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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. It's all that black and red you're wearing. If you were a Jedi, you'd be in brown or blue or some other non-evil colour.
  2. Was it that bad, that even asking about LGBT guilds was enough to get your thread locked? I'm honestly shocked.
  3. I can't comment as much about the Inquisitor, but at least on the Warrior, the impression I got is that LS = considering a situation and doing what'll work out best for the Empire/for you even if it's not as immediately personally satisfying, while DS = killing those people that just really annoyed you, even though they were the only ones who knew where your next objective was. Restraining yourself vs giving into your whims and passions basically, and you can come up with any number of characters to fit either type, in terms of loyalties and goals.
  4. Shampoo. Buddy. Please tell me why the female Sith Warrior's ability to have an emotionally and physically abusive relationship with Quinn is apparently not something that bothers you.
  5. Well, some of the current VOs would have to record new lines.
  6. Possibly the most ridiculous part of this whole conversation, aside from how almost everyone's ignoring Quinn, is that your dark side options really aren't even as terrible as they ought to be, realistically speaking, in regards to Vette. They very slightly hint at what a slave serving a Sith could expect; what is it that people who have a problem with how she's handled would prefer? That we can't play Sith? That Bioware makes it even more ridiculous by just pretending the life of a slave is going to be sunshine and puppies? Or is it simply because Vette's female, and the assumptions are that a) everybody's straight, and b) females won't or can't abuse men?
  7. Personally, in relation to the claims of sexism, I've gotta say I found the way my Warrior could treat Quinn and how he subsequently responded to be a whole lot worse than how she could treat Vette. I have to take the collar off to make any progress with Vette's story, she would say something negative if I was being cruel to her, etc., but Quinn? I ended up married to the guy I frequently sexually harassed when he clearly was uncomfortable with it, threw into a wall and force choked, constantly held one mistake over his head and asserted my dominance and superiority at every turn, all to which he replied something along the lines of "yes, my Lord, you absolutely have the right to do whatever you like with me, I'll do my best to please you above all else." Pretty classic abusive relationship there; I don't know if it's as bad with Vette, not having gotten as far with my male Warrior yet, but her personality at least doesn't seem as likely to put up with as much, thus far. And, y'know, I'm ok with this. Is it absolutely a terrible way to treat any actual person, male or female? Yes, no question. But I'm playing a character here; nobody's forcing me to make her act like this, nobody real is being hurt, and at the end of the day, the message I'm going to take out of this isn't "hey, being an abusive jerk and coercing sex out of people is actually pretty fun, I'm gonna try that on my next girlfriend." It's more like "that was an interesting mindset to explore, a fun character to play, but wow, she really was kinda unbalanced." Probably because, y'know, she was a Sith. And I can't imagine a male Warrior + Vette is going to lead to any significantly different conclusions for players.
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