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Posts posted by Darthdesadarius

  1. Your open letter to BioWare speaks for you only, do not assume that you are the steward of all players and that you have the answers. You make a great deal of accusations but not one reference to actual proof. Saying that they have nerfed the wrong classes and buffed the wrong classes is total speculation. Lay down some data and then maybe you might have the beginning of what could be a valid argument.
  2. I just got out of the Marine Corps after 9 years, 7 months, and 12 days (13 depending on who you ask). All Ive wanted to do once I got out was play SWTOR all day. and now I can't do that. :( Guess I'll go watch Netflix until it comes back




    Thank you for your service to our country.

  3. I hope James Ohlen takes a hard look at the team leaders and considers their future with the company. Things happen, that is understood with any MMO. This is a freshmen error, loading the wrong environment and rolling back the servers to 1.5. Surely they can find more talent out there with the job market the way it is.
  4. Some other MMO's have the ability to cast through your target. Call it cast forwarding or target of target assist, whichever. The point is that you can target a friendly player on your team, and cast or attack through them without swapping to a new target yourself to attack their target. This gives a healer the ability to target the tank or whatever and heal that target, while still being able to attack whatever they have targeted. No extra button pushing, just casting or attacking while you have them targeted. This is a wonderful feature and a great tool for DPS and Healers alike. Please consider adding this technology to a future patch. With the addition of target of target's window in today's patch, it would only be a little bit of a boost to what you already have.
  5. So every other MMO that I have played, target of target works like this. You target a friendly target, say the tank, and what they are targeting you can attack without swapping targets. You of course have a window that also show's said target. Today with 1.2, the target of target window is merely cosmetic, as far as I can tell. Targeting a friendly target does not give you the ability to target "through" them but only see what they are targeting. Now of course we have the ever buggy "focus" target system, but this requires you to use a hot key in order to acquire their target. Perhaps this feature is not working as intended, or perhaps the dev team did not understand what the community was asking for. I expected the Target of target system to work as described in every other mmo with this feature. I certainly hope this is something they just haven't put in yet, kinda like ranked warzones.
  6. My guild is heavy into both. We do a ton of PvP and HM and NM raids. So we have to wait for the rated warzones, there is a good amount coming out tomorrow to be excited about. Believe me, I'm not happy about the delay, but at least we will be able to move our UI, use legacy, have a new warzone, new raid zone, new daily area and gear. There is still a lot of cool stuff coming tomorrow. I hope this delay is only for a few weeks. If it drags out until 1.3 then we might need to go into rage mode. I doubt they will delay this any longer than they have to. Maybe this is the kick in the seat of the pants that the PvP dev team will need from their boss, if he has a pair and sits them down. He needs to lay out expectations and what this means to the health of the game and their jobs.
  7. I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


    While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


    Well Stephen, a free Tauntaun might make me forget that this little feature has been delayed :)

  8. I'll give an honest answer....


    I think they will keep losing subs until they do the following:


    1) Add in a fun end game element for PvP, they botched it with Ilum... They need something along the lines of Aion Keep Wars and Dark Age of Camelot castle wars... having static vehicles standing there doing nothing is rather boring... especially since you really can't take anything over.... Heck even Age of Conan Castle wars were more fun then what Bioware is offering.


    2) Dynamic repeatable end game content for PvE'ers.... Think something along the lines of Diablo where when you went into a dungeon is was different each time.... They need to add content that changes each time you go in there. Having to do repeatable static daily quests is a huge failure to keep people entertained for more then a few weeks....


    3) Add in a companion system where your choices with them actually matter, taking out the consequence system really neutered the game IMO... I bet most of the people who QQ'ed about killing their companions off don't even play the game anymore because they became bored with the game...


    Right now NONE of the choices in the game require you to think about which choice you make because there are NO CONSENQUESES to them... The whole story is meaningless if your choices you make mean nothing....


    To be honest you might as well just remove the whole response system and just tell a static story, because without consequence the whole reply option thing is just getting in the way of leveling and add's nothing to the game.


    The Problem with Developers now a days is they have no guts to try something new... As soon as the boring mmo players catch wind of something new they start QQ'ing about it without giving it a chance and the Dev's freak out and remove it... You have to take chances.... And no, copying other MMO's is not taking a chance, it's a guaranteed path to mediocrity


    Really? How many MMO's have you developed? Funny how people think they "know" how to do it, yet it would be like a patient telling his surgeon how to perform the operation when said patient works at taco bell.

  9. That great news. If its just a splash screen then we should be good to go. What bugs me is that after submitting, oh I don't know, at least 20 tickets on the issue, you are the 1st one who has told us what was really going on. Just a suggestion, put this information out for your CS team to give a fluent response to players who are under the impression that we are going to have issues with legacy in game update 1.2 . Once again, thanks for the information much appreciated.
  10. I'm sure there have been multiple requests for this. Please allow us to change our legacy name. I for one named my legacy early on in the game before anyone had any idea what it was and that it was going to be visible on the screen as a last name or whatnot. Allow us a one time legacy name change. This would be, as you say, an easy win for BioWare.
  11. I have completed all my story line quests in my quest log. When I log in the splash screen shows that I am still on chapter 3. No new title was granted when I completed all my story line for the bounty hunter. When I submitted several tickets they ask me to post on the suggestion box so the dev's can see it. My splash screen should show interlude like it does on my sorcerer. The concern I have is with the legacy system. When game update 1.2 comes out, to complete chapter 3 gives certain perks in the legacy system. I want to know when this is going to be fixed and more importantly if this is going to bug out the legacy system and not give the perks for completing chapter 3 on my bounty hunter in the legacy system?
  12. Some of us in game were discussing all the potential for further cool things this games has to offer on top of all the ones Bioware has already given us. One of the things we would really like to see, if it is possible, is a Guild Flagship within Imperial/Republic Fleet, for guildies to go hang out with each other, maybe place some guild quest lines in there too. Also we would like it if it could be named by the guild. So each guild would have the semblance of its own unique Flagship from which to aid the Republic or Empire. The quest lines and flagship might be the same but some how set the programming up to accept the individualized name for ship? Make it cost credits, so many guild members being at a certain legacy level, etc. or something else. Having a Guild Flagship within game, we think would be a really COOL idea.


    I believe that feature is coming in game update 1.2 in late March, along with guild banks. What I hope they put in soon are rally banners, along with the banks and flagships.

  13. For the love of all that is holy put in a Flash point/Raid Queue system. It sucks trying to get your daily done, spending hours LFG and spamming chat. This seems to be one of the biggest request from the community, hopefully BioWare will listen and put it in sooner than later.
  14. Well at least I know it not just me. I have a lvl 50 sorc as well, and he has the interlude when loading. I wonder if there are class missions left for us that we have not seen? My concern is that when they do add on to the story line quest, we will not be able to advance this because of this issue. It would be nice if BioWare at least posted a sticky that this specific issue is a known bug and give us an update. If they have, I have not seen it. Have any of you? Please post a hot link if you know of one. Thanks....
  15. I have finished all my story line quests, that I know of. When I log in to the game I still get the Chapter 3 display and story. After submitting 3 bug reports, I have still yet to get an answer from the CS team, no surprise there, I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this bug? How can we expand upon the story line with patch 1.2 if we cant complete it up to date? This seems like it should be on the top of the need to fix list since it is in fact game stopping.
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