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10 Good
  1. that was back on our first run of the dungeon. all the other bosses are much easier than T+Z
  2. you really shouldnt have to have a specific dps makeup though. it should all be about bring the player not the class. you should never be punished for having too many melee, its very poor game design
  3. completely agree especially about the high damage numbers and group makeup. why are we punished because we wanna play with our friends and the majority of them play melee, its ridiculous. this rubbish was a big problem with raiding in wow, i really think Bioware would have seen these kinds of problems with the leading MMO and thought to themselves 'hmmm that stuff sucks, so lets get rid of it and have a better game to attract customers' but instead we pretty much just got wow reskinned with star wars. please fix these issues Bioware, make yours the superior game.
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