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Everything posted by Redsuns_

  1. PLease bioware. I want a hooded companion instead of resorting to leaving the head slot empty.
  2. a premade team with practice and coordination can totally roll over a pug. Pit premade against premade in huttball. Not National Team vs PUG. And i just got 3 shotted by an operative. And i am lvl44 bolstered. Even if he is lvl50, its ridiculous. Acid blade hidden strike, shiv and laceration. dead. Even my grandma can play operative.
  3. bioware focus too much on creating the world and doing the voice overs. The UI is like crap and the combat just feel so out of sync at times. And finding your buffs, procs or monitoring debuffs IS A MAJOR PAIN IN THE ***. ITS TOO MESSY. swtor is a great game with huge potential. Please start making improvements to the core game instead of adding new flashpoints and operations.
  4. huh? im lvl42 with up to level equips and i feel all my skills can barely make a dent sometimes with all the extra work a shadow must do. Damage is too low for a dps spec class. Infiltration spec. Balance seems to do better dmg from my experience.
  5. agreed. MMO is a MMO. You can't say you hate doing kill/fetch quests or clicking the hotbars, cooldown or anything else that is a standard in a MMO genre. Can they suggest a better game mechanics then? I BET NO. They cannot even design a "Standard" MMO. But they are really good at whining.
  6. already subbed 6 months during early access. If for ppl who like mmo, i dont see why they wont play swtor other than personal preferences like sword/shields over lightsabers/blasters. Swtor is the newest mmo on the market with good production and polish. Im not going to wait another 5 years for the next mmo.
  7. This reminds me of Age of Conan where no open pvp rewards were implemented at launch. Rubbish for a pvp game. And now Swtor also..wth... Age of Conan is BAD. Is SWTOR BAD also? Bioware?
  8. What rubbish is this? I died in Taral V flashpoint. I clicked Return Medic Center and i didnt return to instance entrance. I returned to my desktop instead. New feature? There is a FP ongoing and my grp mates have no idea why i disappeared. Now i have to wait at least 1 hr+ to get in. You have created a great game BioWare. But you seriously failed at some BASIC things. GET IT TOGETHER! I didnt disconnect. YOU BOOTED ME BIOWARE.
  9. What rubbish is this? I died in Taral V flashpoint. I clicked Return Medic Center and i didnt return to instance entrance. I returned to my desktop instead. New feature? There is a FP ongoing and my grp mates have no idea why i disappeared. Now i have to wait at least 1 hr+ You have created a great game BioWare. But you seriously failed at some BASIC things. GET IT TOGETHER!
  10. Ya stop making it look pretty. The actual queue time is 3-4+ hrs. And system only show <1hr 45 mins. What a joke.
  11. After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware. Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre.
  12. It had been a really really long wait since the birth of WOW. But you did it. A MMO that is so polished, fun and high quality. After so many MMO failures, i am truly glad to play swtor. I know this post will get washed away in secs. But i want to express my sincere thanks for bringing hope and new life to the MMO genre. For those waiting to play, you wont regret it. I got in on Wave 3. Preordered on 23 july. I enjoyed every second of it. See you all ingame.
  13. I have been refreshing my inbox and game client. And i just got in.
  14. ya all the bull crap when they are letting ppl jump queue while those who preordered in july are still waiting. And they still got the cheek to tell you to be patient and saying your time will come when its time.
  15. 23/7 not in yet. Judging from current progress, 3rd or latest 4th wave for me? .....
  16. Letting in players on crawling speed is their secret to a smooth launch. rofl...
  17. yeah it is kinda of bull****. Not everyone on 21/7 are even in yet. Is this an MMO? Server capacity 500?
  18. same here 23/7 seriously if 2 days after 21/7 cant even get in fast. i wonder whats going to happen to August,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec ppl
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