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    Edmonton AB Canada
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  1. Hey Guys, I'm thinking of rolling empire on Harbinger because, well, it's quite a popular server which means more people to do things with i.e. PUG groups and faster queue times yay! I feel like I may be beating a dead horse here but, my main concern is with the rumors I hear flying around about pvp on the server. I've seen everything from "ROLL PUB IF YOU WANT TO WIN" to "It's back and forth, maybe pub win ~ 60% of the time" I really enjoy pvp, but I can't say that I'm dedicated enough at the moment to join a pvp guild, so really I'd just be playing a pvp match now and again when I feel like it. I have a few republic alts I could bring over, but TBH I'm not too interested in playing republic anymore, I played republic at launch and have been playing empire ever since I switched sometime around hutt cartel. I do remember the feeling of being stomped by imps in pvp though and that's not something I really want to repeat by rolling empire on harbinger if I can avoid it. With all that said, is the state of imperial/empire pvp *as bad* as people are making it out to be? (the "roll pub if you want to win") I'm down with a good challenge, i.e if imps tend to win say 40% of the time. If it helps I generally play between 4pm - 10pm pacific during weeknights. Any constructive thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! TLDR: Is imp pvp as bad as people make it out to be or are the people complaining just upset because they lose 60% of the time?
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