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  1. byronback


    you are down to 3 servers and you cannot keep them stable, i'm getting kicked or lagged out like this game actually has a population, put it out of it's misery or at least fix the minor crap.
  2. I don't know if they already have SWToR on the cutting table or not, what I do know is, this Destiny knock off(Anthem) is going to fail, and fail miserably. IMO and many gaming media pre launch testers.
  3. It's pretty cool that they actually make items such as packs half price now and again, but I have mapped a pattern that I'll end my rant on with today's BS. Seems as though magically the packs or whatever go back to full price or disappear on the same day subscribers get their CC bonus, makes sense, with the pitiful amount we get, and really never complain about, can only afford a couple things, but if the 150 pack was still available that would be 4 packs instead of two for example, but hell that's 5 bucks to made. Pretty low rent, glad i"m appreciated as sub in a non sub mmo universe.
  4. Chapter VI last part, "Defeat Horizon Guard Forces, Arcann must survive, you must survive. Veteran mode, BH Tank, lvl 23 companion, I may just suck but I cannot defeat the swarms, can't put out enough threat to pull the numerous mobs. Is there a secret or is it yet another poorly done, quick fix to make a veteran and champ mode.
  5. byronback


    I'll start off by taking partial blame for not reading or expecting my current issue, but *** is the use of being able to craft if you can't sell, trade or at frigging least share them with your other characters. Are you guys ever going to just fix something or improve something in the game or do we always expect an improvement but, surprise, we're gonna go ahead and f*ck up the improvement by limiting it.
  6. I honestly could care less if a game is ftp or not, I choose to sub, mainly for convenience. I did the math and for well less than the 180.00 I spend a year, I can do everything I enjoy by spending 50-75.00 in the CM, but I don't want to get down to the deconstruction of what I need to unlock then find it. That being said, I do think that a subscriber should not have to pay a dime for anything in the game, but I don't mind all the cosmetic crap and occasional useful items that pop up, I do agree that in this day of MMO games keeping content fresh cannot be done anymore without a cash system for people who prefer to pay as they play, I do not agree the subscription players should not complain, as this helps the non subscriber also. Why not make subbing look very appetizing, in my opinion it is more devastating to the games future if the game maker quits giving a **** about the subscriber, makes me more inclined to think they are cashing out, hence making a subscriber pay for a class, I should not have to go to the cartel market for anything if I am giving the company a constant flow of cash, it's simple logic that works even in the real world, such as, if you were offered a stocks to replace a pension. Would you reward your invester every three months even if 3 out of the 4 quarters you lost money, or would you rather reward him for making sure you got at least the same amount of cash every month. I am not bashing anyone doing the free to play, as I am cancelling my sub and doing that myself, I concluded whenever the ftp model came out, if I ever had to pay for something I needed with real cash while subbing, I would go ftp, well, I think a class and being able to change features to your character is something, myself, personally needs in a game, hence I'll be playing free next month.
  7. I'm sure people bought some of it, I would just hope they would not, little kids; understandable. But there is no way, if you bought one of those holiday speeders, that you are not looking at it right now going, W T F.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the ftp model, nor the cartel market, nor EA/Bio for making money. I don't like ftp, but that's probably the future of online gaming, I don't like seeing cooler gear that was bought than my gear that was earned, but I can see paying a few bucks for a set of cool looking armor, and I agree if they would put something on the market, such as server transfer tokens that would be something I might purchase on a cash market even as a subscriber. I just think it's really sad to put junk on the market instead of taking time to code a decent event for it or obviously put a lot of money into improving a cash market instead of coding a simple problem such as unifying colors for a companion, that was broken by the cash system in the first place. Basically I can't vent in my home because no one gives a crap but me, so I'm venting here with the small hope an EA/Bio employee might just look at it and think maybe we should address this.
  9. I really hope no one purchased any life day or holiday crap off the CM, it's the dumbest, greediest, slap in the face of gamers in general, especially a sub. If you did buy any of this crap, all that does is, #1 make it very difficult to get anything of value done(e.g. fix the damn unify colors/inspect), #2 add to your crap drawer in your storage that you will never see again when EA recoups it's "projected losses" and shuts the doors. I say projected losses, because even though I think this game could generate a profit, and draw in many subs, EA doesn't care about the long term, they want cash now, or shelf it and start working on BF4 or Madden *** ever.
  10. Read the whole thing before commenting, I have never let my sub expire. I do like the game, and do have fun, I just don't want to subscribe and still have to buy cartel coins, defeats being a subscriber. I WANT SWTOR TO SUCCEED!!!!!!
  11. Dude, it's a forum post, not a research paper.
  12. I have had a sub since launch, still think the game is OK, but I'm starting to think more and more that swtor has been written off as a loss and made into, a make as much money as possible til only one person is left playing, game. I think like many other mmo's this will sputter along as long 25k or so people log in. I know I may catch some heat from people wanting to believe and hope this game will succeed, I'm included in that, but this ftp model is a complete and utter joke, and moreso a slap in the face to subscribers, I can spend 39$ and have probably 6 months(90$) worth of decent play, with better looking and/or better gear. Bio/EA aren't exactly breaking any IQ records with the way they have floundered from launch, but they're not stupid, they have to know subscribers will figure this out and just go free to play and buy cartel coins for 15 bucks whenever they want some gear. So I have to say, they really don't care if there are subscribers, they'll ride us subscribers in the dirt, getting that steady monthly income as long as their BS holds up about expansions, patches, etc, then they'll just go completely ftw there's always plenty of kids with a parents credit card wanting to buy pretty things. I hope I'm wrong.
  13. My FPS were around 90-104 before patch, now I'm around 44-66, which wouldn't be terrible but the animation is acting as thought the fps were in the 20's or lower in some areas. Is this my problem or are others experiencing this? I also turned downed the graphics, which I don't like to do, since I built this PC to handle Rift and Crisis 2 on max settings, and I still had lower frames. I know this is a support question and/or ticketable, just wanted to see if my PC was the issue since at the moment, I only have this game and GW2 loaded. GW2 has been around 54-64 fps since launch but animation is fine at that level in GW.
  14. If you still like this game, as I do, yes I'm disappointed, yes it needs fixed, but everything is going FTP sooner than later, it's just how well company's do the FTP model, hopefully swtor will either equal what lotro has done(don't like the game but the FTP model is good), or lead the way on ftp model. If this game fails, it's still on EA/Bio to get their **** straight, I don't think customer loss will be the end game. But as the cliche goes, "If you fix dis ****, they will come." So don't let the FTP announcement lead you to believe they've given up, (hell, they may have, IDK), but I'll stay optimistic and believe that they had this plan from the get-go if things went a little sour with subs; and it does seem they have alot of things ready to roll for something that was so spur of the moment. In closing, I love the game still, but I actually enjoy the soloing and PvP arenas, so most of the ************ is about content, ops, etc. and at this point I havent let that bother me, but it will eventually, if I wanted an rpg there are plenty available, I play this for the mmo aspect once I get top level on all classes, I have done this with most mmo's, play solo, level everything, then get to being a social pariah. So I understand the anger from he hard core raiders out there, and I'm just making a plea for people to give it a shot, because I like this game but I also like people and without the community, well, that kinda reduces the effect of calling it an mmo, if there are not multi-players. And for the pvp'ers, you can *****, but its coming along, its alot better than wow, and close to GW I in pvp play, sure there is class dominance but when you have game that has a tanks, stealthers and glass CANONs, you will not have parity for awhile, but I'm not really awesome at pvp and have never been one-shotted in tor, nor have I not had a chance in most engagements unless I'm in raid gear and the other dude is in pvp gear, and then it was still a fun fight. So, stay for awhile, or at least come back and try ftp, or stay and get your 2k cartel coins for being subbed, then give it 30 days, I mean hell you have a 90 probation period for most anything even in the real world, so give it 30, don't leave me all alone.
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