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Everything posted by silverrex

  1. **********Act 2 story spoilers for Sith Assassin below!!!!!*********** OK ive been trying to do this quest all night and nothing seems to work. Basically theres a class quest for the Sith Assassin at the start of Act 2 which ends with you getting a jedi padawan companion. The first quest "The Padawan" starts with you heading out to get a sith holocron to use as a bribe to get a bunch of assassins to attack the republic base. Ive completed this part and received the next quest. This quest is called "Laying the Trap" and the objective is to attack a group of republic troops and steal a republic holocom. Does anyone know how to complete the "Laying the Trap" quest? Is it bugged? Every time i reset the quest and start over the marker on my map disappears and i am not able to get the republic holocom. I know where to go to attack the republic troops but no one drops the holocom. Also my personal holocom indicator is always on now while im doing these quests. Both objectives for Laying the Trap and The Padawan quests on my main screen (not the quest menu) says Use your personal holocom, but every time i use mine it plays the same conversation over and over.....basically telling me to take the sith holocron to the guy from the last quest i did. I cant progress my story any further until i can complete these quests, please help! Anyone!!!!
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