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Everything posted by Rendekar

  1. If you do not realize there is a problem, its fine. Go and enjoy the game. Your incapability of recognizing this issue changes nothing thou. If you are used to play ****** mmos, it is no surprise you think this system is without issues.
  2. Bah. Some people in this thread are just confused and blindly defending Bioware. Could you please explain to me the need for a cast bar if my abilities are not controlled by it ? I mean I play a sorcerer, casting a lightning strike I see my cast bar full but hey the real spell fires and hits the enemy like 0.3-0.5 secs later. Why in the first place do we have a cast bar at all ? If it is not telling me when my spell is really cast ? Broken combat is broken.
  3. You can add my video showing the problem with responsiveness of Force Sweep If you want to. Here it is (Lots of ppl already seen it I guess) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQmhYjkUqOU
  4. Some are not affected by it ? It's even there in their demonstration videos from E3 etc.. The ones who say that they are not affected probably don't even know what we are talking about here. See : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AoECTU23y_8#t=159s
  5. Well, guess what ? They probably knew that they would get this kind of reaction from many players that are used to fluent combat because I am pretty sure there are people in Swtor's development team who have played WoW for years. They knew but probably couldn't help it or game director/lead designers were clueless about mmo style combat and they failed miserably to understand the basics. We expect a response right ? Probably not gonna happen. They will let us leave and try to keep the super casual players. Even 500k casuals are more than enough for them. Since this is about SW and stuff, maybe they think they can keep the number even with the current state of the game.
  6. Bioware, please just tell us this system is working as intended and I will know what to do with Swtor when the story is over. There is no way I will continue playing with the current broken combat system.
  7. Exactly, only reason why I unsubscribed too. Fix it and gain a very long term customer.
  8. This discussion has already jumped to mmo-champion forums and probably many others sites will follow. Bioware will have to answer to this thread one day before the masses leave the game for good. Well, If they do not comment on this issue, Swtor will be remembered as a good rpg that is worth playing 1 or 2 months for story. If I was responsible for the current system, I would be ashamed to make this huge mmo that will be sadly remembered with its delayed abilities and broken combat.
  9. This issue might be related to combat responsiveness or not but it is still terrible and needs to be fixed very soon. For me, it is impossible to play JK/SW with these problems.
  10. Bioware seriously needs to learn from Blizzard when it also comes to communication with the players. Even Ghostcrawler (being the lead combat designer) found a lot of time to discuss the player feedback regularly on Wotlk forums. Now, look at this thread. There is still no response and I doubt there will be soon. I do not know what Georg "Observer" Zoeller thinks about these issues but hey we are the vocal minority, right ? Beware, just ignoring us and trying to keep the super casual players might kill this game earlier than expected.
  11. I guess this is one of the typical cases where you cannot get a response from developers of the game. If it was fixable, they would have fixed it long time ago in the beta. All other issues they recognize now were working without a problem in at least one of the beta builds.
  12. Call me what you like really. When the initial hype and freshness of the game is over, history will repeat itself.
  13. He will and we will too (If this issue isnt solved). Then, you will be left alone with 50k subs in empty servers and start to beg for server merges.
  14. Wow animatios are not as good but wow combat is fluent and smooth. In the long term, gameplay and responsiveness are definitely more important than animations. Well, at least for the majority of players in mmo gaming.
  15. Shhss...You have no clue about what all these people in this thread are talking about. Best be silent and play your bug-free superb mmo.
  16. Nope, I guess this issue is here to stay. They have had the issue even in their demonstration videos and stuff. It was also there in all beta versions. Do not expect a magic patch. It is highly unlikely.
  17. It doesn't matter since it solves nothing. Are you a troll seriously ? If you think that you don't have any problems then fine, go enjoy the game and leave the thread to the ones who recognize the issue.
  18. To the first page along with the "Ability Delay" threads..
  19. I cannot believe that there is still people replying in this thread just to refuse the problems of the combat system. Keep dreaming guys. Yeah, I am sure Bioware did this intentionally. They did not want their combat system to be responsive. They want 1 sec cast spells to take 1.3 or 1.5 seconds. Oh, I really love the way you fanboys are deluding each other.
  20. I will come back and remind you about the OP's complaints 3 months later If they are not fixed. Ah but I guess you will already be shouting at Bioware for the server merges in these forums. This is how mmos die and you will learn about it. We have been through all these many times before with all major mmo launches. This one is no different.
  21. It is really sad to see some people objecting the OP in this thread. Come on guys. If you are clueless about mmos, you do not really need to say anything just to defend the current state of the game. Everyone in this thread wants to enjoy the game but this shouldn't stop them from pointing the faults of the fundamental game mechanics. There is nothing to discuss here. Combat system is broken and not working as fluent as the industry standard which is WoW (hate it as much as you can, I hate it too for different reasons but it doesn't change the facts). I guess what Bioware failed to realize is that combat system is the most important part of an mmo for almost all players. Sure, there will be ppl staying after the initial hype but those will be just casual SW fans and bioware fanboys. You should have made a working game first then you should have polished it with tons of story, SW music, VO and stuff. Bioware chose the opposite route. They made super stories and VO but failed bad with the non-responsive combat system. I hope it's fixable but I highly doubt so. P.S : Sorry to give this example but see what Blizzard is doing with Project Titan. They say that they cannot announce anything because the game is surely playable but still just an empty shell. This is the way to go for having good gameplay mechanics I guess.
  22. This. Get a properly working combat system first.
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