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    Killing Jedi, Hutts and anything under 3 feet tall
  1. Now I know this post might get some bile for its point of view, but honestly, I'm glad that I get stuck in a que at times. Now, some of you might say, "Tyrus you caliginous stallion, why would you be so masochistic to actually enjoy having to wait in a que for a game you had to pay monthly for?" The answer my friends is simple: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Having to wait for something that you want often makes you enjoy it all the more when you finally do get in. It makes you take a step back, reflect, or even gives you time to catch up on things that you needed or wanted to do. I myself, am often writing as my personal hobby. I take the time in que to weave the story of my Bounty Hunter, Solus Tal, and then post it for others to enjoy. Sometimes I go take a nap or do the laundry, things I normally work put off when I have a new game in my hands. The point is, waiting in a que is not all bad, there can be good found even in the bad situations. Let us thank God(s) that we are even able to enjoy it at all. * For those of you who are curious, I post my stories on Darknest.
  2. I know it was inevitable that there would be some ques, but the server I got randomly assigned during the guild thingy has one of the longest ques of them all. Harbringer is currently at 2 hours ETA. ****, I went and took a bloody nap and I'm still in the que. I would ask that the devs please do something about this.
  3. 20 minute que? Hah! Republicans...they think they have it hard. I'm looking at 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours for my que.
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