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Posts posted by DarkLordSato

  1. Honestly, I like the Wicked Huntress armor. Yeah, they could've made Vailen's, but I kind of like the fact that's its unique and not worn by any NPC or anything. People might think it's a cheap rip-off, but I like it.


    Of course, I really don't think it's various pieces are worth 500K+, but whatever. It's also glitched as well. The front skirt-thing hanging from the belt doesn't move during cut scenes when the rest of the body does. Kinda weird

  2. What class you want to play depends on your play style. Are you a ranged or melee kind of guy (or girl)? Do you prefer two weapons or one?


    It seems to me that classes are really player preference and there is no true "best" class for new players to start out with. Try them all and just pick the one you like best.

  3. So what's the deal? I see a normal pack for 200cc and a hypercrate for 5400cc. Usually there is the Supercrate worth 950cc, but I don't see one for the most recent pack. Did they just forget to put it in or what?


    The supercrates are nice because I don't have the means to buy cartel coins in bulk unless I buy a few of the 2400 coin cards and that just seems like a waste of money to me. A supercrate here or there is usually enough for me, and easier than buying packs individually.

  4. Unlock the legacy-wide unlocks first if you haven't yet. Rocket Boost I-III, Quick Travel cooldowns, and ship unlocks (Cargo Bays, GTN, ect) are a good start.


    I'd also recommend getting a stronghold as well as the Utilities Decorations pack. With that, you can travel to your Stronghold and have access to the GTN and various cargo bays without having to use the Fleet Travel pass. It's also a good way to get back and forth to the fleet quickly as well.

  5. I've just returned, and looking for a way to earn/farm Common Data Crystals. I'm 65.


    What would you say is the fastest way to get those, and approximately how much can I get per hour?


    Heroics give you 5 per mission and reset every Tuesday. After that, Flashpoints are probably your best best. Not sure what the per-hour rate is, but that's probably the best way to do it.

  6. Basically what it says on the tin. What was the best purchase you've ever made with in-game credits?


    For me, it was the Malgus and Shan holostatue trainers. Picked them up for about 1.3 million each off the GTN. And now that I have them unlocked through collections, I never have to visit a class trainer again.

  7. Level synch


    To elaborate: When stats are green that means they're buffed, such as from the Inquisitor's "Mark of Power" class buff. If it's yellow, it mean's that the stats are capped due to Level Synch, which reduces the stats so as to match the max level for that particular Planet/Flashpoint.

  8. I used my first 2400 coins to unlock a lot of the global legacy-wide unlocks such as Rocket Boost and the Legacy Travel cooldowns.


    You could also buy one or two of the Blademaster sabers from the CM, then sell them after the cooldown is done. On my server the shoto sabers are going for 4 million credits so you can make some nice money there.


    I'd also recommend the "Mercenary Contract: Treek" under the Misc tab. It may cost 2100 coins but you can then unlock the Mercenary Contract item through collections and be able to get Treek for all your characters.

  9. Yeah at this point they're an item you have to buy off the GTN since they're from an extinct pack. Problem is they can cost anywhere from 1 - 5 million credits and earning that kinda dough can be difficult. And if you're F2P or Preffered, you have a credit cap as well.


    I managed to get my Malgus and Shan holostatues for about 1.3 million credits each. And now that I've unlocked them through collections (400 cartel coins each) I never have to visit a trainer again.


    Hands down the best credits I've ever spent.

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