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Everything posted by DrDeathpants

  1. it was a lot of fun, much thanks to thearenaverse for hosting this event
  2. when are we getting a post about other servers
  3. wow that's a really cool video, does your site plan to have more informative type content as well? it'd be nice to know exactly how you do so well
  4. Dual-spec: Yes, for high-end pve content, you aren't going to want to use the same class composition for every single fight. Bioware can try and make it that way, but that's not going to be how it ends up working. Having to run back to the fleet to respec for inter-raid fights is an unnecessary hassle. Yes, for leveling reasons. As I leveled, if I ever tanked, I did it as infiltration (the melee oriented dps shadow spec). Some encounters, especially in some of the instances, felt like they were scaled for a specced healer and tank, which isn't what we had, which made the encounters very hard. I leveled almost entirely in a guild. I can hardly even imagine what trying to find a pug group for these is like, where half the people don't realize they can tank if they aren't specced for it, and most of the ones who do just aren't going to be good enough to make up the difference. While it's true respecs are not prohibitively expensive, especially at low levels, from what I'm able to see, spending nothing and accruing credits at a normal rate puts you just on par for speeders/training/some inventory upgrades. Not letting people meet those benchmarks because they decided to heal a couple instances while is a bit much. Yes, for people who pvp and pve. Yes, the specs are pretty similar and have a decent amount of overlap. No, they aren't identical. No I don't want to do warzones as a pve tank spec. Dualspec is the easiest way to solve this, as right now, if I want to pvp during the day and raid at night, I'm probably looking at 8 respecs a week (4 raids), which, I believe would come out to 0+1300+10k+20k+50k+100k+100k+100k or approximately 400k. As it is, I end up just skipping pvp because I don't have fun with it if I can't respec, and don't have the money to respec that frequently. The people who are saying NOT IMMERSIVE: respecs at all aren't immersive (no wait, **** that noise, I didn't feel like less of a ****** while saving the galaxy as commander shephard because I was able to reallocate my *********** skill points), but without them, we wouldn't have any game where we can have group AND solo play. If people are forced to choose, people will choose solo play, which is a big part of the reason flashpoints are basically dead and undone by a large amount of players. If people are able to, in taris, say Tank lfg hammer station, then people will do the flashpoint, otherwise, they will not. To the people saying RUINED WOW LOL: I wouldn't really take advice from people who probably started in early wrath. In vanilla, respecs were 50g, which was what, like four hours of farming? In tbc, they were still 50g, which became about a half hour of farming (this is the first time people outside of world first guilds, and yes, I was in a naxx guild in vanilla, raided as the correct spec instead of taking pvp talents). You could farm for an hour and be able to respec back and forth. In wotlk with dualspec and respecs staying the same price, experimentation actually emerged outside of elitistjerks and people were able to try to determine what worked best for them at their gear level. As for loot, I guess? I mean, if you're talking about low level pugs / flashpoints and are really concerned about that drop from halls of reflection, then wow, that's a really smallscale problem that doesn't really matter. At least the pugs started happening (good luck finding a prot warrior to tank a 5 man instance in vanilla, seriously, they were all arms or fury). As for why advanced class is different: Each of the specs in this game has around 80-90% overlap. The advanced classes have about 10-20% overlap. It should be obvious why one makes sense and the other does not in terms of both immersion and practicality.
  5. This is such a huge issue that takes such a tiny fix. Why hasn't it happened yet? Why are the best weapons in the game for pve still from pvp? Please, just take the time and assign one person to this for an hour, it cannot possibly be that hard.
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