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Posts posted by Lithy

  1. Dont worry about how much DPS you may be doing, worry about how much fun you are having.

    The amount of DPS doesnt really matter, the higher the DPS does not mean the greater the game.


    Agreed, while seeing higher #s after an update woulda been nice it literally will change nothing at 60. At all. It will make current 55 content harder if you don't buy the xpac, and that is the only thing i'd be concerned about. The new raids will not be tuned for 10k DPS. They will be tuned similar to how it is now. You won't hurting because of it.

  2. Is there a way to infect yourself without having to get infected by someone? From what I remember the last time I participated in this you could buy these stims that give you the Rakgoul virus. If they exist, where can I get them? And can they be used after the event?


    your thinking of the vaccines, that's what you could buy.

  3. GW2 actually has the most enjoyable combat in a MMO currently, in my opinion. You don't have a lot of skills but the ones you do have are meaningful and there is a lot of depth to them. With those few abilities the combat already has more depth than SWTOR's. The only way I can compare the two combats is via a restaurant anology, being a chef. You are given $30. Would you rather have 1 really nice steak + garnish, or 30 fast food hamburgers? :p


    Design issues aside, yes Marauders/Sentinels have some of the worst bloat in the game.


    Can't just take the abilities off my bars either because then I would be playing sub-optimally. This is a situation of the game needing change, not the player.


    I'm gonna disagree with you here, GW2 in my opinion, had some of the worst combat ever created in the history of MMOs. All MMOs with limited ability bars fall into this category for me too. It makes combat INCREDIBLY simple, boring, and most of all, easy. I played a mesmer which imo was a very interesting and well designed class from a starting perspective. Alot of the abilities were interesting too. However you barely got to use any in combat, the combat was simplified that anything that made the class interesting was striped away. The limited action bars *even with weapon swapping* took what could have been one of the most interesting, complex, rewarding, deep and innovative class to ever grace the MMO scene into something a new born could play. While sleeping. This is, again, just my opinion and nothing is wrong with liking this style. I just cannot stand simple, limited combat options. It takes anything interesting away from the combat. It's why I quit GW2, ESO, and most of all WS. WS was probably the worst offender for limited, boring combat for me.


    In sum, I hope they never remove abilities again. Most abilities have their place in any spec, and those that don't have something that takes it's place. Remove anymore abilities from this game and it would cause me to leave. This game already has less abilites than my last MMO, and I am disappointed there are not many brand abilities. There needs to be MORE tactical depth to combat for both PvE and PvP. Not less.

  4. So, I have been constantly checking Dufly for any new information on Shadow of Revan, and I saw that story wise, there will be two faction "arcs" and a solo class missions for each class. So that means two arcs and 8 single class quests, do y'all think with this structure there is any chance they might add class quests in patches, instead of only on expansions? Just a thought. I loved the class quests and would like more than one quest every year lol.


    In the Q&A posted from the NYC cantina tour i saw they said it was a testing ground for new class only content and if it worked out they would consider doing more. It also said they wouldn't be doing class stories similar like 1-50 (IE a straight continuous arc) but they may do it similar to how they are going with 3.0. I don't see this flopping so yes I'd expect to see more class missions in the future. However, I wouldn't expect them until at least 3.5 or higher as it sounds like they arn't going to start production on them until they see how 3.0 pans out.

  5. It's the complete opposite for me, I hate, and I mean hate, games that give you very little skills to work with in combat. To me they are incredibly easy, boring, and require you to know next to nothing about combat. I very much enjoy knowing when to use what and more complex specs that require 10+ regular buttons to function.


    The cooldowns in this game are very short from the ones I'm used to and I thinkt he game would benefit greatly from the addition of one or two 10min+ CDs for each AC.


    Now there is NOTHING wrong with liking less abilties per action bar, but theres game for that. I personally would probably quit if they nullified to incombat available actions to that of GW or ESO levels.

  6. Lithy, with respect I think you might have misunderstood my point. There's nothing inherently wrong with your post it's simply not the entire picture. My post also wasn't directed at you specifically but meant generally speaking.


    Damage never has and never will be the only thing of importance for a sniper there are a lot of situations in pvp where the damage you do is simply a bonus. For example you can't do any damage if you find yourself with 0 health.


    So when mobility is concerned it's reasonable to me to think of aspects of the specs other than damage.



    All good =^.^=

  7. If you ask someone who predominantly plays marksman they'll say marksman, I'll say engineering (as I only play engineering) and someone who plays lethality will say lethality.


    I play all 4 specs all the time and have been playing the class as primary since launch, my views were given analytical from my experience with all the specs in all environments from NM raiding to ranked PvP warzones and arenas.

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