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Posts posted by SinRMcSinR

  1. Hmm... should I buy the Christmas speeder or not given that it is our last chance? Thing is.... the farther removed from the holiday, the more it is going to go up in value. Might just have to buy a couple. One for me and one to sell later for big creds.


    That only really applies to the good looking mounts. Czerka Celebrator whatever the hell it is looks terrible, like a red John Deere tractor with Christmas lights hanging off it

  2. They have to do their Class Quest through their starting planet and that's it. There are no other PvE requirements for anyone if they only want to PVP. PvE to level 10 in a couple hours to be able to queue up for warzone and Ilum can be accessed without a ship using the links from daily hubs and you can buy the legacy perk for cheap to QT to Black Hole for instance then use the shuttle there to get to ilum and use Fleet Pass to get back so you don't even need a ship. Same with the Outlaw's Den.


    Companions aren't allowed in WZs so you don't need to do class quests to get them

    By then end of your starting planet you have 1 companion so therefore you can craft and gather

    You ability to buy skills and talent points is based on levels, not class quest completion


    So no, PvPers do NOT have to do their class quests or any PvE content beyond getting to level 10 and completing the starter planet. And the level 10 things is a standard MMO convention for every level-based MMO I've played. Beyond level 10 ALL PvE content is OPTIONAL, including class quests, if your only desire is to PvP.




    WZs reward cash

    You have a companion to craft for you and you can play the GTN while waiting for QZ queues

    No PVP gear costs credits, so the only thing you need cash for is PVP stims, adrenals and medpacks, 2 of which can be bought via WZ comms last time I checked the PVP vendor IIRC

    Take Biochem, Diplo and Biotech for your skills and you can farm all your own mats and make all your own consumables for less than you recoup in credits per WZ


    Will you get rich? No. Can you still "compete", yes. Nice try tho. Let me know when you have a real arguement.


    well said.

  3. Not knowing what i'm talking about? Please explain.... This happens on my server all the time and its a PVP server...




    Now those that are on a PVE server, and it forces you to be flagged for PVP then I understand that will be frustrating, however you're in luck. This is an MMO it is very easy to get into ops groups and be protected. Problem solved, if its truly such a big deal that you unsub than this progressive game isn't for you. Being that a new event that wont hurt you or hinder you causes enough frustration for you to unsub...



    Trust me having plenty of server 1st, and playing this game since beta I have a good grasp on this game.


    You don't. Clearly, you have no flipping clue what you are talking about. While true you might have a good grasp of the GAME, you have no idea how the PLAYERS feel about this.


    People rolled on PVE servers to avoid being griefed by the opposing faction. Forcing these players (myself included) to PVP to enjoy a world event is wrong.


    Were you around during the Zombie Invasion event in World of Warcraft? Lemme sum it up for you: You got "Infected", you died, you came back for 5minutes as a zombie. How do you get infected? Get attacked by a zombie player. There was no "safe" zone, no sanctuary, nothing that would "Protect" you from getting infected until the very end of the event (they added healers that would cure you if you got close at the end).


    I had more stuff thought but I lost my train of thought

  4. One thing sticks out to me:


    Explore Ilum's contested area in the Western Ice Shelf to uncover the mysterious purpose of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship.


    Keyword there: CONTESTED. Does this mean that its forced PVP for PVE content, similar to the old Wintergrasp Dailies in Wrath of the Lich King from Warcraft? (For people that weren't around then: Wintergrasp was a zone where it would flag you for PVP even on a PVE server. Every ~2:30 hours it would be like a battleground, between that time it'd be a high level area with daily quests to do for XP and Wintergrasp commendations, but it'd still keep you flagged for PVP)

  5. Really? So that brand new players who have never run an operation in their life, can stroll past a gear check and into Nightmare EC, all because they bought their gear from the "i have to much money, I'm throwing it away" Cash Shop?


    Or are you talking about the shells only?


    That's what I see when I hear people complain about the cartel market.


    It seems like there's a secret cartel market with full endgame gear on it somewhere. I really need to find this cartel market and throw some $ at it ASAP.

  6. Let me tell you a story, in older games, FFXI for example, you had to spend 30 minutes or more looking for a group. Not just when you chose to do a FP, but every freaking time you stepped out of a city. You literally couldn't advance your charcter without a group.


    Further, there may not even have been enough people online in your level range to do anything. You'd literally be camping the /who funtion trying to find enough people to try to group.


    Plus, you had to find the group yourself. It wasn't just que and teleport. It was shout, group up, battle your way to your desired area for about 30 minutes, and then start to progress your character.


    But by all means complain about the fact that nobody in your level range wanted to do the exact same activity as you at the exact same time. You do realize you can do all kinds of activities while you're wating to group.


    Also this.


    I remember back in Vanilla WoW leveling to 50 and most of the quests being "go all around Azeroth for this little bit of XP"... the Linken quest chain in Un'goro Crater comes to mind there.


    Anyways, I remember my alt getting to like 58 and literally running out of quests. Had to beg friends/guildies to take my 58 warrior into Strat or Scholo 5man so I could get XP

  7. finding that image, I had a laugh at this:



    Playable Races


    Human - Just another common race everybody picks like all other MMORPGs.

    Human with tentacles - All guys play as female Twi'leks to erotic role play.

    Human with horns - Bunch of Darth Maul clones. Regular skin if Republic, red skin if Empire.

    Robot Human - Humans with cyborg implants. Nothing new. Moving on.

    Blind Human - Humans born with blindfolds instead of eyes.

    Green Human - Green skinned tattoo looking humans.

    Red Human - Red ugly sith humans with droopy looking skins on their face.

    Blue Human - Blue skinned people that look like they came from Willy Wonka's factory.

    Emo Human - Bald and gothic looking emos.

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