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Posts posted by Kaze-Yama

  1. BW there are 2 ways this went down & ONLY 2 WAYS!


    1. You are liars


    2. You are imcompetent


    Either way, it looks bad for you, your team and your game


    The third way is that they are both, which at this point is probably most likely since they wouldn't have to lie about anything if they were competent in the first place.

  2. I've had this bug since launch. I've reported it half a dozen times since launch. The only response I've ever gotten from customer support is to use /stuck which doesn't exactly help when the speeders won't spawn.


    Alderran has always been a buggy mess. It is my favorite WZ but I always am sad when I play it because I know there is just as high a chance of it bugging out as there is for me to complete a match.

  3. While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).




    Yah a full testing and development cycle like you just did for patch 1.2 the past month. Look how well that turned out...


    Obviously the issue isn't time its the amount of testing and the response to testing being utter failure.

  4. All these people unsubbing because it's not going to be put in...


    That's why it was in testing, they tested it, it wasn't ready. So, they're going to wait a little while and work on it so it's ready for all the people who wanted it to enjoy


    I'm just trying to imagine the board meeting for this though. How can they announce the patch release date, and then announce that warzones are broken. The testing should have taken place before they decided on a release date right?


    So either they arbitrarily set a release date for 1.2 regardless of what bugs still remained at that point in time. Or whoever is in charge simply didn't even bother asking the PVP team whether everything was actually working or not.


    I can see James Ohlen saying "great news guys I'm releasing 1.2 on Thursday" then the pvp team just looks at each other and face palms.

  5. Why doesn't Bioware just remove PVP from the game already. It is obvious they don't care about any of the pvp community one bit, this has been evident since launch and the continued failure of properly being able to address pvp issues other than slowly and painfully try and fix a broken system with each patch.


    If there was a major bug that prevented the new flashpoint or operation from working you think Bioware would say "sorry all you pve people that content we promised won't be in 1.2".


    This type of crap only happens on the PVP side and it is obvious there is either a lack of resources devoted to pvp game systems or simply a lack of ability.

  6. Is it wrong to say these changes screw a ton of players and many players will be forced to grind gear they already own because they modified it and won't receive the updated stats.


    Also I still won't accept any half *** explanation as to why champion gear didn't get its expertise scaled. Bioware has simply shown the utmost laziness in converting gear to 1.2. I really have no incentive to even try and get new gear since come 1.3 or 1.4 they will just screw players over again and force them to grind once again.


    The "definitive word" simply shows that Bioware really cares little about players aside from concocting new ways to keep players grinding.

  7. The fact that it has taken 5 months for them to get to preseason, and the fact that they removed open world PVP entirely during that same time period doesn't give me anything to feel confident about in terms of Biowares commitment to PVP.


    The sad thing is I actually generally like the potential PVP gameplay but the unresolved issues involving the matchmaking, rewards system, gear, glitches, and balance are something entirely different.


    I guess there are plenty of people more tolerant but I dunno why the players should just take it for granted that they should sit and wait and pay for 6 months while Bioware tries to figure out what they actually want to do. you would think designing the PVP system would have taken place during development.


    Since launch pvp players have paid bioware to essentially beta test the game for them while they get their act together.

  8. 1.2 really is a death knell for PVP. They make it only worthwhile for premades, punish new players or players who get stuck with a lousy team by giving them less rewards and make the gap between intro level gear and high level gear even greater than it was before.


    Anyone who is a casual pvper will hate 1.2, anyone who doesn't have full BM gear already will hate 1.2. Any new player curious about pvp will hate 1.2.


    Bioware obviously doesn't care about pvp at all anymore. They started off promising but its like they just gave up in favor of adding more RP and PVE content.

  9. Judging from the PTS forums and all the problems devs have yet to address 1.2 is going to bring more issues than it fixes. I would have waited another few weeks to have a decent update that actually worked properly rather than rush this new update out full of issues when major things won't even be addressed.


    Really with every subsequent update I get less reason to keep subscribing.

  10. I'm so glad this is in. Alderran speeders are still extremely buggy even after countless patches I will be extremely happy to play a domination gametype where I just respawn normally instead of having to hope a speeder spawns correctly and it doesn't glitch when I try to ride it down to the battlefield.


    TBH I still don't get why they insist on having the speeder system at all when it is extremely flawed, they just should institute different spawn points or have different exits like they are doing in Novare Coast. Hopefully the warzone turns out to play as well as the concept sounds.

  11. Let me be the bearer of good news. I too was afraid of this, but then i did some research and found, -drum roll- this is basically how it works. You buy any race for 1.5 mil and it unlocks!


    What you had in mind already existed, the issue is the information is very sparse.


    here is where you can see more




    That isn't how it works. You shouldn't have to pay 1.5 mil to unlock the race you want to play.


    I really don't want to play the same race on every class. If I level a Zabrak to level 50 I don't want to roll anymore of that race it would be boring. You should get the option to unlock what you want. Having to pay anything is just a horrible design choice let alone the totally overpriced 1.5 million.


    The whole reason for legacy is being able to customize your playing but Bioware is forcing you to roll an alt of a race and level it to 50 just to actually be able to play the same race on the class you actually want.


    It isn't even worth the money or the effort to level to a char to 50 to unlock it. This was a feature I was looking forward to but really it makes me not want to roll any more alts if it takes so much extra money and time to do it in addition to the characters I've already made.

  12. I strongly disagree with the OP.


    However you can't deny that eventually a top ranked team of 8 players in full war hero gear will queue up for unranked warzones just for fun and grief the PUG teams. Bascially they will just camp spawns, draw matches out as along as possible and try and irritate people.


    The fact that this is possible means it is going to happen, unfortunately there really isn't any way around it unless Bioware has some system in place to completely separate pre mades from solo the solo queue.

  13. It has nothing to do with the new entry pvp gear at all.

    I don't care about it at all.

    What i care about is that they boost BM gear with 100% more expertise, without boosting current champion gear !

    What they should do is this:


    New recruit gear replaces cent, and get their expertise stat + 1.2 boost (100 %)

    Old champion gear, gets expertise stat boost (100%)

    BM gear gets expertise boost (100%)


    Thats it, everyone is happy, job done, lets play ball....


    This seems like a common sense solution yet Bioware is going off into a totally different direction. The point of 1.2 was to decrease the stat advantage from gear in PVP. What they are doing is the exact opposite.


    By nerfing the expertise on champ gear it means if someone fights a person in full BM they are going to be at twice as large a disadvantage then they were previously. How does that make any sense. Unless you have full BM you are getting punished for not playing enough or not being lucky enough to get BM tokens.


    Even if they want to phase out Champion gear would it really be that hard to convert it over to the 1.2 system instead of screwing tons of players over.


    If they don't change the stats on Champion gear to fit the new system I will just stop pvping on my main anymore since all my progression was basically reset.

  14. Atleast even with your BM gear getting nerfed it will still be better than the nerfed Champion gear.


    I would have liked it better for Bioware to just come out and say that they didn't care about the game at all until 1.2 and that they are essentially wiping all the gear and starting over completely.


    In other words the past 4 months were beta testing that we had to pay for.

  15. The whole legacy system is dumb. Why earn levels if you still have to pay for it. The thing I'm majorly upset about is the species unlocks. Why would I want to play the same species for every class? If I want to play a Twi-lek Warrior just let me roll it don't make me level an alt to 50 or have to pay an insane amount of credits to do so.


    Aside from purposely building credit sinks into the game and exploiting people to grind more the legacy system doesn't actually add anything to the game. I don't get why they didn't just give you "legacy points" like talent points and then you spend those points to unlock certain features, or pay cash if you don't have enough points.


    So if you are legacy 15 you get 15 talent points and maybe it is 3 points to unlock a new species, 1 point for a mailbox in your ship and so on. The stuff like the auction house could cost maybe 10 points or something crazy like that. This would reward people who spend a lot of time playing and make much more sense than putting in credit sinks.

  16. Buy recruit gear take the expertise mods out of recruit gear place them in your champ gear.


    The expertise is spread across all mods now. There you go increase in expertise at the cost of a primary stat of course but thats what is happening to the bm gear too. Increase in expertise loss in primary stat.


    This would be awesome if Recruit gear wasn't blue and had no removable mods.

  17. You can stop posting because it doesn't change anything. Unless there is someone on PTS with full champ and full recruit to actually compare damage numbers we have no idea whether it is better or not and just the offhand statement that it is better means nothing.


    Also why should we give a crap if Champion gear is better than recruit. Champ gear is still getting nerfed in 1.2 for no reason. Why should the people with BM gear get a free stat upgrade to their gear but Champion gear gets nothing? Champ gear can be better than Recruit gear but the statistical difference between champ and battlemaster is greater in 1.2 than it is in 1.15


    This translates into champion gear being less able to compete with those in battlemaster gear then it previously could. You can't deny that THERE IS NO REASON TO NERF CHAMP GEAR.



    Also just posting raw stats means nothing since we don't know if Bioware changed the stats formulas at all and whether or not the stat differences outweigh the expertise differences.

  18. Here you go if you visit the PTS forums more often you would have known they already said that current champ gear is superior to the new recruit set before even starting a thread with above quote.


    Also recruit gear has no set bonuses.


    If pvp forums stop posting about pvp changes to 1.2 in the pvp forums they would find more stuff instead of talking to each other on deaf ear. Ask in the PTS people.


    here is the link for the lazy




    Now I shall make a new thread saying the same thing in pvp forums because this will get buried under omg why is my gear trash cause I read the op only.



    I saw that post a while ago. The problem is the post I quoted in the OP directly contradicts that one and it was posted after that one. So the devs don't know what they are talking about in one of those situations.


    Champion gear is still getting a downgrade, this is a fact regardless of whether it is better than recruit gear it is still losing effectiveness in comparison to BM gear. Also the devs must still address the issue of people who modded their BM gear not getting the upscale to their expertise stat.

  19. If you replaced the BM gear with BM Mods the mods will still go up. My understanding is expertise is on the armoring mod which you cannot change anyway so that should go up for everyone and if its not then its on the base item which would mean it still goes up for everyone if you modded the item or not.


    If you replaced the BM mods with Rakata mods hope you saved the BM ones its something I always do in case i wanna try a new build later. Not saving the mods is your fault not biowares.


    In 1.2 the expertise gets split between the armor, mod, and enhancement. Armor has +50, enhancement and mod slots each have +25. Since armor slots are locked everyone is going to get the +50 on armor but the problem is if you changed your mods from the base BM it won't be automatically updated with the new stats meaning you lose 50 total expertise.


    Also I fail to see how people should have known to save every single mod they were replacing. Not only would it cost twice as much money to pull mods out and then replace them with different ones it also wasn't like Bioware gave people a heads up at launch that they were going to mess up the gear system in 1.2.

  20. The new Recruit gear introduced in Game Update 1.2 will not replace existing Champion gear on players that already have it. Existing Champion gear remains superior to Recruit gear but can no longer be acquired.


    We have also made modifications to the stat composition of Rakata gear which will result in an update of Rakata enhancements on select gear pieces. If those enhancements have been switched out for others, no changes will be made to the item in question.


    - Cameron


    I fail to see how you consider Champion gear "superior" to recruit gear. Sure it has better base stats but the expertise is much worse.


    Also with whatever behind the scenes changes made to stats we have no way of knowing whether the superior stats offset the hit we are taking to expertise. Also regardless of whether it somehow ends up being overall better than recruit gear you can't deny the fact that it will not as close to performance with BM gear as it used to be.


    The ignorance of Bioware to not adjust expertise values on Champion gear the same way they did to BM gear still has no explanation aside from not caring about their customers.


    BM gear does not lose any performance since its stats are the same but its expertise gets buffed. Champ gear loses performance significantly since expertise is not adjusted.



    If anyone knows how to do the math I am really interested to know whether or not champion gear is really "better" than recruit gear.

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