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    Greek in Germany
  1. I have no statistics my dear friend,but i play MMOs for 12 years now.Most of the girls,especialy those that dont grew up loving fantasy and sci fi,play in the servers that i mentioned and do mostly PvE.Its in male mentality mostly the PvP.And if you see the "statistics" as you mentioned,lately the MMOs suffer because they didnt manage to bring competitive and well stractured PvP(Warhammer,AoC,Rift,Guild Wars 2....even Star Warslost most of their population and became free to play because except all the others problems they had,they didnt deliver the pvp they promised). But what i posted,its not insulting for our female friends,its just a fact that you will meet much more girls in PvE and RP servers.And also i said is a fact that depending the game,you can find a lot of girls playing MMOs,especialy the last years. WoW for example has at least a 40% of the population being females. Also the Asian games(Tera,Aion)have many girls. Here in the American PvE servers and RP servers we have a lot of girls,much more than in Europe and we have even guilds with only girls(like in many more games,especialy WoW) With huge respect to all the girls John
  2. Greetings, We are a friendly PvE-PvP Guild that we played this game since beta.After 3 months however,since we farmed all the content,we quit the game and left. However after some time and after we tried many MMOs,we desided to come back and give it another try. We are willing to recruit all classes and levels and make our guild a friendly place for people all around Europe and have fun.However we aim to play the game seriously as we always did with every game.We have a lot of experience and we know how to achieve our goals. But fun and community is the most important. If you are interested,you are more than welcome to ask for infos here. Thank you
  3. Actualy i know many girls that play MMO.But depends the game and the server. For example PvE and RP servers,have many girls.Thats a fact.Its not so common however girls to pick a pvp server,except if they play with their BFs or friends in general. Also in our game,in American servers,there are MANY girls. And honestly i met many of them that they are great players too.
  4. Greetings friends, The official release of the game was 20/12/2011 and today is the 27th of the same month.However there are many players who are complaining about the bugs or the issues that the game has or even about the luck of content depending of course their wishes. Yes there are many problems in the game but there are also many nice things and in general people forget the following: 1. Every MMO needs 3-6 months to work properly,many need more.I am not a SW fanboy and i played every single SERIOUS MMO since beta and trust me even WoW was terrible for the first year.They even introduced the first raid after 9 months.The lag was awfull and the PvP was a joke.However Blizzard took her time and fixed the game.Conan,Warhammer,Rift had also many many issues and they still have,thats why they are dead games now.Ok Rift was working more properly than the other two games but its a very small game whith many other problems. 2. We all forget that this is a huge game....whithout any major patch or any expansion and needs 20 giga to install it. That means more work for Bioware and more problems. But its a big company whith great support and a lot of money and personal,i am sure they work non stop and that they will provide us whith solutions and that they will improve our gaming experience. 3. Most of the players that complain are ex-WoW players and most of them learned WoW after TBC,most of them want everys new game to be like WoW in a different skin....thats not possible and honestly not such a good idea.But also they forgot how many years Blizzard needed to make WoW a great game and how much Trolling there were in their forums and how many complains all those years.Still 50% of the WoW player base hate the game or comlain about how naabs friendly it became and how boring it is etc etc. Also WoW played ball so many years whithout any other SERIOUS competition. Now i dont mean that we should close our eyes to the game´s problems,but dont act hystericly so fast,give it time,have patiance and help Bioware in a proper way to find solutions for the problems and we will all be ok Merrys Christmas to all of you and your families guys and i am sure,that we will have great time in this game....if not,we will meet somewhere else:)
  5. You all whine for a game that is released before 2 days. They didnt bring up even their first major patch. Most of MMOs need 3 months to be fixed. And this game compared to released of other MMOs is a heaven. 1.WoW didnt even have BG,Arena etc etc in the beginning.And for long time had just Warsong Gulch.Rift was and is awfull,Conan just forget it and AION is just terrible.Warhmmer and DAOC were purely PVP games that also needed long time to be fixed,especialy Warhammer had many issues. And you all after 2-3 days started the criticism!!! Go play GUILD WARS 2 and we will all be happy:) This is a mature game by a mature company,they care and they can fix any problem and improve any aspect of the came.And just because hundreds of you whine and cmplain,milllions of us enjoy the game and the PvP is part of it
  6. i totaly agree my friend,i mentioned also exactly what you said. And i think the major numbers will be guildless people that will join after the 20th of December. However i think its nice if all the UK guilds will join here. And dont forget that each server has 15000 players cap. So far we are around 4000,that means that the balance will change many times till the cap and thats nice. But i love the fact that we have multi-international community in our server
  7. My guild (Omega Guild)which is greek is also in L.O.L. Server. However we all speak english and so far from what we saw in game everyone is speaking english. Some stats now: 25 guilds are EU English speaking guilds. 10 are Spaniard guilds 8 are Russian guilds 6 are Greek guilds 5 are UK guilds 5 are Tsechian Guilds 4 are Turk guilds 2 are Finnish guilds 1 is Italian 1 is Portugeese 1 is Dutch 1 is Hungarian Those numbers are since yesterday by the server guilds list. Empire players are 2100 Republic players are 1600 However as you all know,guilds will move and change guilds for the next weeks and many guildless people will join soon and things may change,but i dont think that it will be dramatic....so far things are great in this server and everyone is speaking English So,good luck to all UK players,you are more than welcome and we are looking forward to play whith you lads. Ariakas GM of Omega
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