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Posts posted by Saint_Bailey

  1. Very good post. I feel something drastic needs to happen soon, there are so many things they could implement to improve the game. I personally think they need to focus more on the social aspects of SWToR. Would be nice to have community events, hang outs, clubs. It would be great if users could stream music in clubs, bars etc... The only time people really get to talk is through FP's and warzones, and even then people are highly strung so the experience isn't really beneficial to anyone. I try to have a laugh when i warzone, half the time i get a blank face as if it's despicable that i even thought of the word fun. Pazaak is a must, especially if you can trade cards in at a vendor for random social gear, that doesn't require social X.
  2. Some people have jobs, families, friends and other interests that extend beyond parking their arse in a seat for hours at a time. I'm sorry, but if you're packing full augmented WH or RWH gear I imagine one or more of the latter are taking a back seat in your life.


    That's your call, if you want to obsess about pixels then whatever floats your boat, but that doesn't mean the other 99% of the playerbase should be your ****** because of it.


    Look at Guild Wars 2. That game doesn't allow gear to be used as a crutch in PvP. You win or lose on your merits as a player alone, not because you're jobless or anti-social.


    It's like premiership footballers, who think they can cheat on their partners because they're Gods among men. I think it's called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.



    I like this!


    up the Villa!!

  3. Free recruit set notwithstanding, what sort of impression of the game do you think new lvl 50's are getting when stepping into warzones for the first time after completing the levelling process and they get 3-4 shot by peeps with 20k hp and against whom they do very little damage?


    Expertise scales far too well, sort your game out.


    I don't know why they don't have regular WZ's for fresh 50's and enable solo queue for ranked with a minimum valor rank of 70?


    I'm easy either way, but it doesn't help the fresh 50's confidence when they are getting barked at for being the new guy.

  4. Very odd suggestion, considering this is an MMO. Besides, isn't copying the highest form of flattery?


    Oh, btw, what is that pen and paper you speak of? I seem to remember a memo about spreadsheets being the ultimate tool to min/max your character ;)


    I'm old fashioned. :(

  5. Hello.


    Any of you guys actually like to sit back with a pen and paper, either at home or at work number crunching to figure out how best to hone your stats for your character to benefit your performance for your guild, or for your operations group?


    I mean, to have good a reputation and be regarded as a ''above standard'' player i think you need to do this. It takes a lot of dedication, and i know i'm not the only one that spends time figuring out how to gear myself correctly.


    However, it's very disheartening that you put all this effort in (hours) to simply have some random guy inspect you and simply copy your layout?! Someone who can't really be arsed to spend time working out figures for themselves. It really bothers me not to have the option to withheld the information that i spent time working out, if i wish to share it through friendship, then i will.


    I appreciate that some people don't care much for it, but please, can we have an inspection privacy option for the love of old school gamers. If people wish to share, or don't mind sharing, that's ok, they have the option to show. But what about for those who don't wish to share?


    Anyhow, i respectfully ask that you simply reply with:


    - Yay (you wish for privacy option to be implemented because you are committed to the cause :D)


    - Nay (you are against privacy option because you are lazy and rather wait for others to work for you :p)


    - May (I wish for guild members only to inspect me, because i'm not a total selfish hutta! :/)


    Make SWToR a better place.

  6. If people think they are the dogs bollocks because they leave a WZ with 500k+ dmg are deluding themselves.


    That's why i think they need to redesign the stat sheet at the end of the WZ to enable individual players to be scrutinized. Add stats such as assist, pass, score, ball carrier kill, caps, caps interrupted etc..etc..Different stats for each WZ reflecting efforts made by individuals and not something generic like we have now.


    If i were to see someone with 150k dmg, 2 scores and 1 assist or 125k, 1 cap 4 interrupts, he/she will get my vote every time over someone who has 600k dmg, 0 caps, 0 assists etc...



    Dev team, i hope this idea appeals to you.

  7. Come to think of it, maybe they can slightly lower the mitigation values for Rebuke/CoP.


    My full-defense Guardian at Soresu is at 47% damage reduction from armour, and my Sentinel is at 23%.


    With Rebuke running, an extra 20% damage mitigation would practically match the mitigation values provided by heavy armour, and on top of that, this 20% from Rebuke applies to ALL damage, including internal and elemental - whereas Guardians have like maximum 10% with a lot of Defense tree investment.


    Ofcourse, since it is conditionally refreshed, at maximum Rebuke/CoP would be up half the time... but thinking about the times when it is on, that would mean indeed, Sentinels and Marauders do have 'as much survivability' as Guardian/Jugg tanks for 30 secs every 1 minute. Ofcourse, with defense/shileding the Guardian/Jugg would still be a bit higher in survivability than Sents and Maras, but compare that small bit of difference in defense, to the humongous difference in damage capability.


    That's something to think about.


    Simple, don't hit them whilst you see the buff up, land a CC just after they pop it and watch that **** drop off after 6 seconds. By the time the CD has finished the fight would be well and truly over. Without these defensive buffs these classes would not even be worth playing, you'd be far better off rolling a sin/shadow and get that stealth.

  8. Any other tips welcome....


    Here's my opinion when it comes to class roles.


    Dps, other than focusing on healers, your other main goal is to cap objectives/defend objectives. Healers will be too occupied healing people and kiting to have time to cap. Just as tanks will be preoccupied sticking with your healers keeping them from harms way, also tanks should also be focusing on interrupting opposing caps in WZ such as Alderaan and Voidstar. Stealth non healing classes should constantly try for objectives, burning down one man defenders to grab that quick cap.


    It's not all about numbers...


    What would be nice if there were an individual end game stat windows per wz which contain objective information such as:


    VS: interrupted cap, defused, planted, defended.

    HB: Assist, scored, saves (killed Ball carrier).

    Ald: Capped, interrupted cap, defense, offense, assisted cap.


    Getting the idea here? That way people can actually see what people are actively doing during the warzone, rather than watch DPS classes run around like mad people trying to get huge numbers.


    Well, that's my opinion for what it's worth.

  9. Just joined a WZ with my guildies, the door opened the "30 sec" countdown started, one sith went mid suicidal.

    We capped two bunkers and we lost.

    how is that possible, hum?


    is it because it was a draw? still need a fix, thats lame.



    Was it a same faction wz? If so then you may have started on the opposite site and your colour being purple. Making you think you have capped 2 whereas your enemy actually had it capped.


    just a thought...

  10. There's been recent instances where the ball would not register a pass or a score. I've witnessed it 3 times in the last couple of days and i have had conversations with other people that have had the same issue.


    ...**** happens

  11. Except if it's a Healer.. he shouldn't be able to hold his own even in a one on one fight.


    Healers shouldn't just drop dead because someone jumps on them on a 1v1. Although more rather the healer's teammates should be supporting that healer. there should be no reason a healer would be in a 1v1 fight.


    I have no issues with healers as long as they are not guarded, if they are guarded then i jump on the person who is applying that guard.

  12. People weren't even crying about them after their original nerf. Why they are being nerfed again is beyond me...


    Personally, my opinion is that the Operative dmg both burst and sustained is perfectly fine. All they really needed to do was play around with the talent tree so operative hybrids couldn't sustain dps and stealth out of combat for quick heals then jump straight back on to the guy who did have the upper hand.

  13. Our abilities weren't strong or overpowered, it was our ability to use them while being mobile that made us great. (not OP, but decent)



    Now you have taken that away from us and now we are sitting target dummies for the melee class especially now that they are going to be doing 5k+ smashes and force sweeps.






    Don't even get me started on the balance nerf.


    I'll be honest with you, when i first hit 50 i was screaming to the heavens about sorcs. But since then the experience and knowledge of your class is more apparent to me. I think it is pretty well balanced if i'm being honest.


    The only two issues i have with them. The first being the lightening effects, which snares me, feels like a lifetime of CC. Secondly, far too many people rolled sorcs. A war zone full of sorcs equals bad news for me.


    never thought i'd say it as a melee class, but i feel for you if a nerf is coming your way. Blame people here...



    *edit reason* Typo.

  14. They should be fine with a little less survivability and the same damage. Lower that freaking heal and we stop calling for nerfs. Right now a single watchman can hold against 2 players by himself for a good amount of time. They aren't tanks for christsakes. Oh yeah, a good one will kill the first opponent and nearly kill the second depending on the classes. Don't try to tell me you don't think they are overpowered. :) Please.


    Why shouldn't a good sentinel/marauder hold his own in a 1v2 fight? A good player using any class can hold their own in a unmatched fight. It's all about popping the right abilities at the right time.

  15. Please. Too much damage and too much survivability.


    Are you out of your mind? Too much dmg and survivability?


    Ok, survivability i disagree with, without defensive buffs (which have a moderate CD) are the only thing that truly keeps us alive, without them we are easy to put down.


    In terms of damage. Well, we don't hit as hard as other classes out there, GS, BH, Sins, OPs, scoundrels...even juggs/guards aoe slam for 6k+. They all have equal if not more dmg output than sents/mara's. The only thing that allows us to put more dmg out is the centering buff inspiration (15% dmg increase) stacked with adrenals/relics. other than that the dmg is mediocre.


    But what is the difference between classes mentioned above to sentinels/marauders? range, stealth, hybrid heals and yes, a mass amount of cc. Not only that but the mechanics of the sentinel/marauder class are quite intricate in comparison to other class mechanics.


    You really need to stop shouting blue murder and get your head down and direct your time and effort playing intelligently rather than wasting your time here.


    That being said, i have a 50 GS which i assume that is your class. Other than it being slightly bugged and animations being fractionally off, they are perfectly fine. Great CC abilities, great offense/defense. Do some home work, use leg shot and kite.

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