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Posts posted by Grunternz

  1. Why is it that the same loot drops in 8 mans as 16 mans, yet the 16 mans are easily 3 times harder? This goes for both normal and hard modes.


    What incentive are you giving people to run 16 mans exactly? We can walk through the 8 mans on both difficulty, but when it comes to 16 man hardmode its a different story.


    as a guild we would like to raid together as 16, but really, why when 8 man is so much easier and shares the same lockout and loot?


    IMO you need to increase the loot on 16 man normal to ONLY columi drops to give incentive for guilds to run the 16 mans, and again the 16 man hard/nightmare should be ONLY Rakata drops, again incentive to do them over the much easier 8 man versions.


    8-Man Nightmare is mathematically harder. For example take Nightmare Soa;


    8NM: 2 lightening balls


    16NM: 3 lightening balls, yet 16 has double the people - why not double the balls then?


    Mind Trap health is the same for both: 25.5k - should be more than doubled for 16 considering 16man has 11 dps where as 8man has 5.


    Health difference for phase 3: 630k (16NM) v 320k (8NM) yet 16 has more than double the dps (11 v 5 as stated above).

  2. Not only does a Gunslinger provide top-notch DPS, they have the highest front-load burst and a very sought after tool - Scrambling Field.


    I speak from experience, having cleared all nightmare content currently.


    To people who've been "banned" from using XS Flyby in raids due to fps issues, you're management should reconsider. It is your highest DPCT ability.

  3. Out of cover gunslingers can use:


    - Basic attack

    - Thermal grenade

    - Shock charge, Diversion or Sharp bomb (depending on specialization, hybrids can use both)

    - Sweeping gunfire

    - Flurry of bolts

    - Vita shot

    - Xs Freighter flyby

    - Flourish shot


    And this not counting things like Flash grenade, dodge, contextual attacks, 31 points skills, and other defensive/stun measures.


    You can call this being defenseless for the duration of root, but to me it feels quite different, more like I having to adapt to the new situation for some seconds. Sure, you wont do as much damage as if you had all of your best options available, but being unable to do damage, this is not.


    While this all stands true, you must take into consideration the cooldown difference between snares and stuns. I'm sure most stance related classes wouldn't like it if snares removed them from their stance now would they?


    Or if snares prevented a stance user from switching stances. It just doesn't make sense.

  4. I'd just like to bring this to the attention of the Bioware developers, in particular those who handle the PvP gear, and how it's obtained.


    PvP currently has a large barrier of entry in regards to expertise. As of this post, the only way to obtain PvP gear is through the loot bags which are not favourable due to their design.


    Champion Gear Bags always contain Centurion Commendations, while also having a chance to contain a piece of Champion PvP gear.


    It is not logical to have bags that award a mid tier PvP item on chance, and if you're unlucky you get 1/5th of a low tier PvP item (eg. 14 Centurion Commendations for a relic, which is the cheapest item). This is just bad design, as it increases the barrier of entry. It also makes progression unpredictable and it can be depressing.


    My suggestion:


    Change Champion Gear Bags to always contain Champion Commendations (instead of Centurion Commendations), while keeping the chance to also contain a piece of Champion PvP gear. This should also be carried over to the Battlemaster Gear Bags. And in turn, make Centurion Commendations purchasable via Warzone Commendations.


    This makes the progression less dependant on luck, as people will gain the commendations over time that they actually need, allowing them to purchase the gear corresponding to the level of tokens they are acquiring. It also lowers the barrier of entry for new players, because Centurion PvP gear will be highly accessible.


    Progression can and should be gated via Valor ranks, and not through depressing RNG.

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