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10 Good
  1. Obviously they don't care. A week later I log in, have the normal ctr V response to my open ticket. Click on social, go to who and guess what.......the same two level 12's still on planet, as they are 24/7 farming away, ruining the economy. Congrats Bioware you just guaranteed I won't be renewing my subscription. If you happen to be on Canderous Ordo Server and want to have some fun. Click social, go to who on Corellia if your Emp you'll see the two I am talking about, if your pub there are a couple of them also, unfortunately they are camping the chests in "the zoo" and thus there are no mobs that will harm them anywhere near by. The Emp players like to hang out in the caged in area right outside the Imperial war camp tram stop. Leave the tram area on the west side, then go north, the fenced in area is right there on the corner, you'll find one or the other of them behind the generator. Pro tip.........pull the three droids that are close to the generator around the corner and stand near the botter, the welding droids you can kill, the crusher droid should light you and the botter on fire (very little dmg) but that causes the botter to go into attack mode, disabling its ability to loot the chest if it spawns. Then as a BH I use concussive missile on the crusher and pull in the security droid that also patrols inside the fence. The security droid will electrocute you and the botter, killing them fairly quickly. Then just run back out of the fenced in area towards the tram stop, aggro will drop when your about half way to the tram. Rinse repeat. I do it this way because if you kill the crusher droid the botter loses "combat mode" and can loot the chest if it spawns while you pull in the security droid. The other prime botting spot you can look at is the one everyone knows about on incorp island. its fairly easy. I use the concussive on one of the two elites pulling the other elite and the silver towards the botter, the heavy gunner guy will mow down anything in front of it so just make sure you get to a point where the gunner has line of sight on both you and the botter standing somewhat close behind you. I have found they like to try and hide in the corner of the generator by where the elits are, trying to hide from line of sight, or will even jump up on a spot in the corner next to the fan. They can still be killed, just make sure you pull the gunner fully around the corner, use your own line of sight for this, Hide behind the pillar to make the gunner come fully between and behind where he started, then run down between the gunner and the botter. I know TLDR, but this is my parting wisdom from the game. I have two days left and I'm done.
  2. I know they did a round of bans and whatnot shortly after launch. But for over almost two weeks now they same group of level 12 toons have been camped on Corellia. Same toons, same location. I did spend one day out of boredom killing one of the bots with the closest mobs aoe, eventually the botter noticed, we then spent maybe two hours with him trying to run away from me while I was kiting mobs to him, honestly that's the most fun I have had in this game. I actually feel like a real bounty hunter when the botters change location because eventually they see me killing them. Unfortunately there are a couple of "safe" chests that have no aoe mobs close enough to them. What bothers me is, sure eventually someday they will get around to banning this round of botters. By then they will have moved the credits to other accounts/toons, sold it and made enough money to buy another CD key and still have profit left over, which means banning them is pretty much useless. Its easy math. At 6k credit average every 7 minutes that's roughly 1.2 million every 24 hours. $5 for 100k or $60 a day, per toon............ I know there are 2 imp toons on Corellia and have seen at least two republic (since I don't have a pub toon I don't see them in the "who" list) Bioware knew about this before the patch and could have fixed it. They could even hot fix it. Change the spawn rates to 45+ minutes. Make sure there is a mob within aggro range of chests. Decrease the number of chests. Pick a solution, it doesn't matter. I have reported them numerous times, and yet every day there they are. I foresee another star wars galaxies, where everything costs a trillion credits and vendor item prices are beyond trivial. Hell I am at over 2 million and I have not even hit 50 yet. Will I be playing after my first free 30 days, probably not. Is this a rage /quit, no. I just am not happy with the game, the lack of real support and the seemingly linear game play. It just does not feel like a true "open" world. more a play the story line through from planet to planet (which is boxed in a channeled). Meh it was worth a shot, maybe down the road they will fix it and I'll come back.
  3. Seriously, before this games economy is ruined beyond repair. Change the spawn timers on chests. There are way to many of them, and with only a 7.5 min timer and high end chests having 3k+ creds in it plus gear there are already farmers camping all the routable nodes. When you see level 20 somethings on corellia farming the two there. For two days there was one guild taking turns camping the ones on Corellia. Then you have the one person who has been rotation farming the 4 I know of, and I think they are hitting 5 on Belsavis for the past 3 days. (Just a guess here but I have a real suspension they are from "overseas" and the are always lagging something horrid) Lets do some math using the 4 on Belsavis (since I know what they hold on average). 3k average per chest * 4 chests * 8 rotations per hour= 96k/hour so in 10 hours they are well over 1 million creds a day just on Belsavis. It fairly simple people, change the timers, Make them random and decently long at least 30min if not 45-60min randomly. And before anyone starts in, No I am not crying because I am poor and I want to farm them. I have 600k my 40lvl speeder skill etc. I just do not want to see this game ruined this early on by farmers.
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