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Posts posted by Phatbeard

  1. Some real nasty ones I hear, ranged hacks (shooting from across the map) and teleporting. Unfortunately for said person they did it against a GM's character. Fortunately for everyone else, the person's banned.


    There are a few others that I could imagine working.



  2. So yeah I got backfilled into a Domination match losing 980 to 1


    I got to boost toward a fight and didn't fire my lasers


    That's like bioware saying here have a loss sucker.




    I can count on one hand the number of times this has happened to me, and I've been playing since December. Apparently it happened to you once.


    Why is this a thread?

  3. No, there are TWO issues.

    The second issue is, that the effectiveness of stacking bombers at a place grows exponentially with each bomber.


    Bombers are the smash-monkeys of GSF. Domination matches composed of nothing but bombers and gunships have already begun, and it's absolutely ruining those games. In the time it takes to clear/chase the gunships, the bombers have saturated a sat. As soon everyone turns to clearing mines, the gunships have respawned and are picking people off, followed shortly by the next human wave of bombers, which can't be stopped before they get to the sats without breaking off and ignoring the gunships, and by now the team's down people from attrition.


    It's not a matter of "learn to play." BW has introduced a combat mechanic which imbalances the game far too easily for the level of skill it requires, and, unlike gunships, there are no effective counters for it. People are naturally abusing it to the extent that they are able to. I don't blame the bomber pilots, it's BW's fault. And ironically, this type of abuse only further encourages abuse of the premades that people hate getting farmed by, because mustering 8+ people in a chat is the only way to mount enough coordination to stop these tactics.

  4. One of the people on your list was banned for cheating in GSF~ Not saying who, but fyi, that's why they haven't been around for a while.


    How in the world does anyone cheat at GSF? The mechanics of the combat should make it rather difficult. The only thing I can think of is spiking their connection to lag on demand?

  5. Sorry I don't want to learn to play against a domination map with 3 or 4 noobs on each sat slowly circling it dropping off mines and turrets when ever their cd is up. I'll just stop playing it like everyone else is doing.


    The real problem is that there is no cap to the number of bombers you can have in a match. So, once a team secures two turrets there's absolutely no reason--given current mechanics--that everyone else shouldn't switch to bombers and gunships and just lock them down. There's absolutely nothing that can be done about 4-5 bombers circling a sat covered by gunships. It's game over.


    If BW were to limit bombers to say 2-3 per match, things would open up quite a bit.

  6. The glory of the novadive will come as soon as they patch up the broken double volley cluster missile on the flashfire.


    Before, flashfire was so great because it was far beyond broken, a refuge ship for all crummy pilots out there who wanted cheap kills.


    They could simply grab targeting telemetry, get the shield piercing crew ability, grab burst cannon and double volley clusters, pop all their cooldowns, and no matter what they were aiming at, it was taking direct hull damage in amounts scout pilots drooled over, all while being untouchable during the onslaught.


    The distortion field issue is fixed. The shield piercing is nerfed.

    As soon as popping the shield piercing copilot ability and getting a guaranteed hit with your clusters is patched up, this ship has no more unintended advantages.


    All those who know how to pilot the novadive like a boss, and can land those rocket pods in a dogfight regardless of what the naysayers tell you, will shine bright.


    You mean the same rockets that the Flashfire can also carry? And it can carry them and have more shields instead of the utterly worthless sensors that the NovaDive is forced to use?

  7. As for you Grunty take this as a lesson in humbleness. You would be on the boards if you kept your self promo yap shut.


    Alas, if only I could learn to be as classy and humble as people who order others to "shut their yaps".

  8. The list is now up to date as of this post.

    On that note the thread seems to be getting off track.

    Please limit discussions to the topic of the thread.


    And on a side note, I've fallen off horses before. I remain intact as do my sensibilities. I'm open to adding both missing names from the list if those involved are open to admitting they made a mistake. I created this thread in an effort to bring some extra good will to the threads as we praise others. I hope that we can continue to do so. Best regards to all aces in the game, both on and off the list.


    O, Cruel Fate! O, Vicious Fate, to be thusly boned of my heart's true desire! I prostrate myself before thee, a worm before thine righteous scorn! May thou heapest it upon me, that I may be buried in mine own unworthiness! Verily, I supplicate myself before thee...Nay! Nay, I say! I grovel to thee! Whilst thou wash mine quick fingers and slow eyes clean of their transgression against the List of Things and Bylaws thereunto pertaining, that I may look upon it and smile, and be made whole again?

  9. Flashfires don't need to be nerfed, all the other roles need to be fixed so they actually fly, but if they did that the "aces" that fly them couldn't anymore.


    And after the massive nerf sledgehammer to passive and active evasion abilities, Flashfires are much closer to being the glass cannons that BW probably intends them to be. Their utility still wins out over Strike Fighters, but that could be fixed with a few tweaks.


    Who's really in a bind right now are the NovaDive/Blackbolt pilots. They don't bring anything to the table that can't be done (and done better) by a Flashfire/Sting. The rocket nerf has rendered them toothless. EMP Burst, which has the potential to be their saving grace, is useless given its pathetic range and cooldown time. Their other utility abilities are of marginal value. So they're the training wheels you have to tolerate until you can ride a real bike.

  10. Further evidence of the same point, you talk the fighter jock talk well but again I warn you. Don't abuse the server community. Every imperial pilot who can actually fly worth a damn knows your name. Currently they merely tolerate you, It's not likely many will quit on you if you maintain 4 man premades(but no larger), however if you do want to continue fighting skilled players and not the chaff that is fresh meat that doesn't know your name yet but also are mostly without skill and likely offer next to zero challenge. Then I'd suggest you offer respect where it is due as much as you can.


    There are actual people flying everyone of those ships you kill. GSF UI offers a lot of power for them to ESC opt out on players they have no tolerance for. My words are not just for you but any player like you at the top of GSF on their server. The "Bail On Premades" thread was started by a JC player your team is one of the ones that lead the guy to start the thread. Though he's calmed down and only the worst of the worst are on the BAIL list.


    I know of the premade of which you speak, and outside of an odd match or two because a guildee invites me I don't participate in it precisely for the lack of challenge. Their justification for doing it and bailing unless both groups get into a match is "so we don't hurt anyone's feelings by having to fight each other." I was in their TS when they said that and had to mute my mic from laughing so hard. As a result, outside of a random request from another player to pair up I queue solo. So I'm not sure whether this rant is supposed to be directed at me or the premade offenders in general?

  11. As for Grunty, he is also one of the top pilots. Is he better than Udezak? I can’t say. I will say that I only ever seem to see him flying the Burst Laser Bypass Surprise version of the Flashfire, so I don’t have a good feel for his ability in other ships. I think this is where some of the prejudice come in. Some pilots seem to resent players that rack up kills flying the Flashfire because they assume that it’s easier.


    Actually, I never fly the bypass/blaster overcharge Flashfire build. I fly with booster recharge and hydro spanner (!) to maximize mobility and minimize deaths.


    As for flying other ships, I do occasionally. Mostly the NovaDive and Pike. I could post screenshots of the tallies but I shudder to be accused of self-promotion again...the horror, the horror.


    Anyway, I think that’s where the prejudice comes from. Grunty just ended up as the figurehead for it because he is probably the best of the pilots that appear to only fly the Flashfire. But he certainly isn’t the only one that does it. Grunty’s self-promoting post failing to acknowledge any other pilots probably didn’t help.


    I wrote the post in a second before hitting the hay and didn't read the rules, but I'll defer to the opinions of the numerous people I've helped in game regarding any self-promotion. One person, who shall remain nameless, even accused me of cheating and reported my "hacking" to BW. The next time I saw him I gave him a full rundown on my Flashfire build and the way I try to fly it.


    On a related note, and in defense of all the other Flashfire/Sting pilots out there, should I or any other Flashfire pilot be judged lesser for preferring not to fly ships that are clearly inferior? Why should we be viewed as lesser pilots because we choose not to willingly submit to BW's poor balancing? If anyone else wants to fly a SF, that's great. More power to them and I hope they have a great time doing it, but I'll still see easy prey every time they pop up in the target window. Could a great pilot fly anything and still have some success? Sure, but that doesn't make the crappyness of a design any less, well, crappy. Why gimp the team by doing so in order to prove a silly point?

  12. Odacervicix,


    Udezak was never excluded from the list. He is the first name posted on the republic side aces for that server. If my information is incorrect and he needs to be set to imperial I will be happy to change it.


    That being said there are two names that are not on the list that I have seen posted. Grunty is one of them yes. Both of these people have not been added to the list because they failed to follow a simple rule of do not nominate yourself. Think of this as Corellian Blood Stripes. If someone were to wear them who didn't earn them from the people of Corellia then the actual holders of the title have the right to shoot the person on sight. Nominating yourself is like deciding you want to wear the honor badge without having made the effort to earn them.


    How's the world look up there from that high horse :rolleyes:? Careful not to fall off, lest you break your delicate sensibilities. That would you exclude anyone mentioned by their co-pilots and opponents multiple times just because they violated one of your silly and arbitrary rules of decorum says more about you than them as pilots, and the validity of your little list. But YMMV.

  13. It also means you get to choose between moving a large distance in a straight(ish) line or eating a torp, once you hear the lock sound. This means you're forced to abandon whatever node you were holding, or leave the protection of your team's drones, or etc, if you don't want to start smoking.


    Retro thrusters, while lacking the mobility of barrel roll, will all but guarantee a missile lock, give you another chance at shooting the enemy, and don't require you to abandon a node.


    Barrel roll is very good, but it's not the be-all end-all of engine abilities.


    Retro thrusters are too easily countered by an experienced pilot. As soon as he sees them fire he'll pull a vertical 180 while decelerating, burst backwards until he's cleared your field of vision, then decelerate and pull another vertical 180, dropping right in behind you. If he's coming at you perpendicular you're in an even worse situation. He'll immediately burst behind you towards your anticipated location, decelerate and bank right in behind you. Retro thrusters also rob you of the ability to immediately respond to the other team surging to cap a sat or close ground with a gunship in deathmatch in the blink of an eye.

  14. Between the three relics available with basic comms, what is the best combination for Guardian tanks?


    Arkanian Relic of Imperiling Serenity

    +89 Endurance

    +29 Power

    395 defense for 20 seconds, 2 minute CD


    Arkanian Relic of Shield Amplification

    +89 Endurance

    +29 Power

    610 Absorb for 6 seconds, 20 second CD


    Arkanian Relic of the Shrouded Crusader

    +89 Endurance

    +29 Power

    +245 Shield and absorb for 30 seconds, 2 minute CD

  15. I can see the reasoning behind that, but it only takes 15 games on average to buy and max an individual component, Less if you only do daily bonus flights & spend built up fleet req.




    Fully upgrading just one type of blasters will cost you 33,500 ship req. Even at a very ambitious 800 req per match that's over 40 matches, and that's just for a single component. Fully upgrading all the blasters on a scout would take 125 matches alone, and that doesn't even address the secondary weapons or any other components. So we're talking hundreds and hundreds (where's Carl Sagan when you need him?) of matches to fully max out a single ship, even taking daily & weeklies into account. And after you do that, you get to start all over again on a new ship, and we already know more ships are on the way from BW.


    Respec is definitely needed as a QoL feature so that players can experiment with builds and playstyles, and it takes nothing away from the long grind to max out a ship. It simply gets a player into their desired build, faster. The grind for other components takes over from there. What could be wrong with that?

  16. There's a lot BW got right with GSF, but one of the things that stands out to me every time I play it is the incredible sense of momentum, inertia, and speed that you get when hitting afterburners on a fighter or when banking into a turn.


    Contrast that with the unbelievably static and boring sense of motion that we get with speeders. "Speeders" are frankly anything but. The sense of speed they impart is the equivalent of a one of those lame mechanical kids rides outside of a grocery store. Hop on one and you just sit there, immobile above the ground, not even hovering or floating slightly. Accelerate, and you instantly hit what can only be described as a slightly geriatric, slightly near-sighted cruise. Turn, and you just kind of rotate around with no perceptible bank or slide. Stop, and you stop on a dime suddenly frozen three feet about the ground.


    Honestly, can't you do a little better BW?

  17. The general theme after a week of GSF is that the Republic is overwhelmingly dominant. While I can only speak from experience on Jedi Covenant, where we are winning over 90% of matches, this seems to be the trend on many other servers as well.


    This seems strange to me: It's generally understood that the Empire has an overall population advantage, and generally pvpers are more inclined to play Imperial. The Empire tends to dominate traditional pvp. So why is GSF so lopsided in the other direction? Both sides have their share of good looking and mediocre looking ships, so I don't think it's that everyone is going Republic for the looks.

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