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Posts posted by nodq

  1. You know... Once up on a time people played games to win. For fun.


    Is it the new WoW generation that only play for personal and persistant benefits I wonder. That only queue up to a match of PvP if they get loot for it. That stop playing to win once they no longer think the effort is worth the extra loot reward...?


    There was a time when people spend hours and hours playing for no other reason but to win and to have fun. There was a time this was true for online multiplayer computer games as well (counterstrike was a great example of this. People playing the same map over and over and over. Same gear. Same damage, health and armor each time the map restart)


    I honestly does not think it is up to Bioware to "fix" this. I think it is up to the new WoW generation to step back and get a grip. You kids really need the developers of the game to hold your hand through the entire match in order to play to win. To have fun? Is it maybe too late. Do we have an entire generation that is lost. That will never play to win. to have fun. That always need more loot as a carrot to do... well.. anything.




    It is the CoD generation.... older gamers don't know such attitude. But dont blame the kids, they grew up with such stupid games and the carrott infront the head, so they play every game like this and begin flaming if the game doesnt have such ********.

  2. wer ne besser info hat immer her damit


    nochmal quote aus dem link


    lies die BioWare Presseabteilung verkünden, dass sich das lang ersehnte Game Update 1.2 auf April 2012 verschoben wird.


    Dies war einst für März angedacht und verzögert sich nun leider um einen weiteren Monat. Dafür wird am 6. März 2012 eine Star Wars: The Old Republic-Trial-Version erhältlich sein,



    Und das ist halt der punkt. Es gibt keine genaues Datum für den Patch. Vllt kommt er ende April? vllt heisst es in 2 Wochen, er kommt doch im Mai, oder nur die hälfte davon im April.


    Wer hat denn bock auf so Spielchen und lässt das Abo weiter laufen auf Verdacht das da mal ein Patch kommt? Meiner Meinung nach sind gewisse Dinge einfach schon längst überfällig, man hätte den Patch aufteilen müssen in 2 Teile oder so.


    Kann ja nicht sein das man 4 Monate mit gewissen Sachen spielen/leben muss bis mal was kommt.


    Das kann sich vllt Blizzard erlauben mit ihren 10 Millionen Kunden, da alle 4-6 Monate mal was zu ändern. Aber sicher nicht BW zum jetzigen doch sehr schlechten Stand von swtor.

  3. title says it all.


    Ive been doing warzones but thats only getting me certain comm's...


    I realized buying bags would take life and that doesn't even guarantee the right item, each time either.


    I'm now on illum do I just quest?


    go to ilum every day, join a grp there, stand afk for the whole day and press your buff button every 5 minutes. do that until you are valor rank 60. then join WZs with a premade grp and facerool the random grps. yeh much fun, huh?

  4. I have seen this floating around the forums from time to time. I usually just figured it was considered "common wisdom" (translation: complete ******** spread by idiots that dont' know what they are talking about) simply from the fact that its been repeated so many times without any substantiation. Its like saying "come on, tracer missile spamming sorcerers!!!!"


    Anywho, point is just what I asked: Why exactly did arenas (ranked pvp) kill the experience for WoW? I Had guildies that were hardcore arena junkies that fought up to top rank in a season or two, but never really did it myself (not many prot paladins/hunters in the top 1% eh? pvp just didn't grip me either). I never heard any of them complain (except about PMR comp never getting nerfed, oh and at the start about welfare epics). Was it just that class balances were never addressed, leaving the same handful of class comps to continue dominating season after season?


    Arena was fine. In Burning Crusade. Arena did not kill PvP. WotLK and thereby the new Class Deathknight and all followed "balance" changes killed PvP and especially 2v2 Bracket.


    Blizzard couldnt handle the stupidness of the DK and Paladin Classes in 2v2 so they killed 2v2.


    #1 reason for Arena beeing bad in WoW is the Addon WotlK, Deathknights and all those kids and scrubs joining WoW after WotlK was released. Every Season since Season5 was a complete joke.


    Of course S1-S4 were problems... PvE rogues for example. But it was not THAT kind of a joke all those Season were with all those DK scrubs running around 1 shotting everyone.


    And Cataclysm just made it worse, especially in the 2v2 Bracket. But after so many years Arena became boring as ****... thats it.

  5. - Illum is: whoever has most players camps the others while controlling the "planet"

    - Warzones are: if you have 2+ players that have less than 15k hp... you are very likely to lose

    - Some classes are obviously ahead of other classes


    The more you get geared the more you get gear "faster" after as objectives are not ajusted to it (still).


    The PVP "bug" that got the empire "geared" clearly killed this "balance" that was supposed to go a lot slower.... or what is it?


    Now i try to queue and wait... then wait... then i get in only to see some playerS with 12-14k hp getting rolled in 30 seconds.


    EACH and EVERY Warzones are "finished" after less than 1 minute.... or you start with 6-7 players and its the same result.


    It is one of the reasons I left previous game. No balance = no fun.


    Is it really so hard to see / fix? Does anyone "care"?


    jup thats it. and if you do premade with 4 ppl. you win every *********** WZ because its not very hard to facerool those randoms with crappy gear. actually it is LESS fun to play in premades atm.


    thats why i stopped playing, too. 1.2 seems to far away. no way i pay for another month. and 1.1.5 is to late with the change for the crappy bag system for BMs. like 45-50 bags and not a single BM token.... yeah, great.


    so i would have to grin out huttball every day AGAIN to get my BM gear now, with either premades which is boring as **** or solo and be annoyed of the 11k HP ppl and leavers etc.


    Whats the point if you cant get fun out of PvPing atm? And if you pause until 1.2 hits... yeah then you have rated WZs BUT... not full BM gear = disadvantage to all luckers who got lucky with BM token drops before patch.


    no thanks.

  6. ... you join a PuG and all your teammates have below 14k HP?


    Personally I leave. Not to be an ******e, but simply because I probably wont get a win, and playing pretty much alone vs an entire team is not all that fun either. Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys. And as of now theres also no penalty for leaving.


    Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be given the current game layout.


    then im clapping because it is better like the 10 games before where everyone has like 11k HP.

  7. This line is a load of crap.


    Why? Ignorant or dumb? Im in a guild, lots of good players in there. Guess what, i dont like to play with them. Not because they suck or are not cool guys... no. Just because its so damn easymode to win as a premade team vs randoms.


    Its just NOT fun at all. i just play solo because its more of a challenge. its only good to do premade if you want to do your daylie quests where you need wins.

  8. This is just your opinion, it doesn't support your claim.


    Additionally, if Wrestling was 4 guys on a mat vs 4 guys on a mat it's be harder.


    1v1 you just have to worry about the other guy.


    Team games you have to worry about 4 other guys and 3 teammates.


    Thus Team anything is typically harder as a whole than Solo Anything.


    Maybe they'll have a Solo Queue Rank and a Team Queue Rank (GASP).


    Who knows, stop complaining till you know.


    By that logic... in a team game you have to be less concentrated because you have 3 buddys who take care of you and your mistakes. In a 1v1 you dont have others helping you because they are better than you. By that logic... the ones who want teams are for losers who cant do anything alone because they suc_k as_s. saw lots of those in WoW arena, who just wanted to be carried. Saw LOTS of them, totally idiots who are to dumb to do the easiest things in all pvp encounters... but still had "good" ratings, just because they had 2 or 4 buddys who were actually good and carried them.

  9. If you are forced to do 8v8 ranked to get the best PvP gear... yeah then its a massive fail tbh. It was already annoying in WoW to be forced to do ONLY Arena to get best gear. But it was at least 2v2 and/or 3v3 which is not that hard to organize.


    Anyways... lots of talking and not even 1.2 is there and we have alrdy March. Im not going to buy another month just for *waiting* on patches.


    Its the same **** as with all the other games before... lots of missing stuff and bugs at start. then all beeing fixed months later + content. but the problem is, THEN no one cares anymore. thats why all games before died.

  10. Is this game getting Arena or not? I see people are even going as far as trying to organize 2v2 and 4v4 etc in open world. I feel if this game does not get Arena, it is looking to lose a very large amount of pvpers, and revenue. I would just like a simple yes or no answer from a dev or some one .... please don't bother flaming my thread if you do not like arenas, that is not why I am posting this I just want to know if this game is getting it or not , thanks.


    If, then 1v1 only because the Engine can't handle more players on the screen.

  11. Goodbye Ilum! No one will ever step into ilum again if you dont need to for the Missions. There is no reason, fun? No... 99% are not having fun there because of crappy performance and empire outnumbering rep by far etc.


    Srsly... i don't get what BW is doing with this game. Who cares, March 20 the game will be dead for sure.

  12. If you only pvp for the little bag reward then many of us won't miss you if you stop pvping after it is gone. PVP is for fun.


    yeah and after like 3 months huttball, it gets broing as ****. so what is left then? right... character progression, (oooohhh sooo uncommon to want your character to progress in a MMO/RPG right?) sigh... and if you dont get any reward then, and not able to progress your character and others do because of *********** luck system... do you think THAT is fun? nice illogical attitude.

  13. 1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


    A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


    1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

    +1000 regular WZ

    = 4000 WZ


    / 100 = 40 games for one commendation

    40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


    Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


    gratz.... more than 40 bags an not a single BM token in a row. great huh? with the new system iw ould be already full BM 1 week ago by the massive amount i grinded WZs.


    but with the current system i dont even get one single BM token for playing hours and hours every day for weeks.


    So what?! **** this system and im not interested in grinding AGAIN after patch.. because 80% is huttball for me, and im sick of huttball already after like 3 months of playing.


    So... wait for 1.2? i guess i would have to buy another month then... so no. I stop playing right now. Its already to late for the game to keep me in there. 40+ bags... no item. lol. and im sure there are others with more bags opened without a single token.

  14. Hi bin lvl 50er Saboteur hab kompletes PVP set Teils Befehlshaben teils Streiter mit 516 Kompetenz und machen fast keinen schaden mit Opener mache ich 1,2k-1,3k non Krits und 2,6k Krits.


    Meine derzeitige Skillung ist:



    Ich würde mich freuen über ein paar tips wie ich mehr dam machen kann weil so ist es echt nervig man macht nen opener und der gegner lacht sich nen wolf. Achja Säureklinge ist immer mit drauf.


    Mfg Nithara




    Sind immer alle am meckern wegen DMG Nerfs usw. skillen dann aber 3% nicht mit. Ich meine das jetzt allgemein, nicht auf dich bezogen.


    Die paar HP bringen dir in den meisten kämpfen überhaupt nichts. Ob du nun 15.000 HP hast oder 16.430, ist meiner Meinung nach total egal für die Art und Weise wie der Sabo gespielt wird. Aber ok, jeder hat so seine Prioritäten.


    Interessanter ist eher die Sache mit http://www.torhead.com/ability/dorGY4Y/incisive-action und http://www.torhead.com/ability/438PILp/slip-away


    Ich finde das erstere wesentlich effektiver in den meisten Situationen. Slip Away ist aber auch gut, leider geht nicht beides. :)

  15. Jup, nerft.


    Bei Huttenball oft schon nach nem 0:1, obwohl gerade bei Huttenball da noch gar nichts entschieden ist...


    Hatte auch schon Spiele da kam ich rein als mein Team schon 2 Punkte hinten lag und wir haben trotzdem noch 4:2 gewonnen.


    Bei uns ist es teilweise schon soweit das die Leute abhauen wenn auch nur einer nicht in die Mitte rennt beim Start sondern evtl. außen rum oder so. Dann wird geweint im Chat auf Niveau eines 8 jährigen Mädchens und das KG wird verlassen. Und es steht 0:0, und nichts ist passiert eigentlich bisher.


    Schon total oft erlebt sowas, das lustige ist, das dann noch gewonnen wird. Aber auch bei einem 0:1 direkt raus zu gehen.... der totale Schwachsinn. Total oft schon Huttball Matches rum gerissen und noch gewonnen.


    Keine Ahnung was in den Köpfen der Leute vor geht, entweder noch viel zu jung und wissen es nicht besser, oder einfach nur total dämlich und die schlechtesten Verlierer der Welt. Schon raus zu gehen bevor man "verloren" hat.

  16. Spiel mal League of Legends, da siehste den richtigen ***. Was da teilweise abgeht ist kaum in Worte zu fassen.


    Aber so ist das eben, die ganzen "Internet Vögel" fühlen sich halt enorm sicher, Internet ist ja anonym. Kann einem ja nichts passieren. 99% dieser *** würde nicht mal ansatzweise das Maul auf machen wenn eine echte Person vor ihnen stehen würde.


    Deswegen sind LAN Events auch so toll, da ist komischerweise kaum einer so drauf, warum wohl? Weils dann gleich eine auf die zwölf gibt wenn man sich SO benimmt einer fremden Person gegenüber, ganz einfach.


    Also einfach ignorieren, alles Halbaffen die sonst abseits vom Monitor keine *** haben und die sich gerne profilieren wollen ( in einem PC Spiel... ). :)


    Für viele dieser *** ist es ja schon zuviel mal auf eine normale Frage vernünftig zu antworten... sind die meisten ja schon total überfordert mit, das ohne *** gebrabbel und Beleidigungen hin zu bekommen.

  17. Easy counter to the stunlock, don't waste your CC breaker on the initial opener- you're only going to be laying on your face for less than 2 seconds and with the lowered surge and decreased acid blade you're not going to lose that much health in that time.


    As a non-concealment oper, I took hidden strike off my toolbar, it does stupidly low damage compared to backstab (HS = 800-1300 damage vs backstab's 1100-1400), hidden strike is heavily boosted by concealment talents.


    so you do BS + BS out of stealth then? Erm ok... even as non coneal, you should use it, because everything has a CD on our moves.

  18. keep in mind u can have all the power possible and if u arent critting its isnt worth ****, imo u need a proper balance of stats


    test some things and see what works for you.


    jup. what does crit do if you do not crit? power does always smth to your dmg. imho you need like min. 35% crit then maybe stack power.


    btw. you would be suprised of the dmg you can do without crits. its actually good. but you are right, proper balance of all stats.

  19. Please bear with me. The changes being applied to quitting a wz in 1.2 simply won't make much of a difference in participation in "losing" WZ. They have been tried in numerous other games and either lead to more abuse (in the case of rewarding staying) or less PvP even available because people still see quitting and re-queue with a 15 minute wait as more productive (because you can do other stuff) than "losing". The only way they can fix this with material penalties or rewards is to make losing a full match nearly as much as winning a full match. Which is silly and the road to "why bother". People will just start to harp on "lose faster so we can all requeue". Seen it happen. Numerous times.


    What I think would be some awesome deterrants are for someone who leaves a warzone early when their team is losing (not leaving before starting or leaving while winning) and YES for an "accidental, I pulled the plug on my internet disconnect":


    gets their current title replaced with "The Cowardly" with no way to change, remove, or not display it for at least 15 minutes of actual time passed playing the game (no logging off and having it be gone when you come back). Maybe longer. Maybe until they actually complete a WZ or do a certain amount of healing/dmg/kills or earn a certain number of commendations.


    also becomes visible on the world map and mini-map to all players as a toggle filter like trainers (you know "Show Cowards" filter). I know their engine can actually do this :)


    For the duration of the title applied, they are locked out of any instance/non-public areas besides WZs (no hiding where people can't get to you)


    For the duration of the title when not in a WZ, they are locked into free-for-all PvP mode.


    Yep, everyone can see them on the map and come kill them wherever they decide to hide with no hiding in instances (to include your ship).


    I think the only way to effectively change this behavior is to enable tools for the community to bring social pressure to bear on these people. Identify them and open them to peer retribution. I know people in my guild would organize hunter-killer parties just to PvP solely on cowards.


    That is a deterrent. And I would gladly take this penalty for the rare accidental disconnect if it meant I could hunt all the people that leave immediately when the other team scores the first goal in Huttball or takes the second cannon, or blows the first door.


    If you get the same for losing a WZ as for winning one. Trust me, then 70% of the players will just join and do nothing and wait for the WZ to end.


    Thats because most kids are just playing for the f*cking rewards / items instead of for the fun.

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