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Everything posted by Enjjeha

  1. random WZ's = random fights, you are not able to predict who you will be fighting, unless there are only a handful of people who pvp on your server. and that's the reason that cross server ques are needed, I get sick and tired of playing Huttball, Once they open up a larger pool to grab players from you get a greater chance of getting something other than huttball. Specific ques don't do squat unless tied in with cross server, as a full team (8 random player) from both sides have to choose to do it. which will only happen during peak play times, and lengthen the pvp que drastically
  2. most teams your playing right now seem like premade in which case you don't have to, it sounds like rated WZ's will be perfect for you. for complete PUGS you know not one person in the same guild playing, cross faction actually allows them to play and learn instead of getting frustrated and giving up completely, in which case your pvp will go down and possibly no longer exist, unless you want to wait for the off chance that someone ques while your online(ya know kinda like RIFT atm). I personally know about 80 people who have sworn off pvp as they keep getting Huttball 9/10 times they que. this will actually make the random que random on faction heavy servers.
  3. wait, we the customer have the ability to open forum groups on this website /sarcasm again they implemented it, labeled the categories for servers by first letter, but left the posting the the customer. But with the world with it's instant gratification that must be to much work for you to make oh about 3 mouse clicks and find the grouping that has the beginning letters of your server, then see if anyone posted for your server, or if not to start one up
  4. again I say, why play against people who don't change, where is the challenge in that? knowing how a player plays becomes like pve situations, you can predict what they are going to do. now imagine your playing someone you have never met, you have to adapt to their play style in order to beat them, not just go ok hes doing this move and he'll chain it with this ect... or you are just happy killing the same people over and over again, to me that's quite boring. as a pvp player one should strive for a challenge not an easy win
  5. and your reasoning for not having it is? maybe their server is imbalanced like many others, that nice little ilum bug a couple weeks ago is a large contributor of that. or maybe they are getting sick of the same old WZ over and over as there is only one shared WZ in the game right now. saying a player is bad off of one comment is like me calling you a 10 year old immature brat just by your response
  6. there are server forums, they left it up to the community to create them and use them for server discussion. but most people use it as a general chat, just like trade chat in wow was the general chat. you can not blame the company that gave actual forum space for the community, but the community for using it for everything else but server related discussions.
  7. what in the world are you talking about? many people have been asking for this feature to you know balance the warzones. playing huttball for 9 out of 10 matches is getting a little old since alot of servers are either republic or empire heavy. this brings a middle ground to where the WZ que is actually random in which map you will get.
  8. so you like going against the same old players who's tactics never evolve. with cross server you have a much larger scale of player tactics to go against. In the end it makes you a better pvp player as you can witness something other then the same old stuff you are probably seeing right now. not to mention they are not consolidating the servers, they are expanding the pool in which players are pulled into pvp. meaning faster que times, how that's a bad thing i'll never understand.
  9. again rated WZ's will be server side, not cross server, as you can not have a rating system with an infinite amount of possibilities. If you want to be competitive do rated WZ's if your just complaining to complain, hate to break it to ya but this feature is making it's way into the game.
  10. they are doing something for that, it's called rated WZ's, you can group up with people from your server and play other people from your server if you want to be competitive, otherwise if you are a solo que pvp player like myself(as my guild is strictly pve) and enjoy playing pvp for the fun of it and nothing more, than this is a welcome addition as I normally have a 25-30 min wait in the 50 bracket
  11. cross server PvP actually saved WoW's pvp game, it's when the implemented cross server PvE(dungeon/raid finder) that destroyed the community. No body left the main cities other than to complete a couple dailies or farm mats, and even then it was almost impossible to see anything more the 10-15 people per zone
  12. and my post was also pointed to the OP not yourself, its just your 1 sec faster at hitting submit. For the rest of you whining about BioChem: get off it already, REUSABLE ITEMS DON'T DO SQUAT except save credits. they are the same as their counterparts. I'm sorry for all of you who don't realize but EVERY crafter has a place in this game, why so many people are attacking just one is beyond me. The game is almost 2 months old, and you guys don't realize that every single MMO has a crafter who makes something a little better than the others. In WoW you had Alchemists who got substantial bonuses to health and mana pots, somewhere around 50% extra healed or restored. Jewel crafters were able to make gems that increased stats phenomenally higher than anything a non JC could obtain RIFT had Artifice and Apothecary which were able to make superior items that only they could use. Every game has a crafting profession that everyone hates if they don't have it and call it unfair. If you want the medpacks and stims re-roll to BioChem, if you just want to whine the door is that way <-------- have a good day
  13. really????? It's not like the Rakata health packs allow us to do anything other than save credits. They are still on a 90s CD and only heals for just over 4k (which is the same as all other high end medpacks). The only plus is 15% more health for a short time. Why take something away that someone actually took the time to get. ALL other crew skills have their benefits. I don't see why people are screaming kill BioChem. and I'll take your BioChem whining and raise you a remove the ability of making 2 pieces of Rakata gear from both armstech and synthweaving if you want to play that game
  14. it all depends, for PvE yea the gear look needs alot of work, flared shoulders and hands and bright as all hell. for pvp on the other hand, its one of the best i've seen, torn robes, deep hood. kinda makes you look like you were chased by a rabid pack of womp rats:D
  15. from what im seeing atm its only available in the Australian itunes store which is complete bs
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