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Posts posted by SinRMcSinR

  1. $15 a month.....I can think of a lot of other things to sub to..... I could re-up my sub for 2 extra gin and tonics at the bar... I don't get lag, play time would be more fun, I may get a few good PvP matches in, and I might like the story arc better at 2am....


    but the 2 extra gin and tonics will only give you about a few hours of entertainment.


    SWTOR gives you 30 days worth. so yeah.

  2. Republic has challenged Imperial to a Trainer Battle!


    Imperial sends out SNORLAX


    Republic sends out MAGIKARP!


    Imperial's SNORLAX uses FACTION IMBALANCE! It's super effective!


    Republic's MAGIKARP has fainted!


    Republic its out of usable pokemon!


    Republic blacks out!

  3. Then give ALL players a free month playtime, then you will save your face atleast.


    Sounds good, another month that I don't have to pay for might make me reconsider my thought to unsub... especially since I havent logged in for about a week

  4. You can keep your damage meters and combat logs.


    ^ agreed



    Damage meters lead to elitist ******es spamming them after every AOE pull



    We don't need damage meters, why don't we just use the old fashioned method of determining DPS


    1) Is everyone alive?


    YES - Go to 2

    NO - Step it up healers


    2) is the boss dead?


    YES - Congratulations!

    NO - You must have reset it somehow. Try again and don't fail at resetting the boss

  5. Very few Jedi in that time period, even less sith due to the "rule of two"


    This story takes place relatively shortly after their "Knights of the Old Republic" games, which many gamers know much about.


    by Short he means ~300 years since KOTOR 1, with a potential ~4600 years of canvas to work with before the events of Phantom Menace.




    We had a Star Wars MMO based in A New Hope era. It was called Star Wars Galaxies. And, until Sony ****ed it up with the Combat Upgrade and the NGE, it was amazing. NGE made it so anyone could roll a Jedi, which pretty much took the established lore of the era, doused it with diesel fuel, lit it on fire, and pissed on it to put it out.


    not to mention the fact that they took a ****** open-ended sandbox MMO and made it into another WoW clone.

  6. You won't see more healers until TOR gets mouse over macros or addons. It's doable now, but its too damn clunky and not as fun.



    How I heal as a Sawbones Scoundrel:

    1) click player in default group frames

    2) 2 stacks of Kolto Something-or-other (my HOT)

    3) Underworld Medicine to keep at least 1 stack of Upper Hand up

    4) keep Pugnacity up

    5) if someone takes damage, toss 2 stacks of my HOT on them, MAYBE underworld medicine if they're really low



    Mouseover Macros and Addons are a crutch. L2Play

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