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  1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=493886 NF
  2. NightForge

    Outlaw's Den

    It seems the GTN is now working in Outlaws Den. it has a mailbox, bank and PvP vendors. If you would like to see this area used more I can think of three things that would help. 1. Add a PvP quest giver at both ends, that gives the Daily and the Weekly. You could also add a Daily PvP quest you can only finish in Outlaws Den, like having to kill 25 of the opposing factions players, a weelky of 200 ect. 2. I played a very old MMO on AOL called Never Winters Nights, it was a turn based combat system but what made PvP in it really fun was the large numbers of NPC monsters in the fights(If you killed all the spawn the combat would end). So by adding a large number of high level spawns in the area you add a whole new aspect to pvp, you can use the spawn as a tool in a fight. You could even add a Daily that has to do with the NPC spawn. You could have a special encounter that only spawns when you have 10 or more of each faction in the zone, a massive creature and the side that gets credit for killing it gets a nice reward. Trying to kill it while killing the other faction would make for some great pvp. 3. Increase the rewards that already spawn in the chest in Outlaws den. The better the loot the more people you will have just camping here, and that will bring conflict. I would never leave Outlaws Den if I could get the Daily/Weekly.... Shadow Alliance Begeren
  3. NightForge


    If I remove mods from Battlemaster gear to place into my own orange aug gear, when it comes time to upgrade to War Hero gear will I have any problems? Will I need the old shell in my inventory to make the purchase, and do the mods have to go back into the Battlemater gear? NF
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