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Posts posted by Phatbeard

  1. I found the new rotation bewildering with an extra dot to track and a lack of convenient line-ups between abilities. Memorization is great for dummy parses, but I question its viability in actual stop and go ops situations. I found a simple tweak of lining up overload saber with cauterize, and hitting force leap on CD regardless of focus really made everything line up nicely, even if it means delaying merciless slash one GCD to hit cauterize.
  2. Apparently, you get the Boltstorm animation. I can't be the only one who absolutely hates it, right? And I've tried to like it, I really have. But it just looks over-the-top goofy, and depending on the range your enemy's at, it can look absurdly comical. I'm sure I'm not the only one who, upon seeing the new Full Auto replacement was named "Boltsorm," thought, "Cool! I'm going to be mowing down my enemies with a veritable tornado of high-velocity slugs!" Instead, I've been relegated to tickling them to death with swirly, loopy magical hippie bullets.


    And on a related note, since we're stuck with said swirling, magical hippie bullets as Gunnery's defining attack for at least the time being, does anyone else feel that the some of our other abilities are feeling a little "puny" these days? If we're going to have the ridiculously garish LOLstorm foisted on us, can't we at least get some consistency across the board? Vortex Bolt, a secondary proc-enaber, is bigger and flashier than Demo Round, one of our defining and heaviest-hitting attacks. And High Impact Bolt, the perennial pipsqueak of abilities, has been comparitavely reduced in gravitas to the status of "popcorn fart."


    Is this really the best you can do, BW?

  3. I'll leave that for others to comment on. I think Kor ran into him, but I didn't actually see him playing, just saw him on, and in a match, so whispered him a bit.


    I was in his first match back, and he flew very well. We won 999-1000, and after getting pwned by Kheenz for most of the match I managed to bag him for the final point.

  4. I know. If it takes four gunships to keep me at bay on a bomber and eight on my scout, while my team is basicly free to kill them... I guess it is gunships that are OP.... Surprisingly I can count the GS pilots on TEH, Jung'Ma and Jedi Cov able to keep me at bay solo on two hands with a few fingers left. Guess the Gunships really are OP..


    The problem isn't gunships. And the problem isn't bombers. The problem is the way both GSF modes are designed, and that the underlying mechanics are far too easily exploited by large numbers of those ships in a single match. Until BW puts a cap on these ships, GSF will remain devolved in a state of wall of gunships/bomber spam, a state which completely flies in the face of the spirit of the old X-wing/TIE Fighter games and the movies, which were all about exciting flying and shooting.

  5. I'm told there was a brief Grunty sighting last night, so I guess the ritual worked. Too bad I missed it. I'll try again tonight.


    You didn't miss much. Mostly me flying into asteroids and generally getting stomped.

  6. I ran into Grunty really randomly like a month ago. Either I've gotten a lot better, or he doesn't play as much anymore, and is really rusty. I'm kind of thinking the latter, because I haven't seen him since. Not to say that he was anything close to bad, but he was nothing like the terror he was back in the day racking up 25 kills flying solo v a premade, and single-handedly winning DOM matches, and I was able to bag him multiple times in the match, and not just coming up on him when his attention was diverted. He's another one I wish was flying more, because he was definitely one of the ones I used to love learning (read "dying") from.


    I heard that if you say Grunty's name in front of a mirror three times, he appears behind you in a T2 scout and blows you away...

  7. You work in marketing, I work in software development... Please accept that I might know something about the subject... (or at least likely know more than you do)


    You of course test during the dev cycle, but then you need to lock it down and test it feature complete, you have to stop adding stuff at some point because every time you do, you break something else.


    What Eric said is that they pushed back the announcement because they DO NOT KNOW WHAT FEATURES WILL BE IN THE EXPANSION.


    That is absurd in a software product being released in less than 3 months, if it isn't feature complete now, they have no chance of launching this year, unless they don't care about bugs or if they rip half of it out.


    BTW, both of those have been done multiple times in this business, with usually predictable results... Many games have been released over the years missing whole feature sets (including stuff advertised on the box!), and some games simply can't be finished as released. Patches sometimes come later, but the damage is usually done by then.


    A delay to Spring 2015 would be better than rushing it out the door for Christmas if it isn't ready...


    There is a fine line between "must launch by X date no matter what", and "it'll be done when it's done". Neither really works well.


    Not to put too fine a point on it, but your personal anecdotal experience--with which you've so extensively availed us--is largely irrelevant, unless you have firsthand knowledge of what's going on with this particular project. I'm guessing you don't. Perhaps you can teach a software development class at the local community college in order to pass the time between now and the expansion. I'm sure your students would love to be regaled by your development war stories and ability to accurately predict timelines for projects on which you haven't seen the slightest bit of code.

  8. Except OP's whole point is that we just went from this on Sept. 9th:


    to this on Sept. 29th:



    So OP's asking if we might end up going from this today:


    to something like this in a few weeks:


    And IF the Queen had balls she'd be the King. We could play hypotheticals all night.


    Point is, there is no evidence that the actual release of the expansion will in any way be delayed by the timing of the official announcement. An announcement which, by the way, is not really all that official to begin with, since they've already said it's coming and by the end of the year.

  9. Just curious but what explanations do you have for your characters using the different legacy skills? In particular force choke and lightning storm.


    It's a game?


    Yes, I suppose that would be my primary justification. And if I'm ever in a "my game universe MUST be logically congruent" mood, I avoid using the offending abilities. YMMV.

  10. Well anyone saying 2014 was a good year in terms of content for SWTOR, here is a quick comparison of brand new content added


    You seem to be attacking an argument that, as far as I can tell, no one actually made. No one claimed it was a banner year, we just pointed out that "ZOMG No contents at all!!!" Is not accurate. Or even close to it. It might not be the PVE endgame content that you wanted, but it is still content and many people enjoy it.

  11. nobody in this thread has threatened to unsub. I might unsub, but that is a decision as a consumer as to if I will use the product to make it worth while. the only bad attitude is yours sparky. you dont like the subject and have been running all over the forums with passive aggressive damage control. If BW sees the need for damage control, they have professionals to do it. they dont need you trying to troll up flame wars.


    Is it possible to perform damage control when no actual damage has occurred? No actual content has been delayed. No actual content has been delivered incomplete or missing advertised features. Instead, we're talking about a few people who got their undies in quite a bunch because they have to wait a little longer to learn about the content that is still coming out by the same deadline. YMMV.

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