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Everything posted by Drunkwolf

  1. you know all about pvp because you played warhammer for 2 years? hahaha thanks for the laugh
  2. then your playing the wrong game, this is a themepark game like wow were skill isnt much of a factor. its gear, CCs, and rock paper scissors.
  3. i dunno i played that class and a few others and i find assassin and operative way more OP than inquis/sage. to each their own i guess, everytime i think a class is OP i just make one so i can see its weekness first hand then i know how to beat it. and seriously 400k damage and 200k healing ? come on if thats heppning then its a very long match so its probably even teams anyways. if it was so faceroll then the numbers would be alot lower because his team would win alot faster.
  4. try playing one and when you get destroyed by assassins and smugglers you will change your story real fast.
  5. damn it i dont want to start over looks like im stuck playing huttball for 15 more days till my acount runs out.....
  6. just played it for the 20th time in a row, i wish i knew what i did to upset the pvp gods, for them to make me suffer like this.....
  7. best pvp game i ever played had the perfect amount of CC. NONE Asherons Call Darktide server
  8. this makes me think of a great quote. " dont piss down my back and tell me it's raining "
  9. there was a ton of constructive advice on the beta forums and nothing was changed. all these things people complain about was brought up in beta a million times and the devs did nothing.
  10. Thats what i said in Age of Conan when everybody complained and was quitting. soon after the populations were so low people started quitting because they had nobody to group with. server merges came later but it was to late..... game is free to play now and i see that being the future of Swtor especially when GW2 comes out. people arnt going to keep paying for a game hopeing it gets better when they can play GW2 for free aftering buying it once. im sure some PVE servers will stay healthy with population but you can kiss the PVP servers good bye.
  11. half your argument is based around the sage/sorc needing help from another player. the other half is a bunch of malarkey.
  12. AC as in Asherons Call, it is a skill based game that actually took skill to play. you could dodge magic and missle weapons so moving was very important. plus there was NO CC so you could actually fight multiple people and win if you were a better player.
  13. all they have to do is make 1 server like that.
  14. i beta tested the game and made it to level 15 doing warzones, had some fun doing them because i wasnt faceing groups of level 50s every round. plus i wasnt playing huttball every game. AND i thought maybe at 20 plus i would get to do world pvp as i level up since thats what this game advertised. but i was VERY wrong there is NO world pvp what so ever. infact these servers should not be called pvp servers.
  15. im with you man, i wish i would of used the 60 bucks to sub for 6 months on AC instead of getting this. ever since Darktide pvp i have never found another game like it. now everybody thinks wow pvp is real pvp and we get games cloneing that crap.
  16. you think this is bad? wait till you run into the smuggler who stuns you then hits you 3 times killing you in 4 seconds.
  17. that actually did make me laugh, yesterday me and some guys from the guild were saying they need somthing that shows how many total minutes you were CCed in a match. so you can see how much time you CANT control your character. maybe give out medals for the people CCed the longest.
  18. it actually wouldnt be so bad if there was more than 3 warzone maps and if i didnt get huttball 90% of the time.
  19. seriously everytime people get ganked they want safe zones but instead of that maybe they should add somthing for those 50s to actually do, then they wont be sitting there waiting all day for one person to fly in so they could gank them. as of right now when you hit 50 what else are you to do as a pvper? grind huttball all day for gear?
  20. I think what really turns people off to huttball the most is the fact that we play it so much more than the rest of the warzones. seriously after playing it 10 times in a row i find myself not even wanting to pvp anymore because im just sick of huttball. then my friends and I will group up and send one person into the que and he will let us know if its huttball or not and if it is then the rest of us will just cancel the que and try again.
  21. honestly i dont think it will change, this game already made its money in pre orders alone. the pvp servers will be ghost towns in 6 months. but im sure they will pump out some pve candy for the raiders to keep coming back. hopefully GW2 can help us PVPers.
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