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  1. I've just done about 12 Black Talon runs with my Bounty Hunter, and have gotten the orange Black Talon Hunters Chestpiece, the blue boots and gloves, the blaster and the offhand shield generator or whatever it is. I have even gotten each piece multiple times, so the randomness seems to be ok. I've also gotten stuff from other classes. The groups I've been in have followed both lightside and darkside paths, and I haven't seen any difference in the loot dropped. But I have never seen any pants/lower robes or headgear from any class drop. So I would be inclined to say that the loot table is bugged, and that the drops for the headgear and greaves/lower robes/pants etc. is either zero, or very close to it. It should be easily fixable, should someone from Bioware be inclined to take a look at it. I wish I had recorded what had dropped on those runs, so I could provide a table with the percentages.
  2. I have run the Black Talon Flashpoint about 10 times today with my bounty hunter, in groups varying from two to four people. The greaves and headgear just won't drop. Is it bugged? I see people posting that it may be bugged, but nothing concrete. I've got the gloves, the orange chestpiece and the the boots, but the rest is eluding me. Before I go and do a few more runs, I'd like to know if I'm wasting my time
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