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10 Good
  1. So glad I get to taste Scoundrel tears before sub runs out.
  2. ITT: People who think forums are not decent sample sizes of playerbases. Where the hell do people get these ideas?
  3. The best part about this thread is that the OP was actually dead srs and still gets 9+/10 troll ratings.
  4. Wow, thank you for doing this for the community. Hopefully this won't get swept aside into the generic Horrid Fps thread, though I'm sure the people over there would love to know that there is finally some serious evidence backing everyone's claims.
  5. Because calling out stupid is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  6. I replied to you explaining the literal meaning of the sentence and you continue to blow off my argument on the basis that I'm the one that can't read English. If you understand it so much better than me, you should be able to explain it. Admitting that you can't means you have no argument. Second, I did not attack the customer support claimer in any way. Calling out BS is not Ad Hom. I linked you a nice informative article on the subject that contains several sources, kindly go educate yourself. As for the cost of the game link, I didn't do it so we could argue over how many months EAware needs to recover their investment. I linked it to show that you were talking out of your ***.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem EDIT: Just noticed that you are one of those people that think SWTOR cost 300mil to make. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Old_Republic#Development I'm not the one with the comprehension problem here.
  8. Let me break down that statement for you: "I've worked for 20 years in support now for a number of large companies and in all my years I've NEVER seen a company attempt what you guys are suggesting." is a statement meaning she's never seen anything like that supported by the evidence that she worked for 20 years in customer support. It does not imply that she was moved up at all, and you don't go from customer support to support supervisor to UPPER MANAGEMENT.
  9. I never said you were, please read again. No derailing my arguments for you.
  10. I dunno how you did it OP, but you managed to get not one or two, but FIVE fanbois to post in a row. Must be a record.
  11. They last long enough because people refuse to believe they are just out to drain money out of customers. Also, working in support doesn't magically give you insight on what upper management is doing. ALSO, post like that ARE helpful on the official forums because they hopefully push people to keep companies honest.
  12. People seriously believe this? Patch was delayed because EAware wants another month of your money. People need to be a little more cynical, jeez.
  13. As a pyro-Merc, yes please nerf tracer/grav spammers. That tree somewhat leans toward being the PvE DPS tree of choice, but the spam being so easy to pull off and the extra PvP-useful goodies they get makes it give way more reward for the skill required.
  14. Whats the point of people decking themselves out in Tionese level gear to do heroics which drop mostly Tionese level gear?
  15. Don't worry. My 5% rig has a Sandy Bridge and a 7970.
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