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Everything posted by Bijlemans

  1. As a starting Guardian tank, I often have difficulty getting aggro on groups with a lot of ranged mobs. Force Sweep is a very important ability to get agro on a group of mobs, but it lacks the range to get all of them. I would like to see it adjusted to 10m or that there is a ability in the defense tree to add range. I'm a lvl 20 Guardian, so maybe there will be more abilities in the future to aggro ranged units. Do you ppl have any thoughts on the subject?
  2. The thing i don't understand is the number of persons in the queue. For 1200 people it would take 1h20m to login. They cannot let 1 person in per second. I mean, how long does it take to authenticate and connect a player? If there isn't a queue, logging in seems instantanous to me. So in that case it would take maybe a second. But with the queue, it's taking a lot longer. Maybe a bug on the server side?
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