I played it both ways.



    First time around I told Kaliyo she was a mess and got it on with Watcher 2. I saved the citizens and defeated Lord Jadus only to hear he escapes and is on the run. I was light side.

    Second time around, I got it goin on with Kaliyo, as we are both rotten to the core. Watcher 2 wouldn't invite me over because I had a "relationship with that alien". Well, when the time came to give her up, you bet I did. I told Jadus that cold fish was in the hanger and I sided with Jadus and put the codes in. What's a few hundred million lives when the chance is there for me to move up in the world, eh?


    Turns out, Watcher 2 got promoted to Keeper just like the first time around, Jadus more or less drops out of the picture just like the first time, and so I expect it goes pretty much the same from here on out.



    You occasionally get missions from Jadus that lead up to him running away for some reasons covered in another class' story. It's also referred to that whilst Keeper still handles you, you're outside the chain of command.


  2. I expected it to be Barris after the fight in the warehouse, but didn't really expect this ending. How are they going to weave stories with her when she's not technically part of the Republic Army/Jedi Order any more? Unless of course, the Separatists play an even smaller role in the coming Season 6. This actually sounds likely considering the episode names you've provided (cheers for that), as they sound very Sith-y talking about Dark Lord, Korriban and the Death Star.


    Back onto the episode, I too cringed a bit at the red sabers thing, but maybe she was referring more to the style of the hilts, or the fact that red is a far a colour as you can get from the current Jedi Order (which she despises). In any case, it doesn't matter. She was done for ever since the guards spotted them fighting, with the death warrant stamped when the younglings and everyone else saw the fight. An interesting twist to the character, but one which others could see from the start of the arc. My only other question is what're they going to do with Ventress? Fighting with pipes is comical, but a grand villain it does not make.

  3. Phantom Menace is actually my favourite Star Wars of all time. I was about 6 when I saw it and it hooked me into the franchise. I actually loved Jar Jar as being a child his comedic actions really appealed to me. I think because of that I still find him quite funny. On top of that, Darth Maul was as menacing a character as there could have been, but I loved him because of it. My fanboyism went to such extremes that when my parents gave me the original trilogy for that Christmas they signed it as 'Darth Maul'. I actually turned to them and exclaimed "Did Ray Park send this?"


    Looking back though, I can still appreciate the Phantom Menace with more adult views.

    The political intrigue was just about comprehended as a child but I can appreciate it a lot more as a plot device as an adult/teenager. It's a lot smarter than any of the Originals which in comparison had the lines of good and evil very distinct.

    The CGI and cinematography was excellent for it's time and still holds up today. The ground Battle of Naboo is still my favourite scene of the movie. The music, the sounds and the images all tie together so well and it's like that for most of the movie.

    The characters are complex (and acted well) which certainly wasn't appreciated as a child, since I spent more time with my OOM/Darth Maul action figures than Obi-Wan. For example, Shmi brings to the table a mother's perspective which has never been seen in the Star Wars universe. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon show very different outlooks showing different Jedi perspectives and Jar Jar just wants to find his place in the world.


    So yep, give me the Phantom Menace any day.

  4. The Confederacy of Independent Systems. Throughout the prequels the Republic has been dogged by corruption and power-grabbing. It was no wonder that Palpatine took the reins! Looking at it as a Spacer on a neutral space station, the CIS would be in the right. Whilst both sides are essentially the same, the facade of the Separatists (a representation of what the Republic could and should be) is too good to pass up.


    I still remember that one scene from the CIS Parliament on Raxus where the gathering considered opening peace negotiations. In something like a minute the decision was reached. Compared to the Republic's endless bickering and backroom politics, this would look truly wonderful to the untrained eye. Hell, the CIS actually become the rebels from the original trilogy.

  5. By the sounds of it, Darth Jadus is the strongest in terms of personal power. His survival of an entire ship's destruction (possibly twice) and the fact that his very aura influences people. Darth Marr seems to have the stronger power base however, due to being head of the Dark Council and the fact that Jadus' was limited to just one ship, some transformed slaves and the Eradicators which he couldn't even turn on.


    Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperius seems to be at the bottom end of the latter just above Thanaton... For now.

  6. One of my favourites, apart from the Bounty Hunter-to-Mark chat is another one on Nar Shaddaa where an Astromech is trying to convince a Protocol Droid to join the rebellion. It goes something vaguely like this:


    Astromech: [Come with me! Kill you master and join the rebellion!]

    Master: What did he say?

    Protocol: Oh nothing Master, just saying how nice this day is.


    It also links in well with a Flashpoint you do much later. As for the one on Corellia, I heard it 6 months into the game and actually did think that it's incredibly deep in contrast to what I've heard before. Hell, the quest where you choose to activate the special weapon against the passengers on the tram can lead to a very emotional cutscene.

  7. A better lineup would be Maul, Dooku, Asajj, Savage, Mother Talzin and maybe Grievous to add good measure. I think even Sidious would crumble that all of those forces working together.


    As for the three that you've put up, they'd probably give Sidious pause, maybe even a wound, but it would most probably end up like the four Jedi masters that accused him of treason. Asajj would die off pretty fast, Maul would follow soon after and Dooku would basically just be blocking until he too falls.

  8. This show needs to stop.


    No, it doesn't.


    I reckon that they will get between 1-3 more seasons out of this, with two being the magic number. One to progress the story towards episode 3 and the second to tie up any loose ends for the series-made characters. A ninth one is possible of course but I'd imagine they want to get the Clone Wars finished by the time of the new movie.

  9. To my knowledge, it's only Darth Maul, Boba and Palpatine who've died and been brought back, but that's only because of their popularity. There's been a Sith that survived as just a head, the Sarlaac escape can easily be explained and the transition to other bodies is quite possible for a greatest Sith Lord that ever existed.


    Regardless, I'm actually pleased. The Mandalorians are finally closer to their past than they've ever been and Darth Maul makes a pretty bad***** Mandalore (even if he spits on their principles completely). I wonder what Sidious is going to do with Maul though... Shame about Savage, but I could see his demise coming from a mile off this season. And I really don't care about Satine.

  10. I knew when Maul called the duel that Vizla was going to die, but I was still nerd-gasming throughout the whole thing. The whole episode was full of political intrigue and epic moments. That part when Bo Katan announced the new reign? Epic.
  11. Huh. Haven't got that far with my Smuggler.


    Whilst we're on this side topic, love triangles are other good examples of companions interacting with each other. I got many laughs watching Kaliyo and Raina get on the edge of a cat fight, and the Warrior's lassies are much the same.

  12. I think Maul and Savage should go. Don't get me wrong, they are great characters (except for Savage, he's kinda lame), but it makes sense for Sidious to eliminate them. They pose a threat to the Dark Lord's plan. They are loose cannons, and they could upset the plan that has been in motion for over a decade.


    I'm hoping Death Watch wins. Mandalore needs to go back to the old ways. Even if it is under Death Watch.


    Maybe Savage will be offered up as "collateral" to display Sidious' prowess in combat, but Darth Maul's definitely getting out of there alive. Aside from the fact that he's boosting the series' ratings, I think he's grown enough in strength to be able to hold his own against his old master and make an escape to safer parts.


    I just want the true Mandalorians back. This wishy washy aryan race of people in greenhouses has had a nice run but it's time to get back to jet packs and rocket launchers.


    EDIT: Also, the Clones Wars is T-Canon, which would be superior to Kotor. Therefore, Traya's prophecy can be overridden :cool: We will have our army of Boba Fetts.

  13. Then again Sidious has plot armor extreme


    Yeah but I can't see them killing Maul off so fast. Maybe Savage, but not the guy they spend ages trying to bring back into the canon. I'd expect either someone runs or something interrupts the fight.

    Hey, maybe it's a curve ball and Embo dies? :D

  14. They do it all the time in Warzones! :rolleyes:


    But seriously, it's an interesting question. It probably would just turn into a melee. I can't imagine the Warrior and the Knight would be able to stand being in the same room, and the Trooper/Sith Inquisitor would probably go ballistic as well. Hunter and Smuggler would more or less be neutral in the meet up. The Consular might try to negotiate or join in the fray, whilst the Imperial Agent would probably just help the Sith. So yeah, massive brawl.


    It would be even more hilarious though if they brought all their companions. Doc and Kaliyo have a history, whilst Qyzen and Mako would have a nice reunion. Lord Scourge meeting the Sith Warrior would also be quite interesting.


    Outside the meet up, I'd wager that the Inquisitor and Warrior frequently butt heads nowadays, along with the occasional meet with the Agent and Hunter depending how they finished their class stories. The Knight and Consular have probably met too, especially if the latter has a light side ending. As for the Trooper and Smuggler, they seem more like lone wolves, but they're both high status so you never know.

  15. I think the fact they were collated together makes it seem that way. However although the last two arcs weren't terribly exciting, and definitely could have been better, they were good. The Younglings arc was kinda cool when they went to Ilum, and had some nice action from Hondo and Grievous. And the Droids arc was visually stunning, it had the Republic Commando in, and R2 D2s heroics were a actually quite cool. I'm sure there are many people out there who enjoyed them.


    On a different note, who do you think is going to die next? I reckon we've got a few more to come. I'm betting on Pre Vizla or Maul (and secretly hoping Satine! :p)


    Yeah it was probably bad that they put them close together. But I agree, they all had their merits. It was more the fact that I knew there were more exciting episodes on the horizon (specifically those with Maul and Ventress) and everything else just seemed relatively dull.


    As for who's going to die, with Pre and Maul seemingly coming close to a collision, I'm going to put my money on the former. Maul is the better warrior (and has heavy plot armour to boot).

  16. Nah, he's got a point man. Your favorite Sith is Darth Maul?!?! So your ideal villian is someone with no personality who hardly ever says anything, he's right, your in love with a movie face, just admit it man.


    Darth Maul's my favourite Sith too. In the Phantom Menace, he just looked bad***** and cool. The horns, the tattoos, the lightsaber, the vehicles, his fighting technique. Even the few bits of dialogue he had. He displayed a lot of personality in his silent presence and it appealed to my younger self. I'm glad they're expanding on him.


    As for Ahsoka, I'd like it if she turned to the dark side. It would be an obvious indicator that Anakin is himself leaning towards the dark side, would be a good reason why she isn't mentioned later on, and if she is becomes apprentice to Maul then it legitimizes him as a character and a threat.

  17. After the incredibly slow paced previous episodes in the season, this one went lightning fast! That's how they should make these episodes!


    Loving all the preparation for an attack on Mandalore. Seems like the Vizla's going to stab Maul in the back though. Whilst I like that guy, if it comes down to a duel then I'm not sure he'll see the end of the arc.

  18. Tried putting the graphics on 'very low' but it didn't do anything for the lag.

    As for changing the network, you mean subscribe to a new internet provider? The halls provide the internet and even if I can, it's probably a bit out of my price range.

  19. From what I understand of Palpatine, he's a staunch believer in Darth Bane's philosophy of the Sith. Always 2, one master, one apprentice, etc. With Maul's defeat, he proved that he's not worthy of being his ally, let alone apprentice. The only solution would be to remove him for good.


    As for Dooku, I can imagine he's sad for Qui-Gon's loss, but even so it's blurry if he could actually stand up to Maul, especially now where he appears more powerful. Besides, he has a Confederacy to run. Palpatine might have a lot of desk work, but I'm sure he can find time for this personal matter.

  20. Hi guys. I'm in Halls in University and I recently decided to download the game on my laptop rather than wait until I'm back home. However, the game's running much slower. Area load times are longer, but I can deal with those. It's the lagging in warzones that frustrates me. This extreme lag is stopping me from getting a single kill, and is also causing me to get mowed down easily as by the time I notice I'm being attacked, I'm dead.


    On a recent speed test, my ping's 22ms, download speed's 9.66Mbs and upload speed's 11.80Mbs. Is this too slow or is it something to do with my laptop instead?


    Thanks for any help!

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