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Everything posted by Sacremas

  1. Yes I know, but this is after the patch. That kind of gear is still dropping in the FP on Story, it's just not usable any longer unless you meet the level, previously it had 0 level req.
  2. This is true only after you start KOTFE. At this point none of the companions get influence bonuses except through Knights storyline and gifts. So max out those class companions that do follow over before you start it as they then keep that affection when they rejoin, especially ones like Vette that becomes available early on.
  3. Submitted this bug previously in game to customer support, they asked me to put it in bug reports instead. A couple of days ago I did Black Talon solo story mode with my level 16 Operative, and both the bonus boss droid and Yadira Ban dropped level 50 gear instead of for my level, this time level restricted to 50 (pre 5.2.2 the gear was of course level 65 Outlander gear without level cap, this is no longer dropping). I got a chestpiece and a knife, I don't remember their names as I sold them, but they were the standard heroic prototype (Blue) quality gear for level 50 agent. Since the gear can't be worn by low level characters any longer this isn't such a big deal of course, especially as the credits for the sale of a level 50 item well makes up for missing a level 16ish prototype gear I can pick up on heroics later, but still seems like a oddity. Also incidentally I did the Boarding Party and Foundry questline with my 70 Marauder on story mode a few days ago, again wrong level gear drops, but now it's level 35ish gear that dropped instead. So I'm guessing this is a story mode issue.
  4. Thanks a lot man, the linked guide let me fix the resolution fine, everything's working out now, kudos!
  5. Okay so I resubbed to play new story content after being away for several years, in the meantime I have gotten a new computer and I now play my games on a 44" 4k TV via a HDMI cable from my GTX 980. When I started up the game after reinstalling I changed around the screen resolutions, trying to set it to 1920x1080, with the result being that the game crashed, when I started it back up again it now sets my windows resolution to 800x600, and while I can hear the audio fine of the load menu having started up, I can't see anything at all (hovering over the Win 10 taskbar icon for a running SWTOR shows instead of a picture to swap to just a very thin sliver, basically just a line with changing colors instead of a screen to swap to). Because of this I can't change the resolution to something that will actually work for my setup, and I do not have any PC monitors available to check. I tried using GeForce Experience to change SWTOR's resolution, but that worked badly, and the game doesn't start up at all now after using the "optimize" function (probably because Experience doesn't like my TV or the like, honestly I have no idea). Basically I am wondering if there is any way outside of the game itself that I can change video options like resolution to something else without reinstalling the whole game, something like an ini file to change values in?
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