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Posts posted by rukks

  1. I don't think anyone actually expects to be able to craft gear equal to raid drops, if they are thats silly.


    My gripe is that BioChem is leaps and bounds infront of the others at end game for what it offers the players.


    I just think it would be nice if each profession offered the player something unique for them, much like in WoW, extra gem slots etc.


    Aside from that, I like the system think it's great. <3

  2. I don't think crafter's should be able to make equal gear to raid gear at all.


    However, I think that each craft should have a unique bonus to doing it, like BioChem get's reusable BoP med's/adrens/stims.


    Just like in WoW (Go cry, I don't care) each profession had a unique bonus for doing it, ie enchanters could chant their rings.


    I like that :D Maybe others don't /shrug.

  3. Sadly BioChem is a mile infront when it comes to crew skills, for ANY class. Yes you may be able to make some ok armor/wep here and there but it is no way worth the cost it took you to get that compared to the ezily attainable vendor items/badge items.


    Also BioChem does the same thing for you anyway, I was easily able to craft the resuables each time, wasn't hard to get the recipies at all 1-5 RE's for each tier. With the exception of one medpak which took about 20 RE's :(


    I really wanted to make awesome Sniper rifles, but BioChem just offers too much, atleast for the moment, I hope it changes.

  4. I can't tell you how sad it makes me that BioChem is the only crafting CS worth taking. I LOVE crafting, but I also hate gimping myself, I really hope BioWare adds some changes that BUFFS Armormech/Synth/Armstech.


    I agree that BioChem dosen't need to be nerfed, the others need to be brought up inline with BioChem. Maybe allow them to get say 2 extra mod slots on a chest peice or maybe an Armormech could craft a reusable repair bot?


    I really want to take Armstech and make awesome guns, but it's just not worth missing out on reusable potions/stims/adrens.



    I took Cybertech on my knight and its fun and all, but still BioChem > rest.

  5. I've been circle strafing with melee dps classes for over a decade. I've worked out a pretty tight set if sequences and keybinded appropriately in this game. I'm one of the top 5 ranked players on my server in another game currently.


    I'm 42 Sent Combat currently with my live toon (not a fan of dot and control) and I've played several other classes in this game in several warfronts. in beta and live.


    Oh. I wrecked Valdis at 23 with Kira.


    Now. All that shows is the game is easy. Which it is. MMOs have been dumbed down more and more for years. The expectation has been set that all players should be able to access all material and be able to win all the time.


    However in a PvP environment despite the attempts by the developers to the contrary SKILL can matter. In these settings the smallest balance differences can come to light


    And it's my opinion. Just an opinion folks. That Sents and guards to SOME extent are naturally weaker than the other 3 core classes.


    Melee dps in particular pure melee dps is almost always at an inherent disadvantage to ranged classes. Classes with kite mechanics. And classes with strong CC.


    None of which are easily counterable or controllable by Sents.


    IMHO our dps is NOT enough higher than other classes to compensate for one of the weakest CC skill sets, medium armour, and exceedingly limited range options. All under a mechanic that requires building UP rather than spending down.


    Address any ONE of those issues and we may be overpowered. Bur those are the pain points leading to alot of our struggles.


    Can someone L2P and be a better player with better results? Yes

    Do we have the weakest class in the game under a lot of common situations? IMHO yes as well.




    Well said.


    I am loving sent, not having any issues except for UI bugs since I went watchmen. Anyone else get this? Abilities not activating etc?


    In PvP, sent easily feels like it's the weakest class I've played so far, I have a trooper same level (34) and he feels god mode compared to the sent.


    I am looking forward to having a pocket healer with me and just going to town. Sentinel is a DPS battery, other class's need to worry about ammo/heat & energy, those resource system's expend alot faster when they are trying to burst (from what I've seen so far), unlike sent's which are an unrelenting dps machine.


    If your PvPing as combat, just switch. I know, I know, YOU WANT TO BE COMBAT, but it's just not as good at the moment so save yourself the tears.


    Cheer up sents! Your weakish but your far far far far far from horrid.


    P.S Force Cammo is soooo sooooooooooooooooo goooood.

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