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Posts posted by Sohaim

  1. Hey everyone,


    Our plan with the Encrypted Datacubes was simply to see if packs would be another avenue of getting story content in the game. It will always be the Cartel Market teams goal to look for new and interesting things to add into the Cartel Market which are not gameplay impacting (avoiding pay-to-win, etc.). With that being said, we have heard your feedback loud and clear on this and we have no plans to place the Datacubes in the Cartel Market in the future.





    Wow, that was not cool eric, Story does not belong on the CM, removing content from the game and placing it on the market and on top of that putting that on the packs is not cool at all what the hell happened to giving subs more value?, on the other side, holy crap did they listen to us? i still cant believe that eric came here and admited that(it sucks so bad that some people were right about this, the devs trying to devalue the subs even more, selling story on packs lol), i just hope that the next cubes are out of the CM as his said, keep the good work folks \o, cuz thanks to you people(Mike_Bluesky/SithKoriandr/some other folks)story will be out of the CM.

  2. The hardware Security Key fob has recently become available on the UK Origin website for £3.

    Far cheaper than getting a smartphone, iPad or some such. As per the OP I don't have either.

    Has the Security Key fob been released in Brazil yet?


    No, and i find it hard to be released it here, even if i buy from amazon, it will likely take months to get through customs(yeah thats how it is in brazil, a freaking month to get through customs), just like all the other products, also theres a investigation going on, so things are taking 2~3 times more time to get through customs, so it would take something like 2 months to arrive, just like a book i bought sometime ago.

  3. The security app is only good for a small subset of players. It's no good for people who can't afford a smart phone. It's no good for people in countries where the hardware or software is unavailable or unsupported. It's no good for people who have multiple accounts.


    On top of that, we already pay to play the game. That includes access. We shouldn't have to pay even more just to be able to log in.


    This is all on Bioware. They are at fault whether you like it or not.

    wow, that was perfect, thanks for seeing the whole picture, not everyone who plays on the USA servers are on the USA.


  4. Not to mention that, in order to go to your account and add an authenticator, guess what you need? A OTP.





    Hahaha, well the double exp weekend is gone, so no hurry, shame i did not get to play, when i finnaly got the OTP, there was a blackout, and my IP is not fixed, so i got screwed haha.


    Doesnt look like a plasma grenade to me... And he got the facial scarring before the grenade thing... it was from the grenade launcher...


    does Malcom mention the grenade during alderaan bonus series? now i am freaking curiuous, waiting on the OTP i will go check the bonus with my guns to see if he says something xD

  6. Well wasn't that a thought out and polite reply.

    It's not about them "deserving money". They offer a service, their servers and game. You pay them for the right to use their servers. You want to rage about not playing for one day or less and demand your 50 cents back?

    Nice World of Warcraft term though, and people wonder why WoW players are so hated when they leave for other games...


    i see what youre saying there, but theres no denying that theres a problem, i lost 3 days of playtime and only got my OTP today , also i am not calling them, because since i live in brazil its freaking absurdly expensive, i had to call EA once and i payed for 5 minutes about 5 dollars(10 reais), also Smarthphones with android here are well over 600 dollars(those galaxy and the ones from sony i dont remenber the name), and Iphones are just crazy expensive, so well my only option is the OTP(not buying a new phone just for a SWTOR app lol).

  7. I can see the concern, but I'm not sure it's a concern I share.


    I personally feel CM content is money in, money out. It just seems to me that CM content is better than the content we were getting before the F2P/Market model launched.


    I mean, just look at all of the UNIQUE armor designs we have gotten in the past few months. It's incredible.


    That doesn't dismiss the concern that folks may have about putting "story" content on the market...I guess I'm just in the "better CM than nothing" club.


    For now. If it continues for too long though I may become concerned myself.

    so, youre telling me youre completly fine if they sell..lets say new companions quest using those packs?

  8. You can't expect game companies to code for less than 1% of players who game in higher resolutions. What they should do is code for use of multiple cores. Almost every one has at least a 4 core processor if not then in the near future every one will have one. However, I don't see crossfire or SLI becoming mainstream.

    what? addind support for crossfire/sli is that hard? o_O, many Mainstream pc games support multi-Gpu, why would this one be any different lol? its not like it is ported from consoles , so there is no excuse really, plus i remenber the game on beta, back then crossfire would have flickering shadows/trees and insane lag, and they got that fix, also last when 1.2 dropped the galaxy map would flicker, all that was fixed, why continue and fully support multigpu?

    PS: a lot of game companies code for these 1% otherwise huge titles would not have Multi-gpu support lol.

  9. Apparently I was wrong.


    Benchmarking through Radeon Pro shows an approximate 10% fps loss with 2 GPU's enabled compared to 1 GPU enabled, as in performance is slightly worse. Both GPU's seem to be in use, but only at half of their potential power.


    I could have sworn the previous time my performance was more in favor of crossfire... weird...


    At the moment I have the 13.5 drivers installed.


    So crossfire is broken...

    This is the same case for me, i use a Radeon 5970(dual card too) the only reason i do not disable the internal crossifre is because it bugs the hell out sometimes, i dont think Dual Cards are good for SWTOR, mostly in all my other games, specially Shogun 2, it works like magic xD

  10. They offer an XP reward (simply for showing up) AND more importantly.... they trigger the next sequence of missions for you on the planet.. all of which provide a variety of progressions (lore unlocks, xp, items to equip, credits, etc, etc). So they ARE integral to the planetary mission chains, which ARE integral to character progression. [these datacubes we are discussing do not]


    Now..if you are saying they are "lore-trivial"...on that we agree. But they ARE material to continuing mission based character progression.....that cannot be denied with any objectivity.


    your new argument to fix your broken parameters is "Mission based character Progression"? let me break it for you, everyone considers companions an integral part of the story, and so are their quests, but most of the time we are a lot of levels ahead before we do all the talking with them therefore missing the xp, because its not easy to get affection while simple doing quests, so here it goes, Companions quest are on the same level of content of the Shroud datalog, yet they fall withing your parameters, so should the companions quest be also sold on the CM now?

  11. They offer an XP reward (simply for showing up) AND more importantly.... they trigger the next sequence of missions for you on the planet.. all of which provide a variety of progressions (lore unlocks, xp, items to equip, credits, etc, etc). So they ARE integral to the planetary mission chains, which ARE integral to character progression. [these datacubes we are discussing do not]


    Now..if you are saying they are "lore-trivial"...on that we agree. But they ARE material to continuing mission based character progression.....that cannot be denied with any objectivity.

    no wrong, Side quests on planets are triggered based on your Level, the only one that is like is the actual Chain of quest that tell the main story of said planet and even so, you can do many bonus series that continue said story before finishing it, do you even play the game lol?

  12. Except these datacores are not over and done with and will continue in the next instalment of CM packs, so, technically, they are kind of a quest chain. Who knows what secrets The Shroud will reveal? Are they important? Find out ... for CC.


    "Ad hominem" is one of those words you constantly hear on the internet, especially when people find no better counter-argument than reveal the obvious - you're attacking the person, not the argument. In the realm of philosophy it's one of the illogical fallacies, on the internet it's simply a buzzword like "self-entitlement", one of those magic words trying to solve all the problems of the world. It's one of those concepts that degenerated into a life of its own on the internet.

    everyone knows andryah does that, he/she keeps with this agressive way, using subtle words, but he/she the entire time kept calling us Chicken little, when he/she was the one replying to every one posting going from the other thread to this one to keep this up, now whos overreacting?

  13. It got put in the quest log so the location shows up your map so you know where to turn it in at. Especially given the limitations of the Hero engine it was probably the only way they could get it to show you on the map where to go with it. Just simply placing it in the tracker doesn't make it a quest. That's like saying " you see that duck sitting in the fish pond over there? Yep it's in the water so its a fish too."


    OMG, did read my post? THEY DONT NEED TO GIVE YOU A CINEMATIC SO YOU CAN GET A BOOST ITEM, there can you read it now?jesus stop running away from the point, the Shourd datalogs(the freaking cubes) are THE SAME level of STORY content of a companion QUEST, if you want to DENY that, go ahead, but seriously stop with that whole tracker thing.

  14. First off your first several run on sentences there make absolutely no sense. And you can disagree with me all ya like but it doesn't change the fact that its just not story content. It's not a quest, it doesn't start a quest, it doesn't end a quest, and its only in the tracker so it lights your way like the North Star to the turn in point so even the geographically challenged can find their way there and get their choice of now two static items. If you are that bent out of shape about something that's inconsequential and not required for anything then don't buy them, stop playing, yell at the top of your lungs, or what ever you're going to do its still not going to change what is or was and that's just the fact jack.


    i fixed it so you read again(typing without googles is bad), point is, its a Quest, its was made that way to be placed on the Packs to sell the story, that much is very clear, its made of 9 cubes that we know of it which means its a datalog on the Shroud, its in the tracker because its a quest, its has STORY, it does not end because it was broken into those damn cubes, and you please stop acting all hurt because no matter how much you make up stuff, or scream here in the forums, its not going to change the fact thats a quest line composed of 9 cutscenes, so enough, you are wrong and thats it, its Story content (Shroud Personal datalog) and it should not be in the Cartel Market, if the problem is to give you a choice of a item, they could have easily done the same way Gifts works, so go back see the Curator on the fleet, do a companion quest, and if you still dont see my point, well its your right.

  15. Just because you can understand the argument doesn't mean one isn't being brought. I layed it all out plainly and simply for you, minus my spelling error with "actual". Then used your own very logic to show that achievements must be story content , well at least by your definition. Either way you gain nothing that you wouldn't already know from the actual (let me make sure Steve Jobs doesn't strike from the grave here again) quest line and what you are getting doesn't start nor does it complete an actual quest or quest line. Yep that would seem to not be story content but just a way to spice up your turn it so its not just some run of the mill turn in like a terminal turn is. You have however dodged answering how else you would of made the turn in point tracked on the map. Not surprised really because if answered honestly it would poke holes in the house of cards like argument that because its tracked its automatically a quest. I mean that was one of the arguments being made here.

    again you make no sense, achievments never touch the quest log, you have ignored the fact that the Shroud datalogs are the same level of story content of a companion quest, as for the turning simple leave on the item "trade in on the Cartel Market reputation vendor for your specific item" just like the Artifact gifts are, you know how theres a "Go see the Curator on the Fleet" on the artifact gift fragments? they could have used that! but guess what, those cubes were not made by the CM Team, you are so desperate to prove your broken point that you are starting to make stuff up, and I GAINED a lot OF INSIGHT about the Shroud by watching those and acording to people theres 5 more to come, i dont care if you keep making up stuff like "oh its there to give a choice of a item bla bla bla", its Story and its place is in the game OUTSIDE the CM, or do you want them to also sell companion quests?.

  16. And weren't you one of the posters going on about how it was really an item meant to give you a choice of items, which they've now done away with?


    I'm sure those level 55's with Social X, who obviously don't need the an XP Boost or Social Boost are thrilled, THRILLED, with having the one useful item they could get out of this worthless bit of fluff as it's been called by those who think this isn't enough content to be considered paying for additional content.


    So, we have an item that was said to be really a "pick one" item that had a nice little fluff piece for pure giggles, taken away and left with...this. :p


    Maybe when they "fixed" it they should've replaced the XP/Social/Credit Boost with a Pick One of these much sought after dyes or armors!


    Oh, i think that was HyFy and not Andryah.

  17. So then tell me, how would you like them to guide you to where it needs to be turned in at? There is no way of doing that without it being tracked in the quest log. Your problem is everything is black and white. There is no actual quest involved. It doesn't start a quest line nor does it end one. It certainly doesn't add any info that is required or new that you wouldn't already know from running the ACGUAL Binos quest line. So in spite of everything that pretty much sums it up as not a quest, that because its tracked so you know where to go and get your turn in item its 100% a quest :rolleyes: . Hey ya know achievements can be tracked in the quest tracker so those must be story content and quests too right?

    What? you are not making it any sense, achievments do not go into the Quest log, there is a just tracker for them, open your quest log, plus those Shroud datalogs are almost at the same level as companion quests, there is no quest involved? the quest are cubes themselfs, and it was not made for the market, who knows what was its original purpose and place, it provides a lot of info and very nice stuff, its the Shrouds personal datalogs, go in the game and do a Companion quest, tell me how different is that, some of the companion quest are very small and sometimes they do not even give you a choice, stop saying that its not Story content and actually bring and Argument, because the Achievment one was kind ... lets just end it here.

  18. Yep, saw that. changed it.



    I was actually catching up on the new player responses in that thread when it was deleted. I clicked to go to page 17 of 18 and I got the "you can't access this page" message.


    The thread dissapeared from the general forums, the posts dissapeared from the dev tracker.


    Wish I'd taken screenshots.

    what is this for real? why would that thread be deleted? it was very helpfull to know that they are releasing both Imperial Warlord and Titans of Industry at the same time and perharps Rakata Prime daily area where we go after "Agieus" the world killing weapon, its good to see the game finally catching up to those old content leaks ;]

  19. I never claimed to Mike, unlike my fellow forum member I responded to. ;)


    As for the definition of "fluff"... it's like "ninja looter"... it's whatever some random forum member wants it to mean. Because the genre has largely devolved from any standard use of words/terms/definitions.


    Did you seriously came here from the other thread just to continue this?

    lol Andryah just lol, you do overreact a lot when people have a opnion on the game that differs from yours lol, you should chill out seriously because clearly this bother you to the point that you had to come post here the same arguments on the other thread?

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