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Posts posted by Jett-Rinn

  1. work on half decent content :)


    Honest question...


    Decent compared to what other MMO?


    ESO latest expansion is a boring snooze fest with a much more predatory cash shop, WoW's BFA is a jumbled mess, with plot holes so big I can Drive Jiana Pourmoores ship through them, GW2 story continues to beat the slow SJW drum while it's cash shop will sell anything at any price to make you look Fabu. FFXIV is just a weirdass collection of Anime memes and strict rotation rules


    I can talk about most other MMo's, but it's just a variation on the issues Iv'e seen before in the games Iv'e listed.


    I just don't think SWTOR is any worse than other MMO's, and you either understand that or you go play single player RPG's.



  2. https://www.gamespot.com/g00/articles/star-wars-the-old-republic-is-still-very-popular-a/1100-6471011/?i10c.ua=1&i10c.encReferrer=&i10c.dv=2



    This is no joke:


    Publisher Elctronic Arts announced on an earnings call that The Old Republic is now closing in on $1 billion in lifetime revenue. "Believe it or not, we are close to $1 billion on Star Wars: The Old Republic revenue from the start of its history," EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said. "So it's a business that just keeps on going. We like those types of businesses."



    You will now be inundated with how 1 Billion isn't that much, and it isn't really 1 Billion and the ever popular the game is dying dead or even undead.


    Throw a Few Rhee's in there and you have a typical day on the SWTOR forums....

  3. /Sigh...

    Guy Fawkes was a douchenozzle, and if it wasn't for Alan Moore he would be a vague footnote instead of the progressive myth he currently is.


    And actually Robert Catesby was the "mastermind" behind the idiocy of 1605

  4. Guys....Guys,


    The "it's dead" /"no it isn't" angst has been going on since launch.


    At this point not too many actually care, I'm going to play until the servers sunset, I just don't see it happening in the next few years though and that is all the road I try to see down.


    There are folks who have been screeching it's dead but haven't missed a single months subscription (I know this because they post daily) and diametrically there are folks who would defend the game even if it became a Hentai Action RPG, neither side is going to change the others mind.


    I think Disney has as much to say as EA does on the future of the game, but as of now it makes enough to keep the lights on, screaming about what if's are not that productive.

  5. Also if they like SWTOR so much how come they're not willing to invest more money in it? how come SWTOR isn't part of EA's press conferences at shows like E3? Why does it constantly feel like SWTOR is this product that EA forgets even exists?


    The reality of the situation is that they (EA) like SWTOR because it makes them money without them having to invest any significant amount of money & resources into it beyond it's initial development cost.


    Even though we disagree on the topic....you sir or madam are spot on with this observation.


    Why Indeed.

  6. I'm against a combat revamp, because 4 button rotations kill anything that is unique about your characters, and yes 31 abilities is a lot, but there is also four of five different types of rotations you can do, to me that opens up play style a lot.


    My Jedi has a very unique rotation that is competitive but doesn't use all the abilities...no where else have I gotten that kind of customization.


    Honestly if Bioware ever does an ability squish a large portion of the player base is going to riot.

  7. Lol! Shhh! Don't ruin people's fantasies. 🤐


    Yeah I'm not understanding this....I always have a stupid amount and I really don't do that much to earn compared to other MMO's Iv'e played. Of course I stopped trying to understand this community when I got death threat /tells just for riding a Cartel market speeder.


    We live in a age that glorifies everything communal. It kinda reminds me of that guy we all went to High School with that hated people just because they had cars while he rode the bus.

  8. This isn't going to be popular...but I sorta feel for the devs, they are doing this push/pull between MMO experts who dream in Excel, and die hard Star Wars fans that have this unyielding vision about what the IP should be. Iv'e seen this happen for eight years (beta tester) Swtor is my main mmo, because given the competition aside from Square Enix, Bioware are the ones who listen the most I think.


    Besides most of my e-friends are here, folks I use to have knock down drag out forum battles with are now good friends. I think it's all is a matter of perspective, and choice, personally I can't stomach WoW or ESO any longer and that's blasphemy to some folks.

  9. I don't doubt some folks are having issues, I was until I did a chipset patch for my MB, and updated my graphics driver to the current beta. Right now I'm running on max settings in 4K and I have around 50-55 fps depending on crowding. My PC is a beast though (Raedon 5700 XT , AMD Threadripper cpu 32 gigs of Ram ) so ymmv


    I think the devs will tweak it in the next couple of patches anyway.

  10. Decent thread...and there are excellent points on both sides of the argument. I have been here since beta one, and I know this is how it will pan out.


    If it brings in more subs and more cartel market sales it will stay, if folks unsubscribe, or if it causes a rift in the customer base it will go faster than you can say Little Annie, that is just how EA works, and this to me is neither good or bad, because I have fun when content is tougher, and I have fun when it's the way it was before the tuning.


    Regardless Bioware will keep a close eye on this, because I feel they learned their lesson on alienating fans way back when they had the Raid Guild only summit. I really don't have a dog in this race regardless, as I said I'll be here no matter, but not everyone deals with change like I do.

  11. Actually for the past few years the community in general has been chill for the most part, ever since the paste eaters screeching "Tortantic!!!" to the top of their lungs left, and it has never gotten as bad as the SWG nutters were.... (Those sociopathic douchenozzles would doxx and swat you at the drop of a hat)


    Just a couple days ago I was dropping into flashpoints and it was the most friendly folks I seen in a long time in any MMO.

  12. With the sheer amount of content this game has, I could literally play it for years as a new player. The game has so many quests, it even hides many of them by default. Every class story can be played in multiple ways to multiple outcomes, etc. As an altoholic, I have no idea how I will have time to play it all. In fact, it is more likely that I will get bored with the "style" of the game way before I can play all the content. In this sense, there is almost too much content in the game. lol


    I played LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) for years as my main MMO. When I started it had 29 servers. Then, it was reduced to 10, with only a few English servers remaining and even those were starting to resemble ghost towns. The game didn't get a new expansion for years. Not even new dungeons. Crafting became neglected, basically discontinued. Everything the players had gotten used to in previous years basically seemed to be slowly disappearing. QA was terrible. Lag was insane, etc.


    Then, out of the blue, WB sold the game to Daybreak Games, one of the worst publishers out there. The devs tried to hide it, they didn't talk about it, they acted like DBG was not even in the picture, and definitely not calling the shots. What followed after is crazy. They brought a new expansion, something we haven't seen since 2013. They brought new instance clusters (dungeons), 2 new raids with a 3rd one being in the works right now. They are supposedly working on a 64bit client. They are bringing more playable content than I can keep up with. New seasonal instances, updates to many festivals, class balance, etc.


    It can happen to SWTOR. From the ashes, we will rise! The game has so much stuff, they are not gonna give it up. Maybe it gets sold to a different company, but it will definitely not be shut down.


    Get ready for variations of 'How dare you like this game"


    But good post, I agree with many of your points......I really think they could do much more with the game and new publisher beside EA would go a long way to make that happen...I just think chances for it happening are unfortunately slim to none.

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