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Posts posted by SDTAXantos

  1. Here is a novel idea, have gear color actually show up on your character as it is in the character wardrobe preview box.


    Example: Inquisitor's Exalted Robe. Looks black in preview, shows up grey / purple when equipped. Color match makes everything dark purple, not black.


    There are many items like this that do not appear as they should and it is pretty lame.

  2. Actually, the poster probably is in a PvE server. Outlaw's den is free-for-all PvP regardless of server.


    This. The argument can be made, as was already, that this is optional content and there are risks involved. Not everything is a free ride.


    Well, I'm assuming I would risk being attacked... :D


    Like I said, I'm not complaining, I can live with spots here and there that are PVP so long as I'm not required to go into them in order to play the game... and I'm not. I'm just confused why a PVE server has PVP sections, that's all. As for the HK-51 being optional, I agree it is. I will probably "brave" the PVP area to get him, though, because I think he's worth it. :)


    As I always say when people ask what the plan is in Warzones: "Kill the dudes, get the things / guard the stuff, win the prizes." :)

  3. I don't know what this deal is, if it is intentional or not, but it involves the male body type 4 as a Jedi Knight. Now I am not sure how this is with Consulars or JKs who become Sentinels, but when sprint is active wielding a single saber, the left hand of the character is clenched as if it were grasping the saber below the right hand, but definitely is not.


    It is annoying to say the very least. If you aren't going to connect the hand, then why not change what the left hand is doing. Every other body type sprints with the saber in both hands, why not the big guy? Thanks.

  4. On Drooga's Pleasure Barge, I am pretty much forced into rolling a healer. The only time I ever see them is when I run with my guild. Instead of doing terrible damage and being bad, some of those lolarsenal Mercs could still be bad, but at least supporting the team in a positive way as a bodyguard. Also, I love being told what to do by the guy who takes it upon himself to dictate a ****** strategy and then complain when it doesn't work like he said it would. Or the guy in Hutt Ball who thinks he has to be a hero and not pass it ever when his resolve is full, near death, and there is someone in passing range standing in the endzone.
  5. You guys should really fix half of the lipstick in the game. I want to play a promiscuous harlot, not a 4 year old on a hot summer day.



    The Heartbreaker

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