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Everything posted by Gorvix

  1. THIS IS A MUST NEED TO ADD!!!!!!!!!! GIVE UP /ROLL ^BUMP -signed
  2. Also about the healer companions. You guys gotta do something about them not attacking after your group enters combat. My companion just sits there until I have attack one. Even after I attack one he/she will only attack THAT ONE! not the mob but just that one unless you AoE attacked the whole mob first. This gets really old really fast. Most of the time a healer is concentrating on healing not having to attack every mob while your in a party so your companion will actually help out...
  3. I think there should be an invite to group option through the guild panel. Its so annoying having to type out every person name. Some might say that i'm lazy but its a good option to have. I also have a lvl 50 Jugg. I've noticed that only 1 of my attacks builds threat and that's backhand. While playing a Jugg i noticed how hard it is to keep aggro on mob unlike a Assasin with Wither (high AoE threat). I think the easy way to solve this is to make either the Jugg's AoE (Something Swipe) generate high amount of threat and/or make the stance increase threat by 100% instead of 50%, or just make the AoE Taunt like 9 seconds and the regular taunt 6. Come on now help us juggs out! ANY SUMMON!!! FRIEND/GUILD/GROUP <-- this would be an AWESOME surprise for us SWTOR fans! Cause you know time is money and all that flying around waste a lot of time. I'm not sure if most guilds run ops with MASTERLOOT or not, but we do. Its a must need to add /roll to make this work out. Because come on now you expect us noobs to just know how to split loot now??? GIVE US THE /ROLL!!!! HELP US OUT! AND Last but not least its the schematics. Every time I think of buying a schematic through auction i have to open my crewskills and check to make sure I don't already have it. That means for EACH schematic i got close the auction menu, open the crew skill, look for the schematic, open back up auction, hope no one bought the schematic, and buying it if i don't have it. I think there should be something on the pattern to tell you if you have already learned it or not!< point stated.
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