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  1. Unfortunately, I didn't see the reset button, and assumed that the abandon button (similar to WoW) functioned as a reset. My intention was not to restart the entire chain, only the part I was currently embarked on.
  2. I didn't realize there was a reset button. Ugh, I really hope a GM can fix this. I feel as if my character is ruined even though it doesn't really matter .
  3. Thanks for the help everyone, I really appreciate it. I submitted a ticket, but who knows how long that will take . Until then, I'm trying to find someone who's on "The Pilgrimage, " the quest I was on when I abandoned it, to see if he can share it. I just wanted to ensure that abandoning this quest wouldn't have some sort of negative impact on my character later on, i.e. if it was essential to my progress. Even if it isn't, though, I'd still like it back.
  4. Do you think it's worth rerolling? Am I missing out on that much by having abandoned it? I'm already level 16, and even though that may not seem too high to veteran players, I spent a few good days getting there, and I would dread replaying it just for that quest line =/
  5. That's unfortunate, I don't understand why they'd program the game that way. Idk, I'm really not inclined to reroll all the way to level 16, but I'll consider it. Thanks anyway.
  6. When I abandoned it, it just disappeared from my mission log. I went back to every NPC associated with it, but no one is offering it.
  7. Hello. When I failed the Revanite second trial of wisdom at the bounty hunter's place, I wanted to try answering differently, so I abandoned it. However, when I went back to Morrun to reacquire it, he didn't offer it, nor did anyone else. Does anyone know if this is working as intended? I'm missing out on an exciting quest chain, xp, and a title. It's really upsetting, and I don't want to continue to leveling until this is fixed . Thanks.
  8. All the time. On my character selection screen, for example, the armor is extremely fuzzy and blurry.
  9. My screen resolution is set at 1920x1080, with an 1080p monitor, as is SWTOR.
  10. Still broken . Anyone know? I thought this was fixed in 1.2
  11. Hello! I've recently returned from a lengthy hiatus, and am loving it so far . However, there is a disturbing graphical issue: even on max settings, with my pc far outstripping the recommended system requirements, clothes and armor are extremely blurry. Interestingly, skin textures and most of the environments, buildings, walls, etc are as crisp as can be; only gear and clothes are blurry. I don't recall ever experiencing this before, though i could have simply forgotten. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as this issue is severely diminishing my gaming experience. Thanks! -Thales
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