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Everything posted by Fractal_Eye

  1. The fact of the matter is you incur repair costs in PvE, regardless of dying or not. No, it's not a big amount, but it's still a credit sink. (Yes, it might be a hard concept to grasp, but insignificant =/= nonexistent.) Even if you don't die a single time in a PvE daily, you will still have a very miniscule amount of repair costs. PvP has no such thing in place. Nada. Also, being awarded anything (which, if I recall correctly, is a very tiny amount of comms) for losing in PvP is still better off than PvE. The equivalent would be someone not capable of completing the PvE daily, just as someone quitting a PvP match early is the equivalent of one simply abandoning the PvE daily without attempting to finish it. Finally, when you say you've addressed the risk issue by saying making the same amount as PvE minus the repair costs, you really haven't addressed it at all. Saying 'make it the same as PvE minus the repair costs' is still allowing PvP to have no credit risk. (The possibility of being grouped with morons that make it nigh impossible to win a match (which, by the way, is not inclusive to PvP) and the risk of wasting time (which, again, isn't mutually exclusive to PvP, either), which happens plenty in PvE, especially in PUG Operations and/or the GF FP queues, is universal. So, in that respect (the possibility of having one's time wasted) is already equal for both activities. So, having one's time wasted doesn't enter the equation here, since it's possible for anyone's time to be wasted trying to do either type of activity.) Anyhoo, I do hope BW looks at this thread before they delete it (again, it's fate was sealed upon conception imo), because I would be curious as to their opinion on increasing credit reward opportunities for an in-game activity that has absolutely no credit risk at all. However, we probably won't hear anything by them on the matter, although I would be happily surprised to be wrong. Either way, if they up the rewards and implement some kind of credit risk, then I'll be happy for the PvPers getting more opportunity to make credits. If they simply increase the rewards without any credit risk, then I may just have to game the system. Trust me, I wouldn't be the only one who would be doing so...
  2. Okay, OP, you've converted me. Make PvP rewards on par with PvE ones, even though PvP comes with no risk. Don't add any, either. I, too, want a button I can click, not have to wait or travel (since queue times would dramatically decrease, right?), then run around in circles hitting random buttons for a few minutes, and walk out with the same payout as doing the time equivalent for a PvE activity. Jolly great idea, and I can't imagine why I was against it to begin with! /sarcasm I swear, with all the namecalling that goes on in these (and, in-fact, almost every gaming) forums, I would think that (some of) the PvPers here were the true 'carebears,' considering it seems that reward without risk (however small) is what is truly being asked for here. (Not that I would call anyone a 'carebear,' simply because it's a stupid way to label anyone, but dayum...) Also, I've been floating in and out of this thread while I've been amassing mah mahoosive PvE lootz, but this might (might! I say lol) be my last response. I do want to say that this thread has kept me very entertained over this weekend, and I'll be kind of sad to see it go tomorrow (because, let's all be honest, it will be lol). So, yeah, snarky reply, but, frankly, it doesn't seem that logic and true equality are welcomed in this thread; unless, it's cherry picked, of course.
  3. /sigh AGAIN, while there is no excuse for wiping on any PvE daily, there is still the RISK of doing so, and thereby not only not receiving any credits, but having to pay credits out. AGAIN, PvP has NO SUCH RISK. Period. There is no risk of credit loss going into a PvP warzone/arena, whereas there is a risk to PvE. So, please, tell me why PvP should be special and make the same amount of money, without the RISK of losing some, even if it is pitiful, money? And.... you guessed it... AGAIN, I agree with the need for raising credit opportunities for PvP. However, I wholeheartedly do NOT support turning PvP into a bigger 100% profit, 0% risk scenario any more than it already is now. Also, there is not a single credit drain that PvP activities have (mod swapping, consumables, augments, frilly pixels to outfit characters with, etc) that PvE activities do not. What's more, PvE activities have an additional credit drain (repairs), that is possbily insignificant but still there. Again, why should PvP activities have the same credit opportunities as PvE activities when PvP has less credit drains? Raise the credit opportunity for PvP? Sure, yeah, great idea that I can (honestly, I do think they should be raised) totally get behind. Giving equal opportunity for earnings potential while not adding some kind of additional credit drain for PvP? No, sir, that is not a good idea at all. As I've said, make it a tithe or tribute that the losing team has to pay the winning team, on par with repair costs (also, as I've mentioned, whatever that would mean; I assume BW would have some kind of metric in place to see how many credits are spent on repair costs), and I'm all for equal earnings potential. And, if you keep losing over and over again in PvP, well, maybe you have problems playing just as the PvE daily runner has problems if they incur massive repair costs. Equal opportunity for rewards is great, but there should be equal opportunity for risk as well. Otherwise, all you will have is a system that is exactly the same as it is now, except skewed in the opposite direction. And that can't be good, because it's the reason (inequality of earnings) this thread was started... Right?
  4. So, wait. If someone bangs their head against a wall on a PvE daily, and receive NO rewards (unlike PvP, where you can lose, lose, lose, lose, etc. and still get a (paltry) amount of comms), then their (the PvE daily runner) time was not wasted? And, yet, the PvPer's was? Even though the PvE mission carries risk with it, and PvP doesn't? :scratch head: Once again, I must reiterate to you that PvP carries absolutely NO credit risk, therefore it simply is not logical to increase the opportunity of credit rewards without implementing a risk. And, no, I'm not talking about repair costs; I've already clearly stated that tying repair costs to PvP is a whole other mess. However, if there's no risk involved, they should simply make the PvP queue button pay out credits and comms when you hit it. Why bother with the matches at all? Again, to be given equal opportunity for credit gain, there some be at least equal opportunity for credit loss (even if PvE's is small and mostly laughable), which there is none in PvP at the moment. Otherwise, it won't be equal opportunity. As to your third point, sure, if someone loses all day in PvP, then they can feel their time was lost. It's no different if you try to do, say, the H4 for Section X and the people you're grouped with end up wiping on every mob group. You can't finish the weekly for Section X without it, so, yes, time can be wasted in multiple aspects of the game. It is an MMO, after all...
  5. In a Warzone or Arena, there is z e r o risk of walking away from the match (even if you quit it early) with less credits than you started. [/Hyperbole]You could be the worst Leeroy Jenkins/Jar Jar Binks illegitimate offspring (read: unbelievably bad), trying to do a PvE daily, and never finish it. Die a million times to the standard-level critter you need to kill (to collect his gambling chit to give to the Jedi Master who desperately needs it!), and never manage to kill him and finish the daily mission. Guess what? Leeroy Binks is now poorer than he was when he started the mission. [/Hyperbole off] Sorry, just felt a little silly just then. Ahem, back on topic. I do agree that PvP rewards are pathetic, and I agree with others about how it all (PvE dailies, PvP queue marathons, etc) can become a grind. However, I truly do not think that handing out more money to a part of the game that has no risk of losing it (in itself, by simply doing the activity for the daily mission) is a good idea. Implement some kind of credit risk to PvP, and I'm all for increased rewards. Otherwise, we're not talking about trying to give equal opportunity to PvP at all.
  6. Okay, fair enough; I didn't know about the dailies' criteria. Still, you received 30 comms, which, while I'll agree is pathetic, it is still certainly more than someone receives from not completing a PvE daily. Sigh, several people have already posted about the detrimental effects of simply giving PvP "MOAR CREDITS!!" (in this thread even), and I certainly will not "show you!". If you cannot be bothered to read your own thread, then I surely cannot be bothered to go back and quote/link them for you. However, they're there, because I've been reading this thread since it's inception, and I recall several. Okay, that's cool. However, as I've already said before, if PvP wants the opportunity to make millions, then PvP should have the opportunity to lose money as well. Nothing tied in with repair costs (simply because I think that would open a nastier and wackier can-o-worms), but some risk. Otherwise, PvP would be equal to PvE in terms of reward, but PvP would still carry no risk, as it does now.
  7. In this game? No, I don't PvP (might have played a total of 3 warzones in TOR since launch?). I started off MMOs in a game that had actually risk to the PvP, called Eve Online. Played it for about 2.5 years, and while I absolutely loved it, I kind of got PvPed out to be honest, lol. When I saw that PvP in TOR is more safe (in terms of automatic rewards) than the PvE, I kind of decided not to take part in it. Then again, all that time in 0.0 space might have something to do with it, too. While your team may have lost the match, did it not at least reward comms? Or count towards the amount needed to complete the PvP daily mission? If so, you've already done better than someone who doesn't complete a PvE daily. Listen, I get it. I can agree that the payout for PvP is paltry in TOR. However, given that there is NO Risk to it, how can you honestly justify the necessity for bigger Rewards? Again, I think that they should up the rewards for PvP, but only if they do it right. Simply increasing the payouts because people demand it will most likely cause more problems than it will fix, as others have already demonstrated in this thread. (Other words, while I don't PvP, I can understand the viewpoint of someone who does (or even only exclusively). I just don't think dropping more credits into the free button is a good idea.)
  8. As some have already mentioned, I think it really comes down to Risk vs. Reward. There is NO Risk in PvP. You enter a match, and there is no possible way that you will lose credits. Even if you die repeatedly, and lose the match, you still receive some (albeit, paltry) rewards.* Now, in PvE, there IS Risk of losing credits. Just sticking to PvE Dailies (not counting Operations), no matter how easy they may be to some players, you do have a risk of not completing the mission and it costing you credits. (Just as an example, I did one of the Oricon dailies on my Merc earlier today. It was the first time I had done the Oricon dailies with a non-tank (my preferred play-style), and I didn't realize how hard the Enraged Subteroth (I think that's it's name; the one that surges and turns Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man size) hits. Needless to say, before I realized it wouldn't be another faceroll, I had died. Now, granted, this is a very rare occurrence for me doing PvE Dailies, but it did happen. I got her the second time, but I ended up paying about 4k credits in repairs for that particular one, d'oh!) So, while it's pretty insignificant to me (but, again, others have varying difficulty with games, so I may not be the norm by any means!), there is Risk when I PvE. Hence, the rewards are greater than PvP. The only reasonable way I see BW increasing the payouts (on a constant basis, not counting the 'event' they have planned for 2.8) for PvP would be if they increased the Risk as well. Heck, call it a tithe or tribute (if you lose) that is paid out to the winning team if you'd like. Just something other than making PvP into a bigger No-Risk/Free-Reward system than it already is. * (Yes, yes, medpacks, stims, adrenals cost money. However, they are not needed to complete the PvP missions, just as they are not needed to do the PvE missions. I will concede that they make it easier, but it's a personal choice to use them or not. I use them, but I certainly don't feel the need to do so.) TL;DR - No risk of losing any credits in PvP, hence the paltry rewards. Yes, I think maybe the PvP rewards could be raised if it's done right. Should they be raised without implementing any risk? By the Maker, NO.
  9. Although they haven't specifically said when it will be, it should be back sometime between update 2.8 & 2.9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=740037 (So, I'm guessing sometime in June or July.)
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7391218#edit7391218 "I can confirm that Force Shroud should no longer have a 5% to fail."
  11. Hmm, seems you suffer from the same afflicition... If you've done the quest line, and can't use the datacron, then you should open a bug report or ticket. Not that difficult.
  12. Well, I haven't had to get this datacron in a while, but I looked it up on swtor-spy.com (which is the site I use for my datacron hunting), and remember it now. When you click the healing crystal in the NE corner of the room, do you start to meditate? If not, then you haven't done The Trials yet. (from http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/voss/858/ , 3rd entry down): Now, if you have done The Trials, then you *should* be able to use the healing crystal and then the datacron. If you still can't, after having done The Trials, then I would submit a bug report/ticket. As for the 'Unavailable at this time' error when arriving at certain planets when using an assassin, I honestly don't know what is up with that, either. I can confirm it's not only you, though, and that it's been happening since beta. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with your datacron problem, though, but I would love to know the reason for that particular error myself. (I used to turn it into a game. I would travel to a new planet/place, and try to get to the exit & click it before the error would come up. Sigh, yeah, I'm sometimes easily amused, lol!)
  13. Yeah, I unlocked a few things for only 90 CC each; was a very welcome change.... Then, my Mini-Mogul PU-1 pet decided to stop by. Can you believe the nerve of that little droid wanting 600 CC for Collections unlock?! (Seriously, though, I was pleasantly surprised that the majority of my unlocks this time were 90 CC or less, but there's at least 1 that was 240 (that I didn't get either) and the 600 for the Mini-Mogul... Not saying it's a problem for me, but just letting you know there are items from the new pack that have the usual CC unlock price.)
  14. While I play mainly tanks and agree with you on not guarding the healer (most of the time, anyway), the info about guard being useless if they're farther than 15m away is wrong. The tooltip states: 'While active, the guarded player takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, so long as you remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you." So, the 15m is only applicable for PvP damage, not PvE.
  15. Well, even though they did mention something about it in the patch notes ("Fixed an issue where low level characters could bypass level requirements on certain Legacy perks.", under 'General'), I still think it's a pretty stupid move on BW's part. I'll admit, once I found you could bypass piloting I & II by simply paying the cartel coins for III, I did. On quite a few characters, at that. However, I'd prefer if they had fixed it where you had to buy I & II before III, and not force the level requirements when using Cartel Coins. All they've done now is assure that I'll be spending less CC on certain Legacy Perks, since, with the level requirements affecting the CC cost as well, it's simply smarter (and cheaper) to pay the in-game credit price instead once you reach the level requirement. (Again, not surprised about the change, but it simply means less CC sales for BW (for me, at least).)
  16. It's easy. The United Kingdom doesn't observe the May 1st Labor Day (according to the site I looked up, anyway), so, clearly, it's all the Empire's fault! (As we all know, the Empire is chock-a-block full of English, Scottish, etc. citizens, and if the Sith Empire doesn't think it's worthy of observance, it's not relevant! ) J/K. I don't know why (although I'm in the May the 4th explanation camp) and could really care less. Just felt like being a bit silly. Man, I wish I didn't have to work so much this weekend, though. Would love to start and power a(nother) Bounty Hunter.
  17. I just finished reading the patch notes (and there are a lot of good notes in there! Thanks, BW!), and I wondered the same thing, lol. Sadly, I foresee having to log into my 20 characters and remap them, though... Sigh, it'll give me a chance to rearrange my character select screens, I suppose. (Again, lots of good fixes in this update, and I'm looking forward to it! Main question I have is this: When's the Gree Event coming back? Love that the Helix is BoL (along with the DNA canister!), but I need to go out there and, um, get some of them... )
  18. Yeah, I don't care much for the Revered Chronicler's outfit mostly, but I do use it on one of my Smugglers. I dyed it green, used the Rascal's Toothpick with it, and it looks pretty good on my Sith Pureblood Sawbones healer. On all of my other characters, though, I don't even unpack the set; I simply shove it into my cargo bay, heh.
  19. Back when they first came out, the Encrypted Datacubes caused a big ruckus because the fact they were 'selling story content through the CM' (which, I can kind of agree with, but I wasn't upset about it; just glad they didn't continue it, heh.), Each cube simply sends you to a terminal on the Nar Shaddaa Lower Promenade, where you watch a little clip by The Shroud. At the end of the clip, you get the choice of either a Major Valor Boost (which you could sell on the GTN) or a Major XP Boost (which is complimentary, so becomes bound to the character). If you do all 8, you also get a mission completion (can't remember the exact XP amount you receive, sorry), and a set of gear. As for selling them on the GTN, I'm not sure if anyone is buying them nowadays or not. I unlocked all 8 in my collections. So, now whenever I make a new alt, as soon as they get their ship, I fly to Nar and grab up all 8 XP boosts. (I don't PvP, so I could care less about the valor boosts, lol.)
  20. I wish I would've gone your route and not opened any of my packs. Selling them on the GTN would've made me richer, credit-wise, and I wouldn't have cargo bays full of CM ... items... heh. There is always Rep item/Cartel Certificate per pack (the ones that have Rep associated with them, that is), and the actual rate (in my experience) depends on the age of the packs. The first ones with rep had lower certificate percentages, so they had more rep items. Later (and current) packs have higher cert percentages, but I still gain a good number of rep items as well. I tend to average either a green or blue rep item most (~2/3, maybe?) of the time, with purple rep being about the same drop rate as the certs. YMMV, of course. Nope, guild +10% bonus is only bonus to rep you can really get. Dulfy's numbers are counting subscriber (but not the guild) bonus. So, a green, w/ +10% guild bonus, would be 297 instead of 270. Hope this helps, and good luck!
  21. Absolutely! You rock, Dulfy, as always! I was actually on her site, looking around the new flashpoints (haven't run them yet; working a bit much lately) when I came here to check out the forums, heh. Now I'm off to bookmark Dulfy's (new) page. Thanks again for all you do, Dulfy!
  22. As others have said, the Rocket Boost perks are probably the best thing in the pack (well, imo, lol), even with a shadow. I like to jump around with the ACs, but my favorite one is the Shadow/Assassin as well, and Force Speed + Rocket Boost is sweet. Force Speed, then Rocket Boost, and then another Force Speed once the boost is over gives you a nice 16s burst of speed anywhere, even indoors/when you can't use speeders. (With the unlocks, the boost fits very nicely in-between Force Speeds.) Like Vandicus mentioned, if it's cheaper than buying those unlocks (and I think it is, but not sure), then I would highly recommend buying the bundle, even if none of the rest appeal to you.
  23. I know you can view them if you have them targeted. Right-click on their portrait, and under 'Additional (thingys)' there should be an option to 'View Achievements' or something like that. I've been working a lot this week, and haven't logged in yet, but I'm going to go log in real quick to see if I'm right, lol.. edit: Yeah, you can right-click them, pick 'Additional Commands' and 'Inspect Achievements'. Not sure if there's a way w/o having them targeted, but that's at least one way you can see others' achievements.
  24. While I'm pretty sure it won't be exactly what you're looking for, but http://www.torhead.com has some info on named NPCs (along with mission, item, ability, etc info as well). I've used it a couple of times when chasing down some of the achievements with named mobs. However, it will most likely be sort of a crap shoot, because it'll all depend on comments (and pics) people have already made. Overall, though, I think torhead's a good site, and I can usually muddle through with it & swtor-spy (and maybe some dulfy, too!) whenever I'm achievement hunting. I'd actually be interested in another site other than those, if anyone knows of one. Hopefully torhead will help you out, though.
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