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Personal Information

  • Location
    Temple, Texas
  • Interests
    Spending time with my kids. I shoot guns, play games, and work on cars.
  • Occupation
    I am a deputy elections clerk for my county.
  1. I'm just trying to see if there is a guild out there that is a decent fit for me and my gaming habits. I've been playing SWTOR since launch and my main is a level 55 Sith Marauder. I stopped playing a little after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion because life got a bit hectic. I've been getting back into the swing of things with the new expansion and miss the community aspect of a guild like I had back in my WoW days. I won't lie, I'm not a hardcore player. I'd definitely identify myself more as a casual player. I'm older, educated, employed with a career, have kids, and restore / maintain my muscle cars, so all these extra responsibilities and hobbies do take up some time. I may get on every night for one week, and then only get on one night the next. I'm decent enough with my Marauder I guess. I live more times than I die when questing, haha! I could stand to train up a bit on other areas and I never raided on SWTOR, but did casually years ago on WoW. Not enough to be considered any kind of expert, but I do know a bit of the basics and am willing to brush up on things I've forgotten. I'm also not the kind to troll other people on the server, or spam the chat box w/ bs and make the name look bad. Basically, I love the game, but it's not my life. Just seeing if there is a group out there that are like-minded.
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