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  1. Playing a healing Sage at mid 20's, I think healing is just fine. The PvP I've done so far is usually in a premade group, granted, but the healing is still enough to keep the group going long enough to either break and destroy the opponent, or halt and fall back to recuperate a bit and hold our own. Like others have said before, you need to spec into the healing tree to get any effect out of it, and spec smart aswell. What skills interacts with what else, and how do they synergize? Sage/Sorcerer has the shield, and a bit up in the healing tree you can completely remove the cooldown (bar the GCD, ofcourse). Shield is way underestimated aswell. Pre-shielding and pre-HoTing is just as important as in all PvP, but I rarely see other Rep healers do it on ToFN. Meh, ramblings aside, healing is just fine as it is. Spend some time on stats and specs instead of on the forums, is my suggestion.
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