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Posts posted by alderdale

  1. L2P is the only valid response to this ignorance. Sent/Mara were claimed to be gimped/weak and they were never significantly buffed before this patch, and somehow they are now overpowered. They really weren't even buffed all that much. The only significant changes are that one talent was moved to the focus tree where it should have been since go and they boosted Master Strike/Ravage slightly. It can do more damage if you point it up or be even more effective if you go Combat/Carnage, but I still haven't seen too many trying that route.


    The only reason people wrote off the class until fairly recently was because most people could/can kite the crap out of the terrible players of that class. A few good players of the class stand out, and suddenly their defensive cooldowns are overpowered. Now that the damage has been brought up to where it should have been from go, now they're wildly overpowered and yet I can still kill them. Sent/Mara still die, still get stunned to death, still get kited, but because they can actually hurt you when they do get a hold of you, they're too much for you and need to be nerfed. I suggest you actually learn how the class operates so that you can fight them instead of just running here to cry about it.


    Sorcs were overpowered because they got too much utility, getting to be an effective jack of all trades. Now the hybrid specs are far less useful and they have to pick a tree. Sent/Mara have only been able to do one thing, kill things. They don't tank, they don't protect, they barely have cc's, and they don't heal for crap even when they're Watchman/Annihilation. They only kill things while being fairly squishy and even more so when they don't have defensive cooldowns available. They finally get to do what they were intended to do and you call it overpowered. I think you need to work on playing your character because I know Vanguards that can kill the class fairly easily.


    He he you can sense them qwivering in their boots with the impending nerfs, the bigger the rubutle post the more apparent the OP is right.

  2. If they do get nerfed i fully expect the forum pvp'ers to move on to campaigning for the next class to be nerfed, then the next and the next until all we're left with are 8 classes with auto attack on their bar.


    Your right lets just stop this nonsense now leaving your class as the undisputed OP class of the game.

  3. Stop putting me into warzones in progress where my team is losing badly late in the match so that I get little if anything out of it.


    Allow 8 man queues at least if you're going to punish players this badly for losses. Stop queueing me with people who just hit 50 and won't buy recruit gear. Stop wasting my time.


    Games are so lopsided and since you get nothing for losing and no penalty for quiting no one sticks around in a losing game.Then in comes you to fill their shoes.

  4. It's only that bad if you're a terrible gamer barely capable of rational thought or doing anything beyond rolling face across keyboard.


    If you're a capable gamer then no, it's not bad at all.


    You are one of those people in life that quietly accepts whatever is given to you and deals with it. The problem is Val this isnt your job, or a relationship or a tax audit. This is a game that used to be rather fun to play but has now lost a good chunk of its appeal for allot of people.


    So we have either A unsubbed or B came to the forums to try to get Bioware to focus on what they did well initially make a really fun and fairly balanced game.


    We are not like you, we do not just quietly accept and "adjust" we move on. So watch the sub numbers over the next few months they will paint a clearer picture.

  5. Dear bioware pvp dev team


    Your latest idea in patch 1.2 is to heap punishment to players who lost and now thingking of adding MORE punishment with the upcoming Deserter Debuff.


    please note that :

    - 3 medal minimum as indicator of player's contribution? there are ways to check if player AFK or not, check theor location, combat state, activity. aplayer who actively defend or attack but get outnumbered and got no medal shouldnt be put in the same NO REWARD punishment box


    - Because of this, now some people left a losing WZ and therefore making it worse to the players that stuck to the end. and from FAIRNESS point of view, Where are MEDALs for losing team that fought OUTNUMBERED and STUCK TO THE END???


    - realize that some pppl use mostly PvP for leveling and now you remove XP if team lost? all those time playing in Losing WZ and you dont value the player's contribution for his time in wz??


    wihtout a better system to check if someone afk or not, please dont use the current system as it is punishing to casual pvper thant got even ZERO XP and ZeRO CREDIT.


    Please stop thinking about adding punishment into he game. Instead try to use Incentives so players dont run from a failing WZ


    They have some talent over that at Bioware, but Ive never seen so many bad ideas unleashed in an MMO so fast.

  6. My sub runs out at midnight tonight and i've already uninstalled the game and deleted the content from my harddrive.


    There's no way that i'm re-downloading the 11GiB of data required to play the game, even if BioWare is giving out a free month.


    1.2, by all accounts, has been a deathblow to swtor. BioWare took a game that was fairly balanced (aside from 3 classes) and thrown the balance completely off. BioWare took a game that had a decent reward system for pvp and changed it to reward only those who already have an advantage. BioWare failed to deliver on a system that would have provided challenging matchups for the pvp community, and were dishonest about the system's release date up until 12 hours before it was slated to be published. BioWare failed to deliver on OWPvP by creating an amazing landscape to pvp in, but putting the focus on one location in that


    BioWare knows this, they know they've screwed up big time and their data shows the unsub rate to be high enough to warrant giving out a free month of play-time to their players to try and makeup for these issues.


    Quite frankly a free month isn't enough. If I'm going to even look at playing this game ever again the following needs to happen.


    A.) The Dir of PVP and it's Project Managers need to be fired. They've done nothing but fail in designing the game's pvp over the last 3 months, and their "ideas" generally hurt the company more than help.


    B.) Roll-back the balance changes that went live in 1.2. 3 classes being slightly OP (in one way or another) is easier to deal with than 2 massively OP classes and 6 super-gimps. The metrics used to balance need to be based on class potentials, and not on class use because sometimes it takes 2+ months for a community to figure out how-to maximize a classes worth.


    C.) Weekly updates posted to the forum on the status of upcoming PVP changes - positive and negative hurdles.


    D.) the PTR has to have a "Mission Box" which allows players choose to auto-level to 20, 30, 40, 50 and provides a full set of appropriate gear as quest rewards so that upcoming changes can be tested by a large portion of the population instead of a select few.


    E.) X-Server queuing, Ranked Warzones, a anti-cheating system, and 3 - 4 new Warzones need to become the priority for PvP's future. Class imbalance in 1.1 wasn't such that it required such a gigantic overhall.


    F.) All future class changes should be rolled-out in smaller updates and would change 1 - 2 classes per update instead of making sweeping changes.


    Do this BioWare, and i'll resub. Fail to address these issues and i've already started looking at other MMO's. It's really a shame that the game went this direction because January - March I had such high hopes for this game.


    Great post, I think you nailed most of these items, its pretty obvious these guys have talent but are clueless about running an MMO.

  7. Before 1.2 some guilds wouldn't take a scoundrel healer, but now I'm going to be in highest demand :)


    And it only took nerfing the other two healing classes and buffing ours :/


    It's nice to be wanted...


    A healer class that got buffed loves the changes, imageine that.

  8. As they should be. Try taking down a battlemaster bodyguard merc..


    Try taking one down with a high DPS class also wearing Battlemaster gear? Happens on a regular basis......


    If we go all the way down the healing tree and with the best PvP gear in game it better be really hard to kill us, since we arnt going to kill anyone else who is equally geared. Thats the whole point of the build. We are constantly getting focused in PvP we have to be able to survive to be effect healers for our group.


    Whats the point of being a dedicated healer if one equally geared player can just take us down? None, and no one will play the class if thats the case.

  9. Sorry, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. The thing is, the more people are attacking me at the same time, the more CCs they use. The more CCs they use, the faster they make my resolve full. It actually takes them to throw 2-3 stuns at me to fill the bar, at which point I use my CC-break, pop up defensive CDs, use a WZ stimpack and do whatever I will for the next 15-20 secs. After that I might die, yes. Or they might die. And when we meet again, my CC-breaker is off CD again. I used this tactics a lot of times to score in Huttball, it never failed me.


    And really, what's the deal with that being dead instantly? I play as one of the squishiest classes (scoundrel), and yet fully BM-geared I survive long enough to LoS successfully or to shake the attackers off when need be. Bioware put so much effort into making PvP "longer" in SWTOR that it's not even a problem anymore to survive unless focused by most of the enemies' team.


    its not 15 or 20 secs after resolve fills its about 10 and during the 10 secs you are still able to be stuned interupted and knocked back at that point your resolve bar is reset and it starts all over again.

  10. poor merc healers. Most of us played the merc to do dps...then we figured out how bad we sucked in the 50's bracket and switched to bodyguard spec...


    now what ?


    This is what concerns me most about this patch, healing in PvP, we basically have to drop anchor and heal which means were getting zerged the whole game. As it is an equally geared DPS will always wear us out and over heat us long before we can both heal ourselfs and DPS them down, now Bioware is making it even harder.


    Why would me as a healer want to take that kind of abuse in every game, basically getting 2 and 3 maned and not be able to deal with the damage.


    Bioware, you have created zerg PvP maps so give us DEDICATED healers a way to deal with it. Dont castrate us becuase other BH's are using a hybrid spec. As a dedicated healer I dont expect to be able to kill anyone but I expect to be able to outheal ANYONE's DPS easily.


    Your gooing to end up with a game full of people playing DPS classes with no one to heal them.

  11. All Im taknig away from this is that DPS in general is way overpowered compared to a healer that has to deal with it in PVP, yet healing is getting nerfed to balance PVE end game.


    Nothing about this patch makes sense to me only that in Biowares attempt to reel in Hybrid healing damange specs they are making pure healing classes worse. Were they really needed help to compete at the highest levels of end game PvP.

  12. Rofl DPS outrage will be loudest still if Bioware peeves off too many healers and has happen what happened in Blizzards game.


    I remember Blizzard pulling this kind of stunt in Wrath and later in Cata, in Wrath all DPS sat 2 solid months on servers doing absolutely nothing because NO heals could be found to save the dps's lives.


    Was the biggest 180 I've seen blizzard do, guess the account hemoraging was too much for them. But low and behold Blizzard's fail devs did the same thing in Cata trying to sound brave and say they were putting more challenge into healing.


    End result servers lost a big percentage of healers permanently, my guild over there lost 2 of our main raid heals, why? they agreed it was challenging; sadly they said they paid Blizzard to be entertainment NOT a second stressful job.


    So dps many of you better be working on an alternate healer, because you may just need to be able to heal yourselves; if too many healers tell Bioware to take the stressful heal job and beeep. :jawa_tongue:


    This right here, I played this game to heal, to heal in PvP mostly. As it stands now Im the target of 2 to 3 people every match as it is in ANY MMO Ive played in. We need the tools to survive under this kind of presure or as you put it, its just not a fun roll. Trying to keep people up shouldnt be a stressfull second job.


    In this game IM fully commited to the healing tree with NO dps to speak of so I should be able to fight off a player or two and keep my peeps up. Its hard as heck now and after 1.2 its going to get worse, like not fun anymore worse.

  13. Another one of these threads...


    PvE -------------------------------> that way

    PvP is about cc, PvE is about dmg/heal rotation.


    Is it about cc or is it about an endless chain of cc.

  14. Make resolve work against all forms of cc, stuns, slows and knockbacks. and you start, START to have something that makes sense in this game. Your bar would fill up quicker and once full provide you complete immunity to start fighting back.
  15. Those of you who think resolve is broken, read the guide again attentively. The system works perfectly fine, I have never had a problem with it and I suppose that what happens to you is either a bug, in which case it should be reported to CS, or your inability to understand a simple mechanics.


    Um okay it works perfectly fine for CC but I think everyone else is talking about the other loss of control abililites that happen after your play your resolve bar that people toss at you, stuns and knock backs.


    So its common to be stunned for 16 secs break out of the third cc only to be instantly stunned for another 4 seconds then knocked backed (another 4 seconds of down time) oh and now your resolve is just about used up so your back to being cc again, but your prety much dead at this point so I guess it really doesnt matter. Ya works great.


    I imagine you never have a problem with it because you dont have 2 to 3 people attacknig you at once.


    edit: Let me restate that, you have 2 or 3 people attacking you and never had the chance to get even one attack off. Its not about whether you could of killed one of them its that fact that you cant even fight back at all.

  16. Neto, but almost all of your analogies are based on crystal ball type senarios. If you can predict that ONE person is going to do something then resolve starts, starts I say to make sense fundamentaly.


    Im not sure how things go for you in PvP. But Im a healer and as such I am nearly always fighting off 2 to 3 players that basically cycle their cc's and stuns leaving me helpless. Which is why Resolve doesnt work, its to selective as to what it prevents.


    Resolve works "great" in a perfect world but PvP is fast paced and dynamic with two and three people casting on a single target at once.


    Resolve makes sense MAYBE in one v one senariots. But I challenge you to show me any design decisions in this game that promote one v one play. All the WZ's and Ilum are designed for massive PvP otherwise known as ZERGS. What other kinds of PvP options do we have in SWTOR besides ZERGS?


    That my friend is why DR works so much better for mass PvP and resolve just works great on paper and in forum posts such as yours but provides little help in this game.


    DR works against all types of cc and stuns so your QUICKLY rendered imune to both types no matter which was cast and back in action with a fighting chance. You and I both know that even after playing your resolve bar perfectly, so after 16 second of IMMOBILITY the third cc hits and you break out of it only to be instantly stunned and then knocked back Netiher of which shoud have worked after your resolve bar filled,


    edit: Make resolve work against all forms of cc, stuns, slows and knockbacks. and you start START to have something that makes sense in this game. Your bar would fill up quicker and once full provide you immunity to start fighting back.


    See you in the zerg........

  17. This is not a Hero Engine Bash session. Even though SWTOR shipped with:


    Lack of a day night cycle

    Lack of dynamic weather

    Lack of a customizable UI at launch

    Lack of a combat log at launch

    Poor performance with 17 plus players fighting in one place

    Ability lag

    Camera zoom and auto rotation problems

    Strange disjointed map system with nothing really tying things together on a global scale

    HEAVY HEAVY use of instancing

    Missing social tools


    These are not the fault of the Hero Engine, these are design decisions, prioritization decisions and coding problems all at the hands of Bioware. I also believe they are all correctable problems or doable feature adds.


    It just steams me that basic features were missing and critical problems remained at launch just to get the game shipped in 2011. I'm sure Bioware was so caught up and proud of what they were doing differently that they trivialized basic features and underestimated the importance of game optimization.


    We are not your Mass Effect Dragon age crowd, we are not your Star Wars zealots. Most of us are seasoned experienced MMO players. Welcome to the OUR party, your late and you havent brought much to the table yet. But alas their is still hope for you.

  18. This is why I stopped playing this game: it takes forever to get anywhere...


    I had to go from the Fleet to Hoth then back to Alderaan...


    ****!!! This is absurd... get to hangar, hangar to ship, ship cenematic, ship in space, find destination, fly to destination, cinematic, exit ship, cinematic, get to spaceport, run to transport, transport to planet, run through spaceport on planet...




    This cant be a serious post, I found this game to be about the most travel friendly game Ive played.


    Have you ever played an MMO before? What are you used to? STanding on a mailbox and queing up for dugeons and PvP?


    I think Ive just been had.

  19. I agree with the OP, its not the dps nerf that will hurt us, but the heat management. I have a merc in full rakata , and I have already rolled a Mara, as I anticipate they will bring more dps and utility to an Ops in 1.2. I know of other BH rerolling because of the changes.


    I like many are not thrilled about spamming our pellet gun to keep our heat under control. To me its white damage / healing. Ive never heard of a class rotation that includes extensive use of white damage as an intregral part of its design.


    Our pellet gun should be something we use when we have done something WRONG. Its a badge of dishonor we have to wear when weve overheated. Now were being told directly from BW to use it in our rotation to make up the difference to our heat increase.


    That in my opinion is poor resource design done in an attempt to fix something else that is not balanced properly in the game.

  20. It seems so positively easy, just have abilities perform differently on players verses non players. On non player (NPC), ability x hits for y on player, ability x hits for z. How freaking hard is that?


    They already do that on some abilities, conconsion missle lasts 60 seconds on mobs and 8 secs on players, so they can do it for any abilities they want to balance for PvP.

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