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Everything posted by Phatbeard

  1. Of course you do. And we have every right to mock the ceaseless whinging that bears no resemblance to reasonable criticism.
  2. We are most righteously aggrieved! I say, it's to be pistols at dawn, I say!
  3. Feel free to vote with your wallet and unsub between now and the announcement. Or do you intend on flooding the forum with the tears of indignant outrage until then? Must we get The Mop? MUST WE?!?!
  4. You are also free to wallow melodramatically about this First World Tragedy of the most egregious kind. I'll call the Hague!
  5. I'm curious why, as a customer, you would willingly surrender your only tangible lever that can force a developer to release a complete product that works as advertised? So easily tempted by the allure of preorder swag?
  6. People preorder Bioware games after Dragon Age 2? Fascinating!
  7. Buff/debuff filtering and timers. Because three years is long enough to wait.
  8. Any healer companion is just as effective as Treek...and far less annoying.
  9. Thanks Captain Patronzing! I suppose I couldn't possibly have been referring to the old OA and HOJ buffs, now could I?
  10. Yes, because spending a fight staring at one's personal buff bar to ID two tiny icons is the penultimate indicator of l33tness
  11. I find pushing it twice solves this. For some reason, the game does not always register the first screenshot request.
  12. The alignment system is the superfluous third ****** of this game. It's just kind of "there," and you look at it every now and then, but it doesn't actually do anything or than limit some types of lightsabers. It's incredibly shallow and underdeveloped. If everyone woke up tomorrow and it had disappeared from the game, would anyone notice?
  13. Nope, the Quarrel, Mangler, and Flashfire all have two cannons as well, but theirs shoot four round bursts instead of two. What's up BW?
  14. Has anyone else notice that the burst lasers on the S-13 Sting only seem to fire two rounds, while every other ship with burst lasers fires four? Mangler, Flashfire, Quarrel...all fire a four round burst. While I'm sure that nothing is different under the hood in terms of damage or accuracy, I find that the Sting's burst lasers feel like I'm shooting peas at someone, and not firing the GSF equivalent of a shotgun. And unless I'm staring at the damage numbers instead of the targeting reticle, I find it much harder to tell when my rounds are actually hitting my target.
  15. Curious what type of armor people are rolling with now after the updates. Since the massive nerf to evasion, I'm of the thinking that 20% more health from reinforced armor is now a solidly better choice than 9% evasion from lightweight armor. Especially when taking into account how much unavoidable damage there is going on now that mines and drones are in play. Deflection armor still seems utterly worthless since it's negated by armor-ignore weapons. Thoughts?
  16. Things have evened about a bit on JC. Thinking back to GSF launch, it took about 4-6 weeks before the level of competition noticeably improved. That puts the preferred players at the point where they're competitive, while the F2P are still trying to figure out how to move, shoot, and not turn themselves into modern art on the sides of asteroids.
  17. Aw that's just little old me, slowly and painfully levelling up my Imp ships.
  18. If you ask them about it they'll admit that its boring, yet they continue to do it. I don't understand it at all.
  19. Finally, the Jedi Covenant Imperial modus operandi of parking 3-4 gunships in a picket line 15km from the capital ships every TDM will be rendered moot.
  20. I've been on the end of plenty of butt kickings when I fly on my Imp toon. There's no one to blame but your fellow Imp pilots who are quitting mid-match. If BW were to adjust the queue logic to stop dropping people in "decided" matches, someone would be on here whining that their match didn't get back-filled even when they still had a chance to win. So the purpose of this thread is...?
  21. Funny, I've played 800+ matches and have never seen anything that's even a little suspicious. Most of the pre-2.6 cheating accusations could be chalked up to OP Evasion abilities and bypass one-shots.
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