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Posts posted by MstSage

  1. With my full 1.7 PvP set


    5 main pieces + WH MH


    What I have been wearing (to look cool). BH Boltblaster head, empty WH Supercommando chest, empty Blue Scalene legs and Tio Eliminator boots and glove stock. Empty cool looking gray assault cannon.


    My other post has been updated as well


    so what we are seeing is pve gear minus relics is better than naked/pvp gear till 55 and honestly should have see nthis because of expac so not complaining much about that but we are proving gear vs naked gear wins.

  2. From what I've been seeing, you get the best stats by having custom gear with blue mods inside. At least that's what I'm wearing, and I have 25k hp, and the only person I've seen with 25k hp also wore custom gear with blue mods.


    I agree, or if you have purped out gear eg craft your own to specific stats you want to purple and you will have better stats then those running around naked. people are morons to think being naked gives them an advantage

  3. I just checked this out myself at level 13 no gear i had worse stats then level 13 with gear there pretty close to = but the fact remains if you twink out your toons while levelign or even having old pvp gear vs naked your stats will be better since it is gear based not level based. I don't know why people think naked = better stats it clearly does not and if you don't believe me go into a warzone naked look at your stats then equip items big difference maybe not but if your in purps there will be
  4. When was wow released ? You can't use that as an example it's far too long ago (nobody knew what they were doing back then)


    i have been around for all the major releases of mmo's and i have to say this has been very very poor.


    They release a patch and two days later downtime again seems to be the norm.


    Actually you can use that as a Perfect example, since Blizzard broke into the MMO buisness with WoW same as Bioware is doing with SWTOR. Age of Game doesn't matter, most if not all MMOs have these bugs at the beginning especially from new developers.

  5. One thing i always said about this game was that it reminded me too much of Star Trek Online and DC Universe Online, both of which are F2P. I have no doubt this is end up as well


    This game reminds me nothing of Star Trek Online or DC Universe. Yes those went Free to Play, DC Universe after Sony was hacked repeatably and had so much downtime that was the only way to recover. Star Trek Online just didn't have enough followers.


    This game will not end up like them.

  6. I myself am enjoying the patch, UI customization and new Legacy things. Which gives me things to unlock. Which to me is a lot like extra achievements. Which I enjoy..
  7. Devs don't read the forums. How sad for you :(


    are you serious the Devs do read the forums they just choose when and where to post because.. what they say whether it is just there personal opinion or not it "comes from Bioware" after hey post it.. So in the end they don't always post on everything.

  8. Theres nothing wrong with patch 1.2 it''s actually a nice content update imho. I was enjoying and will continue to enjoy it after my physical therapy. Maintenance happens, and since BW is new to MMOs i don't care how long they had to develop it theres things they can't account for because this is there first MMO.


    People complaining and crying because they feel it should be more complete, more content like other games that have been out for years. Seriously since when does any MMO launch with the same content as another. Stop complaining, wait for the maintence to end by going outside... and doing something. Then play some more.

  9. They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


    Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.



    Winning, I like that and I agree with you.

  10. Ah, so there is some substantial delay betwen renewing subscription on website and having access to game? Something like few days? Because, you know, you could wait for patch notes for live servers (which are usually available a bit before maintenance ends anyway) and then renew sub or not.


    Am I happy that there will be no ranked WZ now? Hell no. Do I find those threads with conspiracy theories and "BW scam" ideas amusing? Hell yes, big part of forum community acts as they have never ever played any MMO. Stuff like this happen. Better have something delayed than relased bugged or not WAI (Ilum 1.1 anyone?).


    Hahaha I agree, it is hilarious to read though. It does get annoying after the first 12 threads or so seeing the same stuff posted.

  11. They released the entire game half done....... 1.2 is what the game should have been at launch if BW where perfectionists. Now 1.2 is half done and we are yet to see the mass amounts of bug reports when it goes live followed by days of downtime while they fix the new content.


    It is a real shame. I love Star Wars. I loved Warhammer also and I am getting a sickly feeling of dejavu. I am sad that EA and/or Bioware have this franchise to develop.


    When ranked warzones go live they now need be absolutely flawless as the comments from Bioware have allowed for nothing else other than perfection. That remains to be seen and I will resub if it is confirmed once they go live.


    People say that WoW sucked for a year before it got good blah blah. The industry standard has been set and Bioware expects us to pay the same sub fee for less features and content. It's a laughable situation, in what other gaming market are products compared to something that is 7 years old and considered to be of equal enjoyment and value for money.


    Your right the game was buggy when it got released, but it being pushed could have something to do with EA and not Bioware? Or even Lucasarts? I personally find more enjoyment in TOR than I do in WoW anymore probably because WoW became repetitive in end game and quests.

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