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Posts posted by Dezeit

  1. To me the pull ability is not the issue. In hutball it is the equivalent of passing the ball to that person. i.e the ball moves to the same place as someone on your team. Your team member needs to be there, you might as well throw the ball.


    Charge on the other hand is a different mechanic. It moves the ball (and the player) to a location that one of your team is not. To me that is the ability that "might" need adjustment. The range on charge just seems to be a little excessive how about halving the distance when carrying the ball.

  2. The solution to this is very simple.


    Cross server Queing.


    If this is implemented then the Republic players will be forming full teams quickly, while Empire players will be sitting in the queue for a long time while enough republic players queue to create a new WZ. It will quickly encourage people to equal out the distribution.

  3. There are two issue I see with Qyzen Fess


    The first and most anyoying is his AOE attack when trying to CC, in multi mob encounters.

    Most times I am soloing I CC a mob with force lift only to have Qyzen break the CC with his AOE attack. Now with a little bit of skill and timing you can get round this by rotating targets, but then mid way through the battle Qyzen will often run to the next mob and AOE them breaking the CC on to Mob you are trying to keep out of the battle. This is just bad game mechanics. Please change to an AOE taunt with no damage so it does not break the CC.


    The second is what is his key stat (after Endurance), is it Aim like all of his items, or as a Melee should he be using strength based items. Is he getting all the bonuses for Aim even though he is in melee.

  4. Seems to me a lot of "fixes" are in 1.2


    Do we know for certain they are fixing this as its a real pain.


    Lets lose a couple of the medals for the high damage and healing (which just encourages farming) and replace them with objective based medals.


    1st time you place a bomb on a door

    1st time you disarm a bomb on a door

    1st time you cap a turret

    1st time you score a goal in huttball


    Get rid of a few more medals and make it

    a door at each level in voidstar

    Each turret and each goal in hutball

  5. Just a tip in a WZ, when you see a healer flag them.


    Stick that nice big symbol above their heads and shout healer marked.

    If people can quickly identify a healer then they are going down fast.

  6. I can't wait, then the OP can go and play in his own little world.


    Spawn in PvP

    Is team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Oh they just scored, nevermind, Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick

    Oh they just scored, nevermind, Is next team member below 15K hp, yes kick


    Must be the sort of player that plays huttball and sits in a corner farming medals while the oposition is actually carrying the ball across the goal line.


    While gear is important, what you do is more important which is why your comment on just looking at someones gear, just shows how bad a player you really are. Something tells me that when he is on a team of people in BM that know how to play they will take one look and say your the weakest link, kick.

  7. There is one simple reason that people are leaving and its the issue of launching a game before its ready to meet an Xmas deadline or to beat another game to market. Many people are just not prepared to pay money for a game thats still in beta. Would you buy any other product and it be accaptable to say, oh they have taken my money, I know its got loads of bugs in but its only a month old.


    I like the game concept and think it has potential, just that its poorly implemented and even more poorly supported. Many of the issues people are seeing are things that should have been ironed out in Beta months ago. I was in Beta and being honest it was more like alpha. Support is a joke from auto-droids closing tickets to the minimal number of dev posts on the forums as to what is being worked on.


    Flaming posts on a forum for people saying they are leaving, but the only way the game (and future MO's) will improve if people provide constructive feedback. Flaming posts just shows a lack of maturity.

  8. Simple fix.


    Increase the RE chance and reduce the chance of purple resources dropping from missions.


    The majority of people can get in a "reasonable" time frame (NOT easy but reasonable) the puple item they NEED but as the resources needed to make them are scarce then the market will not be flooded, they will be able to make what they can use unless they go hardcore on missions. The already known schematic issue or variants you dont want becomes less of a problem as well as the pain of getting an RE crit is less.


    I understand this will be flamed by the hardcore crafters as they will no longer be able to farm purples at the rate they are today, but it would balance the crafting skills far more evenly.

  9. Lets seperate the "you can make loads of money" from the, "is ArmorMech useful as you level".


    If you invest a significant amount of credits and time, then you will be able to learn purples and recoup your investment. Purples (of the right type and if you crit) can go for a really nice price. No-one is not saying you can't make money.


    Now if you expect to have a crafting prefession that you can use what you make and is better than what you can find/buy/rewarded for then thats a different story.


    BW has said its not working as intended so best thing to do is wait and see. Hopefully the wait won't be too long. Personally its too late for my toon as she just hit 50. I got fed up with the constant grind of making blues with virtually no purple crits and if I did get one it had the wrong stats. I spent a lot of time and money collecting resources in world and from missions, so while not hardcore I did put a lot of work into armormech.


    Also remember that as you level armormech not all slots are available for all levels, so the analogy with what you can buy with comendations still stands. They dont have items for slots at all levels and neither does armormech.


    I just decided to roll a new toon and do what eveyone else does which is biochem.

  10. I think there is an issue when you break 50 with the way medals are awarded.


    I don't mind getting wiped by an epic spec, thats part of the game, but with your opponents geared with expertise the damage reduction means its exponentially harder to get medals. You can't do the damage you used to so its a very hard slog at the beginning of 50 just to get a more than a couple of medals.


    I for one made the mistake of concentrating on crafting while leveling instead of saving up WZ commendations/bags. The first 20 games were painful. Especially if you play a class that can't maximize the number of medals being awarded.


    Admittedly after you get a couple of PvP items things get easier, so its more of awareness saying you need to save up those commendations, but is that really an as intended mechanic. Its doubly hard. Can't kill the oposition and its hard to get the medals to get the kit to compete with them.


    It would have been better thought out to give more emphasis (weighted medals) based on winning tactics. Medal for each Hutball you score for example, that way even if you can't damage as much you get medals for playing well.

  11. Please don't nerf Sorc's ..... after reading this post I am creating one tonight...........


    Sounds like the only way so solve the problem is create one and join the majority of the population.


    Hutball here I come........

  12. I love the merc comparison written by someone that does not play one.....


    You forgot the simple ommission you can't move and its LOS for the entire cast time. If you stay still then the merc has the advantage, but with a cast time it can be interupted and does not work while stun locked (something a sorc can do) and the sorc can sprint away. Oh did I mention heat buildup (can be mitigated to some degree by crits and talents). Merc is a one trick class in that one trick its very powerful (possibly too powerful, but you take that away and they have nothing else). Sorc has many tricks across the board.


    In an environment like hutball the bag of tricks a sorc has just makes it the default choice for most people. You can sprint (through the fires), stun lock, knock back off platforms, pull the ball handler to you. I think most peoples challenges with Sorcs are in hutball. Maybe reducing abilities in that specific WZ would balance it more.

  13. Or you could have individual timers for respawn, like most other games. 20 secs to respawn.


    The door mechanic is just broken. Missed the gate one time as I was respeccing and in the time it took the gate to reopen I was booted out of the WZ for being the the spawn too long. Good idea just badly implemented.

  14. This is just as annoying in Voidstar.


    I rezzed, and was just respeccing my Merc to healer and missed the open gate and I had to wait for the gate to open again but by the time the gate re-opened I was kicked for being in the spawn too long.


    This is just one of many broken mechanics in a game released to early.

  15. Please, Please , Please seperate the issue of RE crit rates and the market being flooded with purple items.


    All crafters know that purple items need purple mats to make. As long as purple mats are rare then the market will not be saturated.


    Crafting was one thing I really liked about SWTOR, but the RE rates are out of sync with the game. I am predominantly a crafter (just not hard core). My companions are always out gathering and I harvest all the nodes I find. 100 RE's of a blue for no crit is not "as intended"


    The issue is that in the 40's even concentrating on crafting, I level past the items before I get a crit to purple, or blue for some. If I do get a purple then most of the time it is not an item I want. A mercenary with Shield stat items is just so useful - NOT.


    I am now 49 just to make 50, so my ArmorMech is now going to be virtually useless. For me this needs fixing but its getting to late for me to care. SWTOR was launched when it was not ready (yes I was in Beta or should I say Alpha, this is more like Beta).


    Lost my love with the game. The patch notes for 1.1.3 have no fix for this, developers need to state a timeline as I have about a week before I cancel my subscription for this beta game.

  16. I like this concept because it has a cap.


    One suggestion would have is that a normal item increses the meter from 1-99 (a 100 is a crit for automatic schematic). RE'ing a mastercrafed item could potentially give you double or triple the value.


    If the cap was 1500 this means the average RE is 30 RE's

    You still have a 1% chance to crit on aeach go but is never more than 150 and you can see your progress. (Not knowing is one of the biggest fustrations).


    Now the challange is you ideally need a counter per item, which would be very resource intensive. You could have one counter for Green to Blue and one for Blue to Purple. If the meter resets after a succesful RE it would stop someone trying to pad the RE chance with low level items.

  17. For those people posting please leave RE's at the present rate I have to disagree.

    Do I want it to be easy to RE a purple - NO.

    Do I want a reasonable chance that I can make something useful if I spend some time doing it - Yes.


    The present RE rate is too low, do you really think RE'ing 100 blues to get a purple you can't use is good. The cost of creating a blue is exponentially more expensive than a green.


    What posters forget is it takes rare purple components from crafting missions to actually make the items. As long as the drop rate on these components remain low then the market will not be flooded. What will happen is that there will be more purples that people actually need and be prepared to pay for on the GTN.


    I have sold some purples on the GTN at a reasonable price, but have lost hundreds of thousands of credits on Armormech that does not come close to break even.

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