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Posts posted by POPsi

  1. Actually you lose only about 12 static bonus healing if you wear DG relic instead of EWH. This is not that much. and in return you get nice burst.


    true dat... both is viable, and I think in the end it comes down to personal decision. For myself, I have a rakata power adrenal for burst/oh-sht situations, and it should be enough if the team knows what it is doing.

  2. Just updating this thread , so I had all cunning augments and was nailing about 1650 on average with 2335 cunning, I went through and changed all my augments to power last night and with the same rotation I was nailing about 1750 to 1800 on the parse with a crit rating of about 39% (315) so I would say once your around 300 crit and 2100 cunning , stack power . By switching out all those augments it brought up the dps by 100 to 150 more .


    mathematically I think it shouldn't be the case.

  3. only downside to the DG relic is that to get a slight edge in overall healing you have to use it close to off CD... which may be a waste if no burst healing is needed. If you only use it for burst situations, which may not be even required, you lose in overall performance compared to WH relics. So I keep 1 on myself, and if I see that the fight requires it (I expect I need to oh-**** heal), I'll switch my WH relic for the DG... but it rarely happens.
  4. I play a scoundrel healer and they are fantastic in pvp....with that said I've seen some pretty impressive sorc healing numbers. I've seen sorcs in voidstar with over 700k healing so they definitely aren't gimped in pvp.


    yeah, with strategic aoe placement they can pull crazy numbers sometimes, but in general I'd say the circle loses efficiency most of the time since in pvp you have to move if you want to live, meaning you can't stay in the aoe for the full duration, while you receive the full healing from the OP aoe

  5. in general, with sorc healer you want gear that has high power, high mainstat (for you willpower), crit and surge are also important, and you won't really be able to avoid alacrity either. And yes, sometimes BH gear is not ideal, because at least for me (operative) the BH gear has armorings with too high endurance and lower cunning. So pay attention to this and you should be fine.
  6. it depends... sometimes it goes without problem, but other times you just run into annoying people... like yesterday, EC weekly, we make our way to the tanks. Everyone ready, go... I dance around the tank, healing the people, and already see our tank does not know the DD mechanic. Ok, we survive that, then he runs with us under the shield. Wipe. Ok, next try, I explain every phase and what/where to do. Shield phase, the guy stays on the tank, we wipe. I ask to switch tanks, since the other is easier to manage. The other tank doesn't have a clue how to tank the other tank. I was facepalming hard :rolleyes: But none of them would come out before the fight saying don't know what to do.
  7. I use it in 2 situations...


    1: burst healing needed coz someone screwed up something, and I use DS as a filler between 2 big heals to keep my energy in the green zone

    2: everyone is pretty much topped off, so I do some burst damage as fast as I can, then fill my energy back up with DS crits before the next expected heal phase.

  8. I don't even like playing with premades, when the 4 players on teamspeak just carry the match and ignore the rest of us.

    The free win for my weekly is nice but you can't get any medals because the game is over so fast. The best you can do is just sit back and fight a few 1on1s to, entertain yourself while they face-roll the competition.


    I don't think they should be 100% seperate, but the queue should emphasize premade vs premade and PUG vs PUG. Because pug v pug always end up being the best matches (had a 2% to 0% denova game last night, it was glorious!)


    or our comeback today against a premade on civil war that we won after several quitters 10-0 :) Rare thing, but happens 1-2 times in a month :D

  9. I quit on 3 occasions:


    - if during the initial countdown it's obvious our team will lose

    - something IRL comes up (rare, but happened the other day, sadly in a winning situation)

    - when I'm put in a lost match as a backfill


    Other than that I can always grind a few medals.

  10. there is nothing wrong with what SoI is doing imo... they've achieved quite a good thing server-wide. GTN play will always be part of the game, deal with it. And as an advice... don't craft stuff from your own mats only if you need it yourself... then you don't lose money. Advertise, get customers, and if you crit then you can equally undercut people on GTN. Besides, I never understood the serious money chasers in this game... what do you need that much money for when you can't spend it anyway after a while. I try to enjoy what I do and not make it a second job... even if I won't have tens of millions. An average player can very well get by with 10 mill credits, and you don't have to be a top-end crafter to achieve that.
  11. At 50 close to bis pve gear, I sometimes do pvp, and put out pretty high numbers, close or sometimes even higher than pvp geared healers... with 1200-1300 exp I think you do +10-15 % healing which is not that much. The only problem is that without pvp gear we are paper, 2 hits from a sentinel and we're good as dead.
  12. I was running with with WH power relic+ matrix cube, and briefly considered to switch to WH relic+ DG clicky power relic, but changed my mind. True it gives you a bit more power overall if you use it on CD, but I prefer the steady power so I am using 2x WH relic now.
  13. I'm very disappointed, though I expected this. I was hooked to the class stories, but not the planetary quest lines, they didn't really have any weight. I'll probably still keep playing, but it's not a 10$ I'll be happy to spend. Most likely I'll just SB the conversation after a quick read-through of the text. And I seriously doubt we will see any new class chapters after this turn of events, which is really sad. It really does demonstrate how much they want to just milk everyone, and that there is a serious lack of commitment towards this game from EA in terms of resources. What next? The Ilum revamp will be the same as the life day event? New cartel boxes that you can buy only if you go to Ilum :D
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